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African Americans: banana strike of 1909, 55, 57; dock strike of 1923, 79; exclusion, 86, 87; Guatemalan women defended, 49; interethnic conflict, 44, 45; Jamaicans compared, 35; in Jamaica Union, 55; migrants’ stories, 21–24; as property owners , 22, 42; railroad brotherhoods, 24–25; railroad jobs, 4 African Blood Brotherhood (ABB), 95 Afro-Guatemalans: as colonial workforce, 9; decline in numbers, 11; occupations, 98; slavery era, 9 Aguilar, Feliciano, 35 Alabama, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 32 ambush/robbery of payroll, 23 Amerlinck, José M., 30, 35–36 anti-immigrant attacks: Chinese immigrants, 50–51; Guatemalan officials, 2; legislation , 6; nationalism related, 6; sentiments analyzed, 50–51; UNIA and, 96 anti-imperialism: Garvey on, 87, 92; identity and, 75; language issues, 75; Mexican Revolution, 75; RWL, 76; UFCO, 75, 81; Zacapa and Izabal, 76 Arbenz Guzmán, Jacobo, 100 Arévalo Bermejo, Juan José, 99–100 Aris, Enrique, 81–83, 85 arms, rights of banana workers, 58–59 Asturias, Miguel Angel, 30 Atlantic World, 2 attitudes toward Afro-Guatemalans, 9, 10–11 attitudes toward black workers: Guatemalan elites, 27; as lawless, 32; racist, 32; tradition of prejudice, 5 attitudes toward labor unions, 77–78 banana sector: banana disease, 98; Chinese immigrants, 50; contemporary strikes, 100; Costa Rica, 53; early transport, 1; economic role, 2; immigration policy, 14; interethnic conflict, 44; labor recruiters, 21; Panama, Index Page numbers in italic type indicate illustrations. 53; race riot (1914), 48–49; wages for loading, 82; worker radicalism, 74–75 banana strike of 1909, 55–59 Bananera Line, 80 Barbados, interethnic conflict, 44 Barillas, Manuel Lisandro, 13 Barrios, Justo Rufino, 12 Barthel, Richard, 43 beet sugar industry, 17 Belize: exile in, 69; Garvey in, 95; interethnic conflicts, 44, 45; later immigration, 98; protests, 93; UNIA, 93; workers from, 46, 78; workers leaving for, 34 Bianchi, Julio, 72 blacklisted workers, 19, 26 black migrant laborers, historical studies, 8 Black Nationalism, 87 Black Star Line (BSL), 92, 93 Bolshevism, fears of, 6, 68–69, 83; Garvey on, 95; in Negro World, 95 Bourne, Clifford, 93, 94 Brazil, 12, 91 British legation, strike of 1909, 58–59 Brown, Morris, 47 Brown, Wilfred, 45–46 CAICO (Central American Improvement Company), 42–43 Camacho, Eduardo, 72 Caribbean coast, support for UNIA, 93 Caribbean coast laborers: historical record, 2; impact of immigrants, 98; labor movements compared, 74; national origins, 4–5, 16–17; resistance to abuse, 5–6; significance, 7; work conditions, 5–6 Caribbean Dockworkers’ League, 74 Castillo, José León, 35, 36 caudillo politics, 13 Cayuga plantation, 55–56, 59 Central America: centennial, 67; labor militancy, 25 140 Index Chacón González, Lázaro, 85 Chinese immigrants, 50–51, 98 Christmas, Lee, 12 CIA (Central Intelligence Agency, U.S.), 100 Cipriani, A. A., 92 civil war (1990–96), 98 Clark, Alfred, 76–77 coffee sector: economic role, 2; political alliances , 13; railroads, 23 cohabitation relationships, 31 Colombia, 91 colonial militia, 9, 10 colonial period, 8–11 color line as unifying force, 54 common-law marriages, 31 Communist Party, 7 Communist Party of Central America, Guatemalan Section, 74 compulsory labor laws, 13 Confederation of Guatemalan Workers, 99 conflict, interethnic. See interethnic conflict Conservative Party, 13, 35, 68, 70 conspiracy in Mexico City (1612), 10 consular service, U.S., 49 cooperation, interethnic, 65 cooperation between foreign labor and foreign capital, strike of 1898, 40 corruption, revolution of 1920, 66 Costa Rica: anti-Chinese views, 51; banana sector, 53, 59; foreign workers, 75; Garvey in, 88; wages for loading bananas, 82; West Indian press, 73 Costa Rican Railway, 12 crime, 33 Cuba, 18, 87, 90, 91 Cuéllar, Salvador, 36 Dartmouth plantation, 56 debt peonage, 30–31, 32, 33–34 Declaration of Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World (1920), 94 Del Monte Corporation, 100 depression of 1918, 65 diaspora communities, 2–3, 87 disease, 33 dock strike of 1923, 77–85 dockworkers: Caribbean Dockworkers’ League, 74; dock strike of 1923, 77–85; Garifuna, 14; waterfront strike of 1915, 61–63 Domingo, W. A., 95 economic advancement: homestead offers, 14–15; inducements by labor recruiters, 28–29; in Jim Crow South, 20; as motive, 1, 7; property owners, 1, 7, 22, 42, 94, 97; Puerto Barrios, 22; railroad construction, 97; UNIA branch members, 93; for West Indians, 18 Ecuador, 91 electoral fraud, 67 elites, Guatemalan society, 27 El Salvador: organizers/organization, 78, 85; railroad completion, 43 emigrants: costs to recruiters, 30; ethnic diversity, 29–30; ethnic impact of, 97; importance summarized, 97; initial reception , 29; post–World War...
