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I n d e x abjection, 65, 72−88, 91−99, 104, 127 Abraham, 19−20, 28, 36, 52, 56−58, 63−66, 82, 90, 104, 107−9, 124, 126, 134, 199n.26, 213n.47, 218n.11, 258n.139 Acts of the Apostles, 1, 11, 22, 25, 30−34, 105, 137−38, 201n.62, 207nn.110−11, 234n.67 Allegory. See Bible and biblical interpretation Altercation of Simon and Theophilus, 44, 54− 60, 70 Ambrose of Milan, 127−30, 154, 183−84, 186, 189, 255n.97 Ambrosiaster, 62−67, 70, 248−49n.146 Amphilochius of Iconium, 92−94, 97, 157, 163, 172−77; Pseudo-Amphilochius, 157, 163−68, 172−77 Andrew of Crete, 170−71, 176 Antichrist, 186−88, 266 aphthartodocetism (aphtharsia), 89−91, 97, 137−41, 203n.78 Apollinarius, 111, 174, 225n.67, 235n.83, 238n.1, 261n.166 apology, Christian, 13, 33, 40, 42, 44−45, 50− 54, 59, 63, 70 asceticism, 80, 85, 92−98, 128, 161, 173, 184− 86, 224n.65, 248n.136 Athanasius of Alexandria, 85−89, 97−99, 251n.28; Pseudo-Athanasius, 67−70 Augustine, 17, 61−62, 83−84, 97, 120, 151−52, 157−59, 187−89, 248n.134; and Faustus, 80−84, 88 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 41−43, 209−10, 216n.85, See also dialogues and dialogism baptism, 26−28, 35, 38−39, 106, 112−13, 124, 131−32, 142−45, 165−67. See also circumcision ; Jesus, baptism of Barnabas, Epistle of, 35−37, 213−14n.56 Basil of Caesarea, 157, 163, 166−67, 170, 172− 77 Bauer, Walter, 2−3 Bhabha, Homi K., 6, 9−10, 19, 22, 33, 117−18, 194n.13, 202n.70, 230n.19 Bible and biblical interpretation, 35−36, 75− 84, 90, 95−97, 106−7, 119−45, 154−55, 175 borders and boundaries, x−xi, 1−14, 38−39, 41−43, 54, 59−60, 71, 73−79, 98−99, 102−3, 110, 117, 135, 159, 180−81, 194n.11. See also frontiers Boyarin, Daniel, 100−102, 110, 138, 199n.23, 210n.13 Burrus, Virginia, 86, 98−99, 123, 125 Caesarius of Arles, 163−64 calendars, 147−52, 155−56, 165−67, 249n.5 Celsus. See Origen Chin, Catherine M., 121, 142 Circumcision, Feast of, 133, 146−48, 157−72, 177, 243n.73, 244n.85 circumcision, Jewish, xi, 15−22, 27; Christian interpretations of, 34−40, 51−53, 64−65, 108−9 Clark, Elizabeth, 120, 141, 194n.14 Cohen, Shaye J. D., 17, 20−21, 200n.35, 201nn.59−60 Colossians, Letter to the, 25−28, 38, 124, 142−25 commentary, 119−22, 130, 135−36, 142−43. See also Bible and biblical interpretation Cyprian of Carthage, 38−39 Cyril of Alexandria, xi, 88, 90, 129−33, 139, 142 Derrida, Jacques, 146, 171, 239n.11 dialogues and dialogism, 36−38, 41−71, 80, 169 Eagleton, Terry, 4, 42−43, 44 Ebionites, 101−15 (passim), 183−84, 230n.10. See also Jewish Christians 310 Index Ehrman, Bart D., xi, 193n.2, 194n.8, 211n.22, 230n.10 Ephrem, 125−27, 154, 175, 176 Epiphanius of Salamis, 85, 103−18, 183−86 Epiphany, Feast of, 125, 146, 147, 152, 153, 165, 167, 177 erotapokriseis (question-and-answer texts), 44, 60−67 Eusebius of Caesarea, 1, 3, 216n.88, 231n.22 Faustus the Manichean. See Augustine feminist theory. See gender fetish, 10−12 flesh, x, 27−28, 56, 65−66, 77, 82, 91, 94−97, 104, 122−25, 133−34, 158−62, 166−68; of Christ, ix−x, 55, 84−90, 94, 96, 111, 137−39, 170−72 foreskin, 16, 20−21, 24, 27, 144, 199n.27, 201n.57; Christ’s: see Jesus, foreskin of Foucault, Michel, 119, 141, 148, 239n.11 Fredriksen, Paula, 23, 223n.40 frontiers, 8, 43, 73, 79, 196n.39, 222n.32. See also borders and boundaries gender, 4−6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 17−18, 32−33, 95−99, 112−13, 171, 179−80, 184−86, 189, 199nn.18−19, 199n.23 gospels: canonical, 16, 25, 61, 77−79, 93, 106− 7, 126−28, 135, 138, 159, 182 (see also Luke, Gospel of); infancy, 139−41, 153, 226n.86 Grosz, Elizabeth, 73 Guibert of Nogent, ix hellenism, 7−10, 16, 19−21, 43, 51−53, 104, 206n.102 heresy, heretics, 1−3, 72−99, 100−118, 120, 159, 162, 166−67, 171, 174, 181, 182, 189; scholarly views of, 1−3, 72−73, 83−84, 87−88, 98−99, 100−102; writings against, 42, 46, 67, 77−79, 80−97 (passim), 103−14, 116−17, 123...
