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Aelred of Rievauh.Aelred oflRievaulx'sDeInstitutioneInclusarum.Ed. JohnAyto and AlexandraBarratt. EETS, o.s.287. London: Oxford University Press, 1984. Ambrose. Epistolae. PL 16, cols. 913-1342, Ambrose. Expositw Evangelii Secundum Lucam. Ed. M. Adriaen. CCSL 14. Turnhout : Brepols, 1957. Anselm, Saint. The Prayers and Meditatiofzsof St. A~zselm. Trans. Benedicta Ward, S.L.G.Middlesex: Penguin, 1973. Aristotle. Peri HenneniasI. Trans. Harold P. Cooke. Loeb Classical Libra?. Cambridge , MA: Hanard University Press, 1938. Augustine. De civztate Dei. Ed. Bcrnardus Dombart and Alphonsus Kalb. CCSL 47-48. Turnhout: Brepols, 1955. .De Genesiad litteram.PL 40, cols. 415-75. .De trinitate.Ed. W. J. Mountain and Fr. Glorie. CCSL 50-5oA. Turnhout: Brepols, 1968. . Enarvatzones in psalmos. Ed. D. Eligius Dekkers and Iohannes Fraipont. CCSL 38-40. Turnhout: Brepols, 1956. Baker, Donald C., John L. Murphy and Louis B. Hall, Jr., cds. TheLate Medicval Relhious Plays @Bodleian Ms. Dgby 133 and E Mztsco 160. EETS, 0,s. 283. London: Oxford University Press, 1982. Barnum, Priscilla Heath, ed. Dives and Pauper. EETS, 0,s. 275. London: Oxford University Press, 1976. Bazire, Joyceand Eric Cotledge, eds. TheChastisin~ o f God's C:hildre~z and the Treatise of Pe6eetion of the Sons of God.Oxford: Basil Black\vcll, 1957. Beadle, Richard and Pamela L. King, eds. YorhMystery Plays. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984. Benson, Larn D., ed. TheRiverside Chaucer.New York: Riverside, 1987. Bernard of Clainraux.Senna de conversione ad clericos. In S. Bernardi Opera.Vol. IV. Ed. J. Leclercq and H. M. Rochais. Rome: Editiones Cistercienses, 1957. .Bernard of Clairvaux:Selected Worh.Trans. G.R. Evans. Ne\v York: Paulist Press, 1987. . Semones de diversis. Ed. J. Leclercq and H. Kochais. In S. Bernardi Opera. Val. VI,pt. I. Rome: Editiones Cistercienses, 1970. . Sernwnes super cantica canticorum. In S. Bernardi Opera. Vol. I. Ed. J. Leclercq, H. M.. Rochais, and C. H. Talbot. Rome: Editiones Cistercienses, 1957. 238 Bibliography Block, K. S., ed. Ludus Coreiztriae, or the Plaie called Corpus Christi.EETS, e.s. 120. London: Oxford University Press, 1922; rpt. 1960, 19-4. Blume, Clemens and Guido Maria Dreves, eds.Annlecta I~ywzica MediiAevi. New York, 1961. Bokenham, Osbern. Lgeizdys ofHoo[\~ Wzdmmen.Ed. !Mar- S. Sergeantson. EETS, 0,s. 206. London: Osford University Press 1938; rpt. 1971. Blunt, John Henn. The hfvroure ofOure Lndye. EETS, e.s. 19.London: Oxford University Press, 19-3. Pseudo-Bonaventurc.Meditations on the Life oj3Christ.Trans. Isa Ragusa. Ed. Isa Rapsa and Rosalie B. Green. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1961. Bridget of Sweden. The Rwelntio~u of Saint Bicgittn. Ed. William Patterson Cumming . EETS, 0,s. 1-8. London, 1929; rpt. 19-1. Broxvn, Carleton, ed. Relkiozis Lyrics of the Ftfreentl? Century. Osford: Clarendon Press, 1939. Burchard of Worms. Decretorum libriXX. PL 140,cols. 55--1058. Capes, William W. T / J ~ Reflisteroffoh~z Trefizant,Bishop ofHerefbrd. Hereford, 1914. Catherine of Siena. The Orcherd of Syon. Ed. Phvllis Hodgson and Gabriel M. Liegey. EETS, 0,s. 258. London: Oxford University Press, 1966. Chrysostom, Jolm. Howlilies on the Epistle to tile Hebreu~s. Ed. F. Gardner. A Select Library of Nicene and Post-ATiceneFntl3ers. Vol. 14. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans , 1978. Christine de Pisan. TheBook ofthe City oJ"Ladies. Trans. Earl JetfreyRichards. New York: Persea Books, 1982. Colledge, Edmund and Bernard McGinn, trans. rMeister Eckhart: The Essential Sennons, Commentaries,Treatisesand Defense Nexv h r k : Paulist Press, 1981. Deanesly,Margaret, ed. TheIncendiumAwwris of Richard Rolle @Hampole.Publications of the Universin of Manchester, Historical Series, 26. London, 1915. Desmarais, M.-M., O.P.,trans. S. Albert le Grand.Docteur de la miditation morale. Paris and Ottawa, 1935. Dumeige, Gemais, ed. and trans. Richard de Saint-Victor:Les Qzratre degris de la violente charite'.Paris, 1955. Farmer, Hugh, ed. The Monk of Fame: The ~Weditntions of a Fourteenth Century Monk. Trans. by a Benedictine of Stanbrook. London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1961. FerrC, M. J.and L. Baudn, ed. and trans. Le Lilre de l'expi~*ie~zce des i~aisfiddles: Texte latinpublie' d'apris le manuscript dxssise.Paris: Droz, 1927. Furnivall, F. J., ed. Politicnl,Relkious, azd Love Poews. EETS, 0,s. 15.London, 1866. Gardner, Edmund G. The Cell of SeIf-ICnon~ledpe. Nexv khrk and London: Chatto and Vi'indus, 1925. Hodgson, Phyllis, ed. TheCloud of Unkxoli~ii~~q. EETS 218. London: Oxford University Press, 1944; rpt. 1958, 1973. , Deonise Hid Diuinite. EETS, 0,s. 231. London: Oxford Unix'ersi~Press, 1958. Hogg, James,ed. "A Mystical Dian: The REfEctoriumSalutls of Richard Methley of Mount Grace Charterhouse...
