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Acacia sp., 138t, 145t Acllacuna (Inca chosen women), 84–85, 232, 235, 248, 268. See also Mamacuna Acrocomia sp., 138t Africa, 1, 246 Agave americana, 138t Agriculture: Agrarian Reform, 13, 30, 41–42, 49; barley, 41; chemical fertilizers, 41; corn (see Agriculture of corn by the Inca; Agriculture of corn in Bolivia); crop rotation, 34, 41; Ireland, 81; irrigation, 80, 141, 143, 272; labor issues, 59–60, 76, 110; molle, 157; oats, 41; potatoes, 54, 61, 89; quinoa, 89; sugarcane, 39; terraced fields (see Terraces ); yuca, 89 Agriculture of corn by the Inca: association with warfare, 83, 85, 86; in Cochabamba, 173–74; expansion, 6–7, 8, 90–93; power through control of land, 90–96; rituals, 11–12, 76, 82–93, 87f, 88f, 141, 217f, 248. See also Terraces Agriculture of corn in Bolivia, 70n.1, 167–68, 178, 192–93n.1 Alcohol: counterbalanced with coca, 40, 47n.10; distribution by leaders, 4, 15; ethanol, 2; fermented beverages from corn, 136, 137t; fermented beverages from non-corn sources, 138t; increased use in Sonqo, 42–43; literature review, 2–4; straight, 28, 40, 45, 46 Alcoholism, 30, 42–43, 47n.13 Alkul (straight alcohol), 28, 40, 45, 46 Index Pages with f denote figures; pages with t denote tables. Aloja (fermented beverage), 138t Amaranthus caudatus (kiwicha), 133, 135 Amazon region, 17, 52, 140, 262–64, 271, 272, 273 Anacardium occidentale (cashew), 138t Ananas sp., 138t Andeanness (“lo andino”), 14, 237–39, 257–58, 265. See also Cultural identity; Ethnic identity Andira sp., 138t Antisuyu sector, 114, 114f, 126n.4 Arachis hypogea (peanut), 138t Arachis sp., 6, 145t, 205 Archaeological methods: aerial photography , 94; artifact assemblages, 94–95, 111–26, 149t; botanical remains, 143–46, 148, 149t, 150–51t, 151–58, 156t, 161n.5, 175; field survey transect, 93; historical analogues (see Historical analogues of chicha); importance of context, 136, 239–40; isotopic analysis (see Isotopic analysis); museum repository samples, 108, 111; paleobotany, 16, 95; paleogeology , 96; public records, 235; residue analysis (see Residue analysis); sieved sediment, 143–44; on terraces, 93–96; vessel components, 193n.7 Archaeological research challenges: assumptions used, 234, 238; cultural bias, 76, 83, 239, 261; idealization, 250n.6, 267; limitations of historical records, 76; trago, 47n.9 Index 282 Aríbalo (Inca jar): and cultural unification, 12; description, 108, 109f, 114–15, 115f; design formats, 122–25, 123f; modern use, 266; percentage of total assemblage, 115, 116f, 117, 125; regression analysis on dimensions, 117, 118f, 126n.6; size classes, 117–22, 118f, 119f, 121f Arracacia xanthorrhiza, 138t Art, 122–25, 123f, 171, 270–73, 275n.14 Artifacts. See Archaeological methods, artifact assemblages; Vessels Astronomy, 92 Asua (Quechua term for chicha), 9, 56, 137t, 143, 243, 244, 263, 274n.2 Asua mama (chicha mother), 263 Atahualpa, 268–70 Atole (algarroba; ttako; fermented beverage), 137t, 138t Ayllu (kin-based group): and cultural identity, 15; definition, 28, 80; Inca, 80; perpetuation, 37, 40–41, 241; role in unifying dispersed community, 32, 34; Sonqo decline, 43, 45 Ayni (labor exchange between equals), 5, 45, 208, 209, 214–15 Bactris sp., 138t Barley, 2, 13, 37, 38f, 41 Beer: commercial, 28, 52, 202, 234, 240–48; corn (see Chicha de maíz); infrequent use in Sonqo, 40; manioc (see Chicha, manioc); modern, 13, 260; from pepper plant (see Chicha de molle); quinoa, 167; wheat, 245. See also Chicha Bias, cultural, 76, 83, 239, 261 Bolivia: access to education, 57t; agriculture , 49, 54, 61, 70n.1, 167–68, 177–78, 192–93n.1; Aiquile Valley, 173f; Camba peoples, 3; Capinota Valley, 173f, 177; Central Valley, 173f, 177–78, 179, 182, 192; Cliza, 175f; Cochabamba (see Cochabamba Valleys); Conchu Pata, 175f; Conchupata, 173f, 174; High Valley, 173f; Iwawi, 187, 194n.9; land management by women, 61, 70n.1; Mayra Pampa, 175f, 193n.3; Mizque Valley, 173f, 174, 177, 181f, 193n.3; Mojocoya , 176; Piñami, 169, 173f, 175f, 177–78, 179, 182f, 183–87, 185t, 189; Pocona, 49–70, 53f, 54f, 173f, 236–37; populist parties, 49, 258, 266; Pumpuri, 204f; Quillacollo, 169, 173f, 176, 180, 189; Sacaba Valley, 173f; Santivanez Valley, 173f; Sauces, 176, 179; Sierra Mokho, 173f; Tiwanaku (see Tiwanaku polity); Tupuraya, 176 Botiller (brewer or brewing supervisor), 234 Brewing facility, centralized, 158, 218–21. See also Chichería Brewing process: biochemistry, 15; centralized (see Acllacuna; Chichería; Mamacuna ); chicha de maíz, 56–58, 56t; chicha de molle, 15, 138t, 147–48, 153, 157–58; fermentation, 38, 57f, 207, 211f, 236, 242, 245; food poisoning from improper, 263–64; foods...
