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Tables 2.1. Known or Likely Ridgetop Mounds in the Greater Cahokia Region 21 3.1. Number of Individuals Placed on the Great Mortuary Floor 51 4.1. Selected Artifacts in the Late Wilbanks Burials 59 4.2. Artifact Richness in the Late Wilbanks Burials 60 4.3. Demographic Summary of Late Wilbanks Burials 60 5.1. Inventory of Age and Sex Data for the Moundville Roadway Burials 80 7.1. Cluster Analysis Results of SunWatch Burials 119 7.2. Characteristics of Site Planning and Architecture for a Selection of Mississippian Villages and Fort Ancient Villages in Southwest Ohio 126 8.1. Burial Depths 134 8.2. Burial Orientations 135 8.3. Number of Pottery Vessels per Grave 137 8.4. Selected Locations of Ceramic Vessels at Upper Nodena and Middle Nodena 137 8.5. Frequency of Vessel Forms at Middle Nodena and Upper Nodena (data from the Alabama and Arkansas excavations) 138 8.6. Middle Nodena Burials with Stone Discoidals 139 8.7. Upper Nodena Burials with Stone Discoidals 139 8.8. Middle Nodena Burials with Shell Earplugs 140 8.9. Upper Nodena Burials with Shell Earplugs 140 8.10. Middle Nodena Burials with Pipes 141 8.11. Upper Nodena Burials with Pipes 141 8.12. Burial Diversity Scores for Middle Nodena and Upper Nodena 142 9.1. Koger’s Island Burials 152 9.2. Comparison of Artifact Types Between Cemetery Sections at Koger’s Island 169 10.1. Burials at Pecan Point with a Diversity Score of 3 and at Least One Nonceramic Funerary Object 182 10.2. Burials at Pecan Point with a Diversity Score of 4 183 10.3. Burials at Pecan Point with a Diversity Score of 5 183 10.4. Burials at Pecan Point with a Diversity Score of 6 184 10.5. Burial Diversity Scores for Pecan Point, Upper Nodena, and Middle Nodena 184 xii Tables 10.6. Structure of Burials at Pecan Point Accompanied by Bird Wings 186 10.7. Structure of Burials at Pecan Point with Stone Discoidals 187 10.8. Structure of Burials at Pecan Point with Shell Bead Necklaces 187 10.9. Structure of Burials at Pecan Point with Shell Gorgets 188 10.10. Structure of Burials at Pecan Point with Shell Earplugs 189 10.11. Percentage of Burials with 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4+ Ceramic Vessels at Pecan Point, Upper Nodena, and Middle Nodena 191 11.1. Mortuary Data from Mississippian Contexts at Town Creek 206 12.1. Dates for the Ledford Island and Fains Island Sites 238 13.1. Radiocarbon (AMS) Determinations from the Holliston Mills Site 253 13.2. Overall Burial Population Structure at Holliston Mills by Age and Sex 255 13.3. Mortuary Indicators of Dallas Social Status 256 13.4. General Distribution of Burial Items at Holliston Mills by Age and Sex 257 13.5. General Age/Sex Distributions of Individuals at Holliston Mills Without Burial Items 257 13.6. General Distribution of Burials at Holliston Mills with Shell Beads 259 13.7. Age and Sex Distributions of Burials at Holliston Mills with Columella Beads 259 13.8. Holliston Mills Burials with Shell Gorgets 261 13.9. Burial Items Recovered from the Plum Grove Site 266 13.10. Mississippian Political Economy Structures 268 ...
