In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contents introduction 1 parT i. The FeDeralizaTion oF naTuralizaTion Chapter 1. Denaturalization, the main instrument of Federal power 15 Chapter 2. The installment of the Bureau of naturalization, 1909–1926 30 Chapter 3. The Victory of the Federalization of naturalization, 1926−1940 44 parT ii. a ConDiTional CiTizenShip Chapter 4. The First political Denaturalization: emma Goldman 55 Chapter 5. radicals and asians 65 Chapter 6. in the largest numbers: The penalty of living abroad 83 Chapter 7. The proactive Denaturalization program During World War ii 92 parT iii. War in The Supreme CourT Chapter 8. Schneiderman: a republican leader Defends a Communist 111 vi Contents Chapter 9. Baumgartner: The program ends, but Denaturalization Continues 124 Chapter 10. a Frozen interlude in the Cold War 134 Chapter 11. Nishikawa, Perez, Trop: “The most important Constitutional pronouncements of This Century” 145 Chapter 12. american Citizenship is Secured: “may Perez rest in peace!” 166 Conclusion 176 appendix 1. emma Goldman, “a Woman Without a Country” From Mother Earth (1909) 187 From Free Vistas (1933) 188 appendix 2. Chiefs of the naturalization Bureau and evolution of Departmental responsibilities 196 appendix 3. naturalization Cancellations in the united States, 1907−1973 197 appendix 4. americans expatriated, by Grounds and year, 1945−1977 198 appendix 5. Supreme Court and other important Court Decisions related to Denaturalization and nonvoluntary expatriation from Schneiderman and participating Supreme Court Justices 200 notes 203 archival Sources and interviews 267 index 271 acknowledgments 283 ...
