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Index Aikenliead. Slothrl-Slal-v.23. 65. 82. 97. 98. 132, 133, 163 .kinlee, Sister, 72, 73 Alfred. PI-ince.son of Qtlrrn Yictol-ia.90 .ill Saints Sisterllood, 70, 71 .iIpllorlse, Sister, 123 imel lean College of Slu grons ( iC*?) 160 Ibl .ilnericarl \lmnerl's Education .issociatioll, 33 .il~ahaptists,38 .illatolie, Sister, 119 And~-ex\:Sistrl-.115 .illgelique, hlotller, 119 .illglicarlisnl. 6: ,irlglo-(:atllolics, 67, 94: cl-vpto-Catholic.70. 93. 154: Episcopalians , 113:E\allgelicalisnl,57, 63, 66, 68, 73,94,95:O.dord hlo~enlerlt, 63, 67, 75, 78; sistrl-hoods.2. 16. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72, 73, 77, 78, 131, 134 .illllnrlciatiorl. Sister, 113 Anti-Catholic sentiment. 3. 6. 20: .ilustralia. 34, 85):Erlgland, 7, 34, 37, 75: United States, 32.33, 34, 33,42,43,44,101. S P ~ nlro C;atliolicis~n .illticlericalisln, 19, 73, 128 .ircllanlheault, (;anon ,ilfi.ed, 111 Armiger. Sistrr Br1-nadrttr.38 .iugustille, Sister, 134 .iugustilliarl tradition, 119, I46 Baltimore Irlfirnlary. Baltimore, 36, 45 Bar (:orl~ellt,lbrk, 23 Bal-krl-.Sistel-hIal-x: 91 Beechel; (iatlleril~e, 35 Bellan. Ann Pllunr. 41 B e l l e ~ ~ ~ e Hospital, Nexv lJork,113 Benedictirle Sisters of St.Joseph, I I6 Bergrl-.Slothrl-Slal-vOdilia. 128-30. 133. I46 Bernlorldse), Lorldorl, 7, 14,30, 36, 60, 61, 62, 63. 76 Betllarl) Illstit~~te, Berlin, 136 Betllesda Societ), 141 Betliesda Hospital. Cincinnati. 111. 112 Bill) the IGd, 116 Bismarck, 19,20, 1%. 130, I46 Blackx\.ell.Elizabrtli. 31. 53 Blackxvell,Enlily, 31, 33 Blarldirla, Sister. S(vSega1e Blandine of thr Holx-hngrls. Sister. 109. I I 4 Blundall, Eliza, 93 Bonham Cal-trl-.Henl-x: 28 Bolllraln-(;arter, Hipar), 94 Borg, Elaa, 143 Botliilda. Sistrl-.143 Bracllt, Sister hlagdelene \ 011,140 Braun, Father \letor, 129 BI-idge~nan, hIotliel-Francis. 76 British Elnpire, 8, 80, 85 Broxvrl, Sister Rosxlilie, 34 Buisson. Sistrl-Agnrs. 103 Burke, Bisllop, 133 Calienslvism. 116 (:allill, Sister hlar), 82 (:a11inisnl, 38 Canada. 1. 102:FI-rnchCanadians. 4. 102. 106,135 228 Index Canon Law. .CPPapacv (:armel, Dr., 117, 118 Gal-melites. 17. 19 Gal-nrv Hospital. Eoston. 14, 15 (:ar~le!, -i~lctre\v, 44, 45 Gal-roll.John. bishop of hIal-T-land. 152 Catholic Emancipation. .CcEngIand (:atllolic Hospitals hssociatiorl ((;HA), 160, 161.162 Catliolicis~n. (i: .ilustl-alia. 81. 83. 84. 86. 89. 517: Erlglarld, 57, 38, 351-62: Gernlarl) 26, 12(i-30: 11-rland. 56-59; Unitrd Statrs. 32. 34-13; Coluntrr-Refol-1natio11, 17. 18. 33: Diaspora 3, 1: E~arlgelicalis~n 40, 43, 63. 104. 106. 108. 109. 113. 121. 113: Revival . 13. 20. 31. 36. 126. 127; Ultl-amontanisnl , 57, 126. S~~ol~u.i~lti-(:atllolic Chant. Eessie. 93 Clial-ingCI-ossHospital. London. 71. 72 (:llarities. S P ~ Sisters of (;llarity Clial-itvHospital. 1VrwOrleans. 10 Chile. 116 (:llollet, hlotller hladelairle, 103 Ch1-istHospital. Cincinnati. 111 Ch1-istian Erotliel-s.38 (:llristiarl \lb~nerl's Tet.nlperarlceSociet), 12 Cliurcli of 11-rland. 58. 59 Cinquin. Slothrl-Saint Pirl-rr.101. 102. 104, 105, 120, 121, 122, 156 Cix-ilIVar. tJ.S., 7. 11. 26, 33, 31. 47, 48 Clax-?I-, Sistel-Petri-, 112 (:ollen, Sister Eleanor, 102 Co~nmunisr Slanifesto. 133 Co~nmunitv of All Saints. (i9 (:orlgre~atiorlof the Poor Frarlciscarls, 129 Gong-I-rss of \Senna. 26 Convent Inspection Eill. (i3 (:orlve~lt of the Holy Trinity, O.dord, 5 1 2 Convicts. 81. 90; Frmalr Factol-v.Pal-alnatta . Svdnrv. 81; Irish. 81. 83; pl-iests. 84: trarlsportatiorl to Sydney, 81: \\omen, 81. 82. 83. 8 1 Co1-lo.c;llief, 111 (:ox, Theresa, I15 Cl-ilnrarIVar. 7, 11. 26. 29, (51,62. 63, 64, 71, 74. 76. 80, 131 (:~lllerl, Paul, arcllbisllop of Dublin, 24, 88 Dauglirrl-s of Charitv of St.Vncrnt d r Paul, 3, 6, 11, 17-15). 2 2 24, 23,26.30, 33. 36-11.13. 41. 43.17.18. 49, 30, 51. 32. 53. 76. 109. 126. 127. 114. 150. 133. 136. See (11~oSisters of (:llarit), U.S. Dauglirrl-s of PI-ovidrncr.SPP Sisters of PI-ovidence Davis,Jefferson, 48 de Lacv. SisterJohn Baptist. 83. 83. 86. 87. 88 de hlarillac, Louise, 18, 22, 24, 33, 36 de Slatel.Jranne Chrzard. 102 Deaconessrs. 2. 9. 16. 23. 26. 27. 66. 67. 70. 126, 134-44, 145, 147, 148, 150, 151, 153: Anabaptist. 133;Anglican. 66. 67. 73: Ll~thrl-an. 73. 126, 151; Lutliel-an (Danish ), 139, 142 143: Lutllerarl 26. 137-41. 142. 148. 149...
