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Index academic freedom, 353 ACHR. See American Convention on Human Rights accessibility, standards, 505 Additional Protocol to the ACHR: amendments, 710; ratiWcation, 709; rationale, 701–2 adequate food, 9, 336; ACHR, 705; deWnition (ICESCR), 338; disaster relief, 343–44; economic accessibility, 339; emergency supply, 268; ICESCR General Comment 12, 560–62; ICESCR reports, 386–87; legal remedies, 343; recognition as basic right, 554; security, 564; supply, 264; UN agencies, 342; world market, 267. See also hunger and malnutrition; State obligation, food adequate housing, 293–94, 444, 512; advances and obstacles, 521; armed conXicts, 522; children, 516; effect on ESCR, 518–19; family and housing interpretation, 292; health, 518; ICESCR reports, 387–89; integration with other rights, 294; justiciability, 519–20; land reforms, 517; migrant workers, 659–60; misconceptions and misinterpretations, 513; recommended UN role, 527; South African Constitution, 514–15; structural adjustment programs, 599; universal right, 520; violations of rights, 514; women, 515–16, 525. See also homelessness; State obligation, housing ———, forced eviction, 524; acceptable procedure, 319; deWnition and reasons (ICESCR), 317; development-based, 491, 495; legislation, 318; relevant instruments, 316; resettlement, 496; World Bank, 320 ———, recommendations: Committee on the RC and Human Rights Committee, 529; CESCR, CERD, and CEDAW, 527–28; Human Rights Commission, 527–28; judiciary training, 526; legislative process, 524, 526; national strategy, 523, 525; regional organizations of countries, 532–33; UN agencies, 529–32 adequate standard of living, 9, 134, 239, 437; advanced/developed country gap, 242, 535; agricultural producers, 135; development and human rights, 284; disabled persons, 304; displaced persons, 487; human settlements, 445; international cooperation, 290; international institutions and projects, 320; obstacles, 273; rural development, 248; UN support of appropriate projects, 283 adjustment with transformation, 600; empowerment , human needs, 601 adoption, inter-country, 22, 729–30 ADRDM. See American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, 713–14 African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, 720–21 agricultural producers, 135; State obligation, 266 American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR): fulWllment and interpretation, 699; rationale, 689; reports to OAS, 708 American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man (ADRDM): duties, 687–88, 700; principles, 683; rationale, 682; rights, 683–87, 700 apartheid, 37, 254, 256; children, 730; economic and social development, 243, 273; State obligation, 257 armed forces: attack precautions, 219–20; duties and responsibilities of superiors, 226; forced Note: “ESCR” is used in this index as an abbreviation for “economic, social, and cultural rights” 734 Index evacuation, 232; indiscriminate attack, 225; rebel, 228; recruitment of children, 28 armed forces (Geneva Convention): noncombatants , 172, 175, 178; shipwrecked, 175; wounded and sick,173, 176 Bengoa, José, income distribution, 534–35, 539–40 Bretton Woods Conference, 547 CADE. See Convention Against Discrimination in Education capital punishment, 61–62, 731; children, 27, 62 CEAFDAW. See Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women CEDAW. See Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women Central Prisoners of War Agency, 185 CESCR. See International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights child abduction, 27 child labor. See labor, child children: armed forces recruitment, 224, 229; deWnition (CRC), 16; health, 9; lifelong effect of malnutrition, 557; responsibilities (OAU), 732. See also adoption children’s rights, 18–19, 24, 26–27; ACHR, 696, 698, 707; ADRDM, 684; African, 720–21; discrimination , 67; employment, 624, 672; family, 727; girls, 419, 592; housing, 516; ICESCR reports, 384–85; imprisoned mothers, 731; information access, 20; learn and earn, 593–94; legal, 28–29, 726–27; OAU, 722, 727; relevant documents, 16; resettlement, 496; restrictions, 20; separation from parents, 730. See also State obligation, children citizens’ duties (ADRDM), 688 civil rights, 38–39, 66; free movement, 63 civil service, 549 civilians in wartime, 194, 198, 200, 203; alien departure from war zone, 199; deWnition (Geneva Convention), 192; hospitals 195, 196; indiscriminate attack, 225; obligations, 217; prisoners of war, 179; resistance Wghters, 193. See also State obligation, civilians in wartime ———, internment, 206; canteens, 207; criminal offenses, 205; food and clothing, 208; allowances, 211; medical care, 209; personal property, 210; transfer, 212 ———, occupied territories, 221, 232; attack precautions, 219–20; compulsory service, 202; forcible transfers, 201; grave breaches, 213; orphans, 202; prohibitions, 222–23; relief efforts, 220–21; religion, 204. See also Occupying Power obligation, civilians in wartime collective bargaining, 623, 641; deWnition (ILO Convention), 142; EC, 669; employers’ organizations , 144; promotion, 143 collective redundancy, 633 colonialism, 254; debt cancellation, 551; social development, 243 Colombia, Supreme Court ruling on school-age pregnancy, 593...
