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index Page numbers in italics indicate figures; those with a t indicate tables. Abshoven, Johann Friedrich, 58 Académie Française, vi, 238, 262 Ackermann, Henry, 55 advertisements, by booksellers, 100, 226–27, 235, 236, 246, 251–52. See also faux frais d’Albert, Mademoiselle, 297n37 d’Albon, Claude-Camille-François comte, 127t, 130, 141–43, 240, 267 d’Alembert, Jean le Rond, 134, 136, 189–90 allegorical frontispiece, 160, 244–45, 259, 262, 344n76 Ammermüller, Joseph Ehrenreich, 55, 273, 275t Amsterdam, 47, 68, 284t; booksellers of, 8, 10, 19, 115 L’An 2440 (Mercier), 127t, 138–39 Andreae, Johann Benjamin, 58, 148 Anecdotes sur Mme. du Barry, 101, 102, 109, 119, 140 Année littéraire (periodical), 168, 329n5 L’Arétin (Laurens), 108, 318n161 auctions: by booksellers, 91, 247; of private libraries, 321n6 Bacon, Francis, 134, 165 Bad Homburg. See Hesse-Homburg Baerstecher, David, 302n13 Baerstecher, J. G., 43, 47–55, 61, 273; book orders of, 275t, 277, 300n74; and d’Holbach’s Système de la nature, 70, 115, 267; promissory note of, 47–48, 4–50 bankruptcy, 44–47, 55, 249–50, 273 Barbier, Frédéric, 300n75 Barbier de Séville (Beaumarchais), 129–30 Barère, Bertrand, 220 Bartholomai, Albrecht Friedrich, 45–47, 55, 273, 275t Basedow, Johann, 193–97, 224 Bassompière (Liège bookseller), 21 Bauer, Johann Gottfried, 133 Bavarian Succession, War of, 82 Beaumarchais, Pierre de, 71, 128t, 129–30 Beccary, Madame, 138 Béguelin, Nicolas de, 39, 179, 181 La Belle allemande, 85 belles-lettres, 121, 123t, 124t, 126t, 127t, 138–39, 144, 270 Bender, Heinrich, 59, 98, 99, 277 Bérenger, Jean-Pierre, 171–72, 181–82 Bergeret (Bordeaux bookseller), 213, 280 Berlin, 41, 54; booksellers of, 7, 19, 39, 71, 254, 275t, 276; Huguenots of, 147–48; Prussian Academy in, 5, 11, 61, 170 Bern, 10, 13. See also Société Typographique de Berne Bertrand, Jean-Elie, 12–14, 199; death of, 14, 131, 173–74; as editor of Arts et métiers, 131; translations of, 169, 171, 175–77, 187–88, 202–8, 214–15, 218–19 van Beughem, Cornelius, 47–48, 50, 301n12 Bible(s), 11, 13, 146–48, 278–82t; Basel edition of, 157; Bienne edition of, 150, 154, 156, 282t, 327n44; Bosset de Luze on, 146; and devotional literature, 123t, 124t, 144–46; pastors as sellers of, 148–56; price and format of, 99, 149–54, 156–63, 166, 327n44, 328n51 bibliographic categories, 122–29, 123–27t, 321n6 Bigarrures d’un citoyen de Genève, 103–4, 109 Bilcher (Duisburg bookseller), 58 bills of exchange, 44–46, 48, 4–50, 71, 72, 91, 154, 249–50, 301n12 bindings of books, 238–39, 269 372 index Bohemian Censorship Commission, 120 Bohn, Carl Ernst, 36, 39 Bonn, 58, 64 Bordeaux booksellers, 32, 213, 217, 278t, 280t, 283t Bosset de Luze, Abraham, 12, 33; as Bible seller, 146, 148–49, 163–64; and l’Encyclopédie, 84, 149, 164, 312n79; on Frankfurt booksellers, 95, 102–3, 293n13; Rhineland trip of, 56–60, 114 Boubers, Jean-Louis de, 307n20, 308n25 Boué, Pierre, 246–47, 249 Bouillon, Société Typographique de, 10, 19, 21, 293n14 Bourgoing, Jean-François, 296n32 Briefwechsel meist historischen Inhalts (periodical), 89 Brissot, Jean-Pierre, 221, 230, 259, 260, 262, 338n2 Brönner, Heinrich Ludwig, 58, 95, 100, 148, 275t, 316n128 Bruère, Jean-Gérard, 60–61, 216–17, 269, 276, 282 Brydone, Patrick, 127t, 137–38, 266 Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc de, 189–90 Burney, Frances, 138, 266 Burrows, Simon. See University of Leeds STN Project cabinets littéraires, 61, 246, 270, 272, 328n1, 352n24 Campe, Joachim Heinrich, 174, 224, 230, 329n8 Candide (Voltaire), 127 Caraccioli, Louis-Antoine de, 264–66, 272, 353n29 Caroline Henriette, Countess of HesseDarmstadt , 105 Casanova, Pascale, 288n9–10 Cassel, 11, 64, 86–92, 130, 152–55, 163; book shipments to, 41, 87, 154, 275t, 276, 282t, 284t; Collegium Carolinum in, 88–89, 114–15, 269, 270; Museum Fridericianum in, 88, 0, 269 Castiglione, Salvemini da, 84–85 Le Catéchisme de l’homme social (DuvalPyrau ), 103 Catherine II (empress of Russia), 214–15, 231, 232, 253 Cecilia ou mémoires d’une héritière (Burney), 138, 266 censorship, 4, 69–70, 115–18, 213–14, 273; in Cologne, 64–65, 70, 115–17, 305n5, 306n6; in France, 74, 116–17, 254; in Frankfurt, 94–95, 103–13, 116, 117; Goethe on, 117–18; in Hamburg, 120, 221, 227, 251; in Leipzig, 85, 112; in Mannheim...
