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Index Barton Ramie collection, 22; chronology, 54–55; emic reality and, 232; Floral Park complex of, 51; Jenny Creek complex, 107–8, 110; Paxcamán Red paste variants, 28n6; t-v-m for, 55 Becán: Acanmul links with, 145–53, 148, 152, 155, 157, 158; Acanmul-Pa’xil and, 145–47, 155, 157; adult burials, 156; Chintok complex at, 147–50, 148; dating of, 147, 149; overview of Acanmul influence, 158; Pa’xil phase link with Xcocom of, 145–46; Puuc lance points, 151, 152; Xcocom complex of, 148, 150–53, 156 Bejuco, Chintok differences from, 149–50 Belize: classic work on, xiii; effigy censers of Mayapán compared to, 225n1; red slate ware from Chau Hiix, 88. See also Cahal Pech, Cunil Ceramic Complex; Caracol, Belize; Northern Belize; Southern Belize, Late Classic ceramic complexes in Belize Red ceramics, as burial offerings, 68, 69 Belize Valley Dull Ware, 115, 115, 116 Black/brown polished fine wares, 33–34, 44n2, 44n3; from Copán, 41, 41 Blackened rims, 196, 200 Boleto Black-on-orange, 132, 133 Buk Phase: Lamanai-Caracol overlap with, 64– 65; orange-red vessels, 99, 99–100; unslipped vessels, 100–103, 101; Zakpah Group, 99, 100 Bullard, William, 215 Burials: Becán and Chicanná Xcocom, 156; Belize Red ceramics in, 68, 69; Caracol, 67–71; censers in mass, 209–10, 226n8; Chen Mul Modeled censers in, 209–10, 226n8 Buyuk Striated, 89–90 Cacao, 89 Cacaulapa, 179, 181 Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations Acanmul ruins: audiencia of, 145, 161n4; Becán and, 145–53, 148, 152, 155, 157, 158; buildings, 143, 145, 161n4; ceramic identities, 154, 155, 156, 157; Chichén Itzá and, 145; Chintok/ Xcocom ceramic chronology, 150, 162n6; comparative t-v-m data, 153–54; cultural interpretation, 143; elite status pottery in, 146–47; excavations and rediscovery of, 161n1; homologies, 156–57, 157; paste variant for, 161n5; Pa’xil-Becán correspondences, 145–47, 155, 157; plan, 144; population inferences, 145–46; seizure of, 145; site map, 143; size and location of, 140; Xcocom refugees from, 153, 156. See also Xcocom complex, Becán Acanmul Xcocom groups, 154, 155, 156 Actuncan Orange-polychrome composite bowl form, 132, 133 Adams, R.E.W., 20, 31, 112–13 Aguila Orange Group, 124, 131, 133 Agurcia, Ricardo, 168 Altar deposits, effigy censer, 220–23, 228n19, 228n20 Analysis: as classification stage, 11–12; paste, 20; shared practices, 43. See also Ceramic analysis; Chemical analysis; Classification; Contextual analysis; Petrographic analysis; Stylistic analysis; Technological style Andean metallurgy, 122–23, 140 Archaeology: “new,” 25; prior to reliable dating methods, 15; theoretical changes in Maya, 111. See also Maya archaeology; Southwestern archaeology; specific sites; specific topics Baki red-incised, 116, 116 Balancan Group, 155, 156 Ball, Joseph, 47, 88, 232 Index 284 Cahal Pech, Cunil Ceramic Complex, 4–5, 107–19, 110, 115, 117–19; categorization for, 113; ceramic complex success of, 115, 115; ceramic workshop presentation, 114; characteristics overview, 118–19; comparisons and differences with other sites, 114–15; controversies, 107; dating of, 107–10; diagnostic sherds in, 113; excavations, 108–9; inconsistencies, 109; new type names handled at, 113; plaza B, 109; procedures for examining, 114; sample size, 109; site map, 108; t-v-m, 110–11, 113–14, 115 Calendar rituals, censer use in, 211, 213 Cancuén, Late Classic, 39–40, 40, 45n9 Caracol, Belize (western Belize), 63–71, 65, 66; building use, 64; Buk-related brazier of, 64–65; burials, 67–71; censers, 65, 66, 70; chronology, 68, 70; contextual analysis, 63–67, 65, 66, 68, 70; dating of, 63, 64, 65, 68; Lamanai overlap with, 64–65; plan of, 65; seriation and dating, 68; Terminal Classic subcomplex, 63–64; vessels associated with, 65, 66 Carnegie archaeologists, effigy censers found by, 204, 207–8, 223–24, 228n22 Carrasco, Ramón, 151 Categorization: definition and application of, 12; in grouping, 14; identification distinguished from, 13 Cecil, Leslie, 20 Cehpech ceramic sphere: effigy censers, 207, 226n4; Pa’xil complex and, 146–47 Ceiba tree, 219 Cementerio Incised jars, 42 Censers: burial context for, 209–10, 226n8; Caracol , 65, 66, 70; ceramic subcomplexes with, 62; Classic period, 70; in colonnades, 210, 226n9; reconstructable, 70; ritual use of, 211, 213, 214, 219; t-v-m inclusion and exclusion of, 70; Xantiles, 206–7. See also Chen Mul Modeled effigy censers; Effigy censers Censer subcomplexes: Classic period, 70; mortuary and, 50, 63, 67–71; Santa Rita Corozal ritual, 62 Centers of mass, 189 Central Mexican deities, effigy censers and, 217 Central...
