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Bibliography This research has relied upor1 a range of both prinlary and secondary texts. I believe that, giwn the lunfamiliar natllre of the 11rimal-yand archival solu-ces to llistoriails of nursing, it is \vortll\vhile providiilg a brief explarlatiorl of the material used. Archi~esof religious Tiolnen generally include the follo~iingtypes of inforination : A ~ / ~ / n l r These are ln-hollse accounts of eTents The\ ma\ be autho~ed b~ a sequeille of noil-nained rllerllbers of the ~onlinuil~t\, or \\rltterlfor nlail\ \ears b\ a slilgle hand. The\ nla\ be llaildnr~tten, ln Eilgllsll or other languages. Orlglnals ma\ h a ~ e been tlped and t~anslatedThe annals often ~nclllde extensne necrolog~es, or aclounts of lrllportarlt coinnlunlt\ rllerllbers on the occaslorl of tllelr death. L(>ttprrLette~ s I ele~ant to the foundat~on of a comtnlumt\ 01lnstltutlon a1e often keut ln the arclll\es. 1 1 1the il~ileteerltll ceiltur\ letters to and froin the inotherllouse , letters bet\\een ~onlinuil~t\ nlenlbers, betnee11 the corlfessor ( p e s t ) and the mot he^ sulIellor, betneen the colnmunltT and the d~ocese, affect~onate ilens\ letters, business letters, and so oil are all found ln ar~hnes. As n ~ t h anilals, these letters ins\ be llaildnr~tterl and 111\armus languages, or the\ ins\ h a ~ e been collated, ed~ted, t ~ l ~ e d , and t~anslated Pelrgrous inntozcrls Praler bool\s, p~ous l~terature, sernloils, a i d lessorls are soinetlirles a\ allable. Outlliles of rel~glous tralillilg are part~~ularl\ re\ eallilg of the I ehg~olls 11feand the rel~g~ous trad~t~on a comtnlumt\ follo\\s R111es Endl conlnlun~t\ had ~ t s onrl specla1 rule, often rllod~fied o\er the \ears. Tlus rule a i d ~ t s \ armus edltloils are al\\a\ s a\allable ln the ar~hl\ es. llI[>~r~O~~r\li~l) /J~t(/~lr These deta~ls can be qlute extensne Some a ~ c h l ~ e s hold full l~sts of all ineinbers, tllelr llorlle address, tllelr father s oclupatlon, and so oil. Donr\ l~sts ma\ be a\a~lable. Full l~sts of rllerllbers ~ i l ~ l u d ~ i l g non1er1 \tho left the colnlnumtT and ~$111 ma\ be a\ allable C oluntrl of orlgln of lnelnbe~ s, the11 age, a i d pre\lous 11feexperleille ins\ be oil record. Fzncritcrnl defnzls. Propert\ l~sts, deeds, mortgage docuineilts, bequests, debts a i d debtors, eTen e ~ e r l d a ~ financ~al transactions ma\ be a~allable. 1'17;0ublzshed hrsfo~resHlstorles \$ereoften uildertaken b\ slsters or tllelr pastor to 214 Bibliography conlnlernolate an anmTersal\ sllch as the comlnlumt\'s 01 hosl~~tal's fiftieth a11111\ersar\. T\\eiltletll-ceiltur\ inaster's and PllD dlssertatlons on the mininunlt \'s lllstor\ are often also a\allahle ln coinnlunlt\ a r ~ h n e s as \\ell as 111 routlile sourws. Xr~lll\ es (rellglous and other) used for tills stud\. Brltlsll Llhrarl, Loildorl (BL) C Inclnnatl H~stor~cal Soclet~, C:~nc~nnatl, C)hlo, Nlpl~el t C ollectlon of German \Iethod~sln(C:HSNC Ghl) Dallghters of C:hal IT\, Alban~, N e ~ l 1'01 l\ (DC)C:X) Dltbhn Archd~ocese, B~shop's Palace, Dubhn Deaconess C:omrnllnlt\ of the E~angellcalLllthel an C:hllrch of Amer~ca(ADC :ELC:X), Glad~lrne, Pennnl~ama hllt~llell Llhrarl, State Llhrar\ of Neil South TVales Notre Darne Un11erslt\, Soutll Bend, Iildlaila Slsters of Charlt\, Harold's Cross, Duhllil Slsters of the Incarnate TZhrd, hlotherllouse, SarlXiltorllo Texas (XhIITV) Slsters of LIerc\, Berinoildse\, Lolldoll Slsters of Pro\ldeil~e, Sacred Heart Pro\lil~e, Seattle, TZhslllilgtoil (SPA) St Joseph's Hospltal, Lancolnel St L Incent's Hosl~ltal, S\dne\ S\dne\ D~ocese, St \la1 \ 's C;athedral, S\dne\ S\dne\ Hospltal, S\dne\ Ilellcolne Institute for the Hlstol \ of \Iedlclne Llbrar~, London Xgilell, Slster Clare. Ge~nldri/e, n Tnle of Coi/sczence Plllladelphla: E. Cunlinlsl\e\, 1819. Allen, C llrlstlne. "TVonlen 111C oloillal Freil~ll Xnlerlca." 111 Ilbnlei/ nnd Relzgzo~l211 AIILPII(O, \ol. "T ~ I P Colo~i!nlcr~!dR~r~olrrt!o~icr~~ Pr.~!o/lr,ed. Roselnal~Radfold R~lether and Roselnal \ Sklnnel hller. San Francisco: Hal per and ROT\, 1983. 79-131. Xllchln, A. 11. Tlip \il(wt R(>Opll!o~i A~!gl!ccr~! R~l!g!orr, C O I I L...
