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SILHOUETTE, AND Janet Dailey In 197j. ivhcn T.ii1et L3diley :I 9+-: sold her first 1101 el to H,irlcquin, the icntcr of the pop~l,ir rOIlld11ie 1101~1bcgCii1to shift ,in-,i~. fro111Gre,ir B r i t ~ i i ~ . TIicrc rhc for111hdd bee11 import ,ii~t to the Llc~elop~llei~t of the Britisll no\ el. Tl-icrc rhc form h ~ d bee11 popu1,irizcLl 2nd distributccl n.iLlcly to A n ei-~thusi~sric ,itldicnic. ,\i~Llrhcrc the most p ~ p ~ l l d r roIll,illit' ivritcrs Iicid li\ cd ,ii~d ivritrei~, writers sucl-i ,is rhosc r e h21.c cx,il~~ined in P,irt Ill, ,is rcll A S E. M. Hull. Gcorgcrtc Hercr, nil M,ir!. Sre~v,irt, lust dfter the turn of the t\\.ci~ticth icntury4l-iisrori~n Joseph Mc,\leer tells 11s. British l-iousc hlills ,111cl Boon n.,is cst~blislieLl' 2it:.Populdr rom,inic \\,ricers S L I ~ ~ 2s \'iolcr \ \ T i i ~ d s ~ c ~ r nil Kohcrt~L ~ i ~ 1 - i ivcrc Mills 2nd Boo11 ~ ~ t h o r s ~vhose works ivcrc fcirmore likely to be kn0n.n to A~ncrii ,ii~ ~ ~ ~ c l i e i ~ i e s 2s Hdrlcqtlin rcprii~tsof the Mills dnil Boo11 origin,ils. Tdncr D,iilcy begdl1 ,is ciHdrlcq~~ill ivrirce but e\ cntu- ,111~' b ~ i ~ ~ l l t ' niorc ~ J I I ~ O L ~ S , l-ilorcpot\~~I,~r. more n.idclJ. r c ~ d th,ii~ most H,irlcquln ,iutliors. D,iiIev turncd the pop~11,ir romdnic i i ~ t o JII Xl~icriidnphci~o~~icnon by be111g the fir\t X I I ~ C ~ I C ~ ~ I I to 1j b % The TIcntietl-i-Ccnturv Kom,incc NOT cl brc,ik into the solidlv Britisl-i list ,it H,irlcqilin ,ind br amploriilt: tl-i,itiluintessei ~ti,il , \ ~ ~ ~ e r i c ~ i i ~ settinq, tl-ie11'cst. J ,illct D,illt'~' IT ,a5 tl-iere ,it tllc begll~illl~g of tl-ie rOlll,illit' boolll-tile pllcn o ~ n c n ~ l InirCd\C In rlrlcs, redder\ 2nd durhol\ of ronldncc thdr took p l d i ~ in the ldtrcr h ~ l f of the t\\.cnricrh ccnrur\.. This boon1 \\.AS h~clcdin 1,irgc p ~ r t b!. rhrcc publishers: the ~hrcnlcntioncd British house hlills 2nd Boon, cst,iblishcd in 1908: tl-ie C,iil,idi,in rcpriilt l-iouse H,irleqilin Books, est,iblishcd ill 1949: ,and ,\rncric,ii~ publishing's first response to H,irleiluii~, Sill -iouette Books, cst,iblishcd ill 1980. D,iiler's c,irccr, ,iild iildccd tl-ie c,irccr of c\,cr\.rorlldnic no\,clist \\,riring rod^!., hds bccn influenced b!. rhcsc publishers ~ n d the mdn!. orhcrs n.ho t;llo\\.cd rhcir lcdd. The histor!. ofhlills 2nd Boon. H~rlcquin. 2nd Silhouctre Arc cnr\\,incd ,ind, t,ikcn togcthcr, tl-icir l-iistorv t,ikcs 11s from T1:cS1:czk to tl-ie prcseilt. In the beginnins ~v,is Mills ,ii-~d Boon, csr,iblisl-icdill 1908 in (;rc,it Brit,iin bv (;cr,ild Mills ,ii-~dCI-i,irlcs Boo1-1.,It first, the l-iouse publisl-ied ",inrthiilS it i o ~ ~ l d Id\. its hdnds on-fiction. politics, hunlor, hc~lrh. child idre, cooking. rrd\ el" :hlcXlccr 17:'.In rhc 19iOs. Ch~rlcs Boon rurncd rhc fir111ro\\,~rd rhc romdnic. ~ n d ir prospered :hlilAlccr 66:'. L\.Ic~n\\.hilc in C ~ n d d ~ . HdrIcqilii ~Books, founded in 1949 br Kich,ird Boi~nvc,isrle, bcS,ii1 life ;-is,I t>cipt'rbciik reprint l-iouse. Its list n-,is ,ilso r,iried. 11'irhii1 ten rc,irs Ricl-i,ird's Ivifc, M,irr, noticed tl-i,it tl-ic Mills ,ind Boo11 ronl,iilcc titles t11,it tl-ier n-crc reprinting sold the best of 211 of their books. H~rlcquin. roo. rurncd its list ro\\.~rd TOllldlliC. B\. the l ~ r c 19jOs. H,irlccluin Books \\.AS publishing ,lnd disrributing 2 Mills ,ind Boon repriilt crerr fe~v months :Mc,\lccr 117:. Bv 1971. H a Icqiliil 's efficient distributioi~,iild m,irkcting svstcnl, iilcluding, bv this tinle, direct nl,iil, nas getting the kind of book tl-i,it reciders ~v,ii~tcdronuncc no\,cls-to them in record numbers. On Oitobcr I. 1971 H.irlccluin ~ccluircdhlills ~ n d Boon :L\.Ic,Alccr 1i 9;. B ! . I9S0, H,~rlcquinh...
