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index ................. abortion, 207–10. See also Mexico City policy acceptance of unilateral directives, 13, 22, 227, 243, 245; congressional, 181, 185; judicial, 24, 26, 54–85, 86–87, 185, 231–32, 235 ACLU v. NSA, 2, 82. See also domestic spying Adams, John, 57–59, 89, 108, 256n78, 258n6 Adler, David, 46 administrative directives, 5, 9, 175–76, 218, 220; early, 60, 88, 101, 104–6; FDR and, 163, 166; postwar, 202–10; TR and, 131, 133, 143, 149, 150; Wilson and, 160, 162 affirmative action, 129, 137, 138, 199–200, 201–2, 278n98 African Americans, 112, 156, 166, 210, 266n43; Brownsville and, 137–38; Indianola and, 128–29. See also civil rights; desegregation agency, human, 22, 225, 237–42, 283n43, 283n45 amnesty, 71–72, 107, 110, 114, 190, 248n22. See also pardon Antiquities Act, 147–48, 168, 175, 213–15, 273n86 Arthur, Chester, 102–3, 106, 108, 119, 123–24 Articles of Confederation, 34, 43, 44, 104, 107 Ash, Roy, 204 Ashcroft, John, 2, 193 attorney general, 2, 14, 73, 92, 105, 110, 157, 196, 210, 202; creation of Federal Register and, 183–84; TR and, 125, 129, 141, 145 authorization, congressional, 155, 157–58, 159–60, 175. See also delegation; Lever and Overman Acts Ballinger, Richard, 173–74 banks, 89, 105, 163 Begala, Paul, 5 Blackstone, William, 40–41 Blum, John, 160, 162, 170, 270n199 Brandeis, Louis, 184, 245 Brownlow commission, 165 Brownsville raid, 137–40 Buchanan, James, 113–14 budget, federal, 92, 175 bureaucracy, 14, 180, 203, 209, 216, 218; control of, 131, 157, 204, 218 Bureau of the Budget (BOB), 14, 165, 205 Bush, George H. W., 9, 197, 202, 207, 212 Bush, George W., 9, 14, 18, 85, 186, 197–98, 208–10, 212–16, 219, 226, 280n152; ‘‘war on terror’’ and, 1–3, 4–5, 11–12, 82–84, 191–94, 243, 244, 247n1, 261n80 cabinet, presidential, 34, 92, 95, 100, 123, 200, 204 campaigns, political, 130, 161, 167, 171, 200, 214 Canada, 106, 115, 134, 250 Carter, James, 14, 190–91, 202, 205–6, 208, 211–12, 220 Case of the Proclamations, 42–43 causality, 219, 237, 240 census, 106, 203 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 190–94 Chamber of Commerce v. Reich, 82, 197 checks and balances, 196, 216; effect of unilateral presidential directives on, 3, 13, 23, 29, 54, 227, 236, 284n61 China, 116, 132–33, 168, 177, 178, 188 Christmas Proclamation, 70–72, 90, 100. See also amnesty; pardon 304 Index civil liberties, 1, 2 civil rights, 20, 21, 166, 198, 199, 201, 202, 212 civil service, 12, 88, 104, 131, 143, 176, 180, 204, 206; Civil Service Commission, 122, 127–28, 188, 267n66 Civil War, 8, 56, 66, 67–72, 85, 87–88, 109–11, 129, 156, 232 classified orders, 15, 16, 192 Cleveland, Grover, 89, 102–6, 114–16, 122, 126; public lands and, 98–100, 145, 212 Clinton, William, 4, 5, 8–10, 13, 21, 84, 198, 202, 207–9, 217, 219, 221, 222, 226, 227; environmental directives of, 212–23, 221; labor and, 82, 197, 243; national monuments and, 5, 186, 213–14 coinage, 27, 119, 136–37, 150 Coke, Edward, 42–43 Cold War, 187, 188–89, 191, 217 commander in chief authority, 10, 33, 34, 57–58, 69, 95, 168, 170, 172, 187, 192, 195, 259n19, 268n19; deference to, 72, 187, 196; TR and, 125, 138, 139 commissions, presidential, 83, 124, 126, 130–32, 149, 267n66 committees, presidential, 131, 158, 198–200, 203 Congress, 10–12, 13, 100, 154, 168, 181, 185, 194, 197, 208, 209, 214, 222, 226–27, 229, 232, 243–45, 250n48; TR and, 129–30, 135, 136, 139–41, 146, 147, 149, 150. See also authorization; delegation; U.S. House; U.S. Senate conservation, environmental, 132, 144–50, 173–75, 203, 212. See also forest reserves; national monuments; wildlife refuges conservatives, 19, 153, 171–82, 213, 252n95 Constitution, U.S.: ambiguity of, 4, 22–24, 31, 36, 41, 45–55, 223; Article II, 11, 30, 31, 33, 34, 46, 49, 84, 237; change, 232–37 Constitutional Convention, 39, 44–47, 48–49, 50 Coolidge, Calvin, 12, 176, 178–79, 182 Cooper, Phillip, 8, 19, 20, 21, 26, 155, 221, 247n15 Cortelyou, George, 124, 127–28 Corwin, Edward, 30, 31, 33, 43, 51, 52, 216, 238, 240, 255n22; on Lockean prerogative, 36, 37, 38 Cox, Minnie, 128–29 Cronin, Thomas, 49, 92, 254n12 Cuba, 16, 83, 106, 115, 122, 138, 140, 178, 189, 190; Guantanamo Bay, 11, 83, 190, 194...
