In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

acknowledgments The initial research and writing of this book took place in 2007–8 at the huntington library, san marino, california, with the support of a yearlong fellowship from the national Endowment for the humanities and a one-month grant from the General research Fund of the University of Kansas. i am thankful to robert ritchie, former director of the huntington library’s research center; Bill Frank, curator of hispanic, cartographic, and Western historical manuscripts; and the rest of the librarians and staff at the huntington. The staffs of numerous archives and libraries in the United states, mexico, and spain provided valuable help, especially at the archivo General de la nación, mexico city; the archivo General de notarías del Estado de Puebla; and the archivo General de indias, seville. linda arnold, from Virginia tech University, generously answered my questions about mexican documents. at the University of Kansas, i have been fortunate to count on the assistance of the staff at Digital media services. in particular, Gwen claassen and Pam lerow helped me with the preparation of the manuscript; and tony Barman drew the sketch of the facade of the church of tecamachalco for the imagined display of the images that provoked the scandal at the center of this book. Darin Grauberger of the cartographic lab at the University of Kansas produced the maps. ryan Gaston, James Quinn, and stephanie stillo, current and former graduate students in the Department of history, generously helped me at various stages of this project. Finally, i wish to acknowledge the generous support of the Vice chancellor for research and Graduate studies Book Publication award of the University of Kansas. several colleagues and friends invited me to present my research: lisa Bitel and Janet hoskins at the center for religion and civic culture’s interdisciplinary seminar “Visualizing religion,” University of southern california; charlene Black-Villaseñor, cecelia Klein, teófilo ruiz, and Kevin terraciano acknowledgments 222 at a talk for Ucla’s departments of art history and history, and the center for medieval and renaissance studies; and Patricia manning at the Early modern seminar at the hall center for the humanities, University of Kansas. in addition, i also received valuable suggestions, comments, and help from friends, colleagues, and students, including Jonathan Boyarin, tamar herzog, Elizabeth Kuznesof, Kenneth mills, isidro rivera, natalia silva Prada, leslie tuttle, and sherry Velasco. i am especially grateful to Peter mancall for his enthusiastic encouragement and his invaluable comments. above all, thanks to marta Vicente for her suggestions and support at all stages of this project. ...
