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Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., 18 Adamson Act (1916), 23 Advisory Commission of the Council of National Defense, 23 AFL (American Federation of Labor): alliance proposal, 38–39; CPPA founding, 40–41; Democratic Party ties, 123n14; Depressionera , 86, 92; electoral strategy, 34; labor banks, 107–8; pension focus, 98; post-election focus, 38; railroad unions compared, 4; significance of role, 1; supplanted by railroad unions, 50; on third parties, 37–38 African Americans: union restrictions on, 17–18; wartime gains, 26 Agency of workers, xi Agriculture: labor banks, 115; labor ties, 49–50; La Follette’s 1924 vote, 63; price drops, 43; Watson-Parker Bill opposed, 74–75 Alaska, old-age pensions in, 94 All-American Farmer-Laborer Cooperative Convention, 109–10 Amalgamated Clothing Workers, 113, 114, 115 American Association of Labor Legislation, 94 American Association of Old Age Security, 145n16 American Farm Bureau, 75 American Federation of Labor. See AFL (American Federation of Labor) American Federation of Labor–Railroad Employees Department (RED), 1; post-war debates, 28; regulatory potential: federal level, 18; relations with independent brotherhoods, 3; role of, 4; vote on government control, 27; World War I era, 2 Index American Flint Glass Workers, 113 American Plan, 68, 108 Arbitration: Cleveland proposals and, 19; Erdman Act, 20; Howell-Barkley Bill, 52 ARE (Association of Railroad Executives): on Howell-Barkley Bill, 55; post-war control efforts, 42; Title III revisions, 72; on Transportation Act, 68–70; working on legislation, 7 Arizona-Eastern, 139n24 Arthur, P. M., 114 Ashurst, Henry (D-AZ), 83 Associated Press, 69 Association of Clerical Employees–Southern Pacific Lines, 85 Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 93 Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad (ATSF), pension plans, 96 Atterbury, W. W., 42, 54, 72, 75 Automatic brakes, 15 Automobiles, role of, 9 Baer, J. M., 35, 60f Baltimore and Ohio Railroad: not furloughing workers, 87; pension plans, 96, 101; Willard as president, 23, 54, 87 Barkley, Alben, 66, 69, 79 Barnhart, George O., 114–15 Baruch, Barnard, 57, 87 Beck, Joseph, 36, 46 Beef trust, 109 Benevolence, idea of, 98 Berry, George, 144n5 164 Index BLE (Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers): Committee of Ten, 118; European trips, 112f, 113; fifth triennial convention (1927), 118–21; financial institutions listed, 111t; Florida real estate scheme, 115–18; founding, 125n23; as independent of AFL, 3; investment portfolio, 113, 149n23; labor banking summarized, 8, 106, 107; mismanagement of investments, 114–18, 119f; as “moral uplift” society, 6; political shift, 56; seniority practices, 13; subpeona refused, 71; unionization figures, 17. See also Labor banks BLE National Co-Operative Bank, 110; growth and expansion, 111–13 BLFE (Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen): Carter appointment, 24; on cooperatives , 109; engineers in, 16–17; founding, 125n23; as independent of AFL, 3; Robertson leading, 53–54, 65; unionization figures, 17 Board of Arbitration: under Howell-Barkley Bill, 52–53; under RLA, 75 Board of Mediation and Conciliation: abolished, 90; appointments criticized, 78–79; clarifying duties, 88; creation of, 20; investigating union elected representatives, 85; proposed functions, 73; under HowellBarkley Bill, 52; under RLA, 75, 83; World War I era, 22–23 Boards of Adjustment: ambiguity of language, 83; Crosser Bill on, 89; deficiencies in the law, 83–84; Depression era, 88; labor committee to address weaknesses in, 84; RLA negotiations , 73, 74; as RLB substitutes, 69; under RLA, 75–76, 77, 78; workers’ rights to choose representatives, 84. See also National Boards of Adjustment Boomers, 10, 11 Brakemen, 12; hazards, 14–15; promotions, 13 Braking: automatic brakes, 15; safety, 14 Bridge collapses, 15, 16 Brieby, William R., 102, 147n54 Brookhart, Smith Wildman (R-IA), 36, 48, 81; pension bill, 99, 101 Brotherhood Holding Company, 149n24 Brotherhood Investment Company, 111t, 112 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. See BLE (Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers) Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Cooperative Trust Company, 118 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Realty Company, 116–18 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Title and Trust Company, 118 Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen. See BLFE (Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen) Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees , 63, 109, 110 Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. See BRT (Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen) Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express, and Station Employees . See BRSC (Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express, and Station Employees) Brotherhood of Railway Signalmen, 98 BRSC (Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express, and Station Employees): challenge to RLA, 79, 84; company union challenge, 85–86; labor banking, 113 BRT (Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen): conductors in, 17; dues to...
