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Abernathy, Friddie, 83 Accommodationist approach, 127, 133, 135, 139–42, 165 Addams, Jane, 59, 179n4 Adult world, black boys in, 54–55 Allen, O. J., 38–39 Allen, W. M., 11 American Negro (Thomas), 81 A.M.E. Zion church, 22 Amusement parks, 59 Askew, O. E., 73 Atkins, Simon G., 139 Avant, W. George, 121 Avery, John Moses, 167–68 Aycock, Charles B., 115, 137–38 Badham, Fannie, 120 Baiting youth to attend church, 68–69 Baker, C. H., 85 Baptist Educational and Missionary Convention, 24, 35 Baptist State Convention: Board of Promotion, 48; cooperation between genders in, 28–38, 43–45; gender revolt in, 45–51; hierarchy of, 170; purpose of, 19; rival, 30; women in, 24, 28. See also Women’s Baptist Convention Baptist Sunday School Convention, 30, 56, 60–62, 67–68 Baptist Young People’s Union, 71 Baxter, Maxi, 87 Bederman, Gail, 132 Better Homes campaign, 26–27 Bickett, Mrs. Thomas, 146 Bickett, Thomas: orations of, 148, 159–60, 161; Turner on, 218n87; on white males, 165; wife of, 146 Index Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. “Black beast rapist” image, 8, 41, 168 Black church: feminization of, 13, 36, 62; identities of, 23; men’s involvement in, 42–43; paternalism in, 31; relevance of, to youth and in modern age, 63–64; role of, 20, 29; Social Gospel ideology and, 39; YMI and, 86 Blackwell, Annie, 21 Blake, Sylvia V., 145 Bolles, J. W., 150 Boy problem:“bad atmosphere” and, 52–60; churchmen and, 60–64, 67–75; cultural schools and, 76–81; in nineteenth century, 62; overview of, 93–94; respectability and, 169; YMCAs and, 64–67. See also Young Men’s Institute (YMI) Boys, black pride among, 42–43 Boys’ conferences, 66–67 Boy Scouts, 66 Branch, J. H., 142, 143, 157 Brawley, Benjamin G., 74 Briggs, Ida, 131 Broughton, N. B., 63, 148 Brown, Calvin Scott: Baptist women and, 33–36, 46; Board of Promotion and, 48; as Mason, 110, 124–25, 126, 127; photo of, 97; on rival convention, 30; version of protection by, 47–48; war savings work and, 216n72; on women’s work, 17, 45 Brown, Charlotte Hawkins, 79–81, 93, 145, 146–47, 153 Brown, Elsa Barkley, 4 Brown, H. B., 84 Brown, J. S., 49 Brown, Mrs. Rev. J. S., 55–56 Brown, Sue, 113, 114, 123–24 Bruce, John E., 118 238 Index Bryant, R. Kelly, 111 Bullock, G. W., 42, 45–46, 97 Bullock, O. S., 45, 48 Bunn, Roberta, 24–26, 31, 32, 44 Bureau of Race Welfare, 56 Burrell, Mary, 48–49 Burroughs, Nannie Helen, 40 Business districts, black, 57–58 Campbell, R. F., 148 Carroll, Richard, 27 Cartwright, R. R., 49–50 Chavis, John, 151 Cheatham, Henry, 1, 111 Christianity: masculinization of, 178n4; muscular , 18, 39, 65, 185n74 Church. See Black church; specific churches Church activism of black women: cooperation of, with male counterparts, 23–27, 32–33, 43–45; gendered dynamics and, 17, 18–19; gendered interpretation of biblical texts and, 31–32; revolt against treatment by churchmen , 45–51 Churchmen, and boy problem, 60–64, 67–75 Civilization: Baptist men as in need of, 47; black leadership and, 131–32; trope of, 7 Class: boy problem and, 53–54; Emancipation Day ceremonies and, 158. See also Elites; Middle class Cleland, W. C., 162–63, 164 Clinton, Charles, 42 Coleman, W. T., 63 The Colored American, 151 Colored Betterment League, 92 Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, 18–19 Colored Sunday School Convention, 62–63 Colored Women’s League, 174n11 Commission on Interracial Cooperation, 153 Communal manhood, 7, 11–12 Community-building efforts, 92–93 Community space: interrogating, 4–5; negotiating , 82–94 Consumerism, and boys, 56–59, 72 Cooperation: between genders, call for, within Baptist State Convention, 28–38, 43–45; interracial, 132–33, 147–48, 153 The Correct Thing, to Do, to Say, to Wear, (C. H. Brown), 80–81 Cotten, Bruce, 152 Cradle Roll Department, 26, 75 Croom, A. S., 68 Crusaders Organization, 68 Cultural fields, 6 Cultural hegemonic trope of manhood, 7 Cultural schools, 76–81 Cultural terrain inhabited by black men, 15–16 Dabney, Thomas L., 151–52 Dancy, John Campbell, 2, 41–42, 53, 62, 176n35 Daniels, Josephus, 15, 148 Davenport, W. H., 65–66 Davis, Emma, 91 Defining manhood, churchmen and, 50–51 Delaney, Martin, 109 Dellinger, J. E., 104–5 Democratic Party, 1, 114–15 Denouncement of shortcomings of men, 145–47 DePriest, Oscar, 123 Dickson, Isaac, 84 Dickson, James Bryant, 92 Disfranchisement...
