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Index Abelard, Peter, on pre-Christian prophecies of Christ, 234,297 n.54 Abkhazia, in TB]M, devout Christians of: saved by miracle, 178, 179; praised for frequent communion, 181,214 Abraham, 107 Acre, fall of, 7, 30-3 1, 49 Acts of the Apostles (apocryphal), 279 n.39 Adam, 37, 107, 149, 263; and Eve, I, 153,174, 185 Addison, Joseph, on Sir John Mandeville as English author, 274 n.25 Africa: in medieval geography, 3-4, 69; medieval marvels in, on modern map, 287 n.46; monsters in, on mappaernundi, 144. See also Asia; Europe Africa, in TB]M: claimed by Shem, 162; claimed by Cham [Ham], 172; northern, 8, 13, 128; in von Diemeringen Version, 129-3 0 Albania, 130 .Aleppo, 195 Alexander the Great, 10; eastern exploits of, 3; on medieval maps, 4; truth value of legends about, 75 .Alexander the Great, in TBIM, 158,195, 198; as negative and positive exemplum, 206, 238; birthplace of, 70; defeated by natural faith and reason, 205, 207, 213, 235; encounter of, with Dindimus, proves that God loves all the devout, 27, 224, 228-31, 236-28; Gog and Magog confined by, 182, 184, 187-88; in Defective Version, 297 n.57; limits of travels of, 281 n.16; moral of Dindimus episode qualified, 242, 243; pagan imperialism of, contrasted with Ogier the Dane's Christian expansionism, 206, 237; speaks with trees of sun and moon, 110;voyage to Paradise of, 204. See also Roman(s) d'Alexandre Alexandria, 96, 99, 102, 195 Amazonia, in TB]M: location of, 49-50; defined, 124; as critical mirror of Christendom , 145-46, 147,151-52, 193 Amazons, in TB]M: as legendary or marvelous , 287 n.46; as model soldiers, 145-46, 147, 148, IS°-52; Christine de Pizan's knowledge of, 288 n.52; obedient to authority , 155,191;queen of, guarding Gog and Magog, 182, 187 Americas, 2, 4, 269 n.z, 270 n.6 Anderson, Benedict, on imagined communities , 270 Antichrist: Gog and Magog as army of, 3, 182; Tartars as allies of, 179 Antichrist, in TB]M, as ally of Jews, 27, 183-84 Arabia, 49, 73, 93, 96, 99, 195 Ararat, 4 Aristotle, 70, 82 Armenia, in TB]M, 125-26, 195; devout Christians of, 178, 181,214; Little, legend of Castle of Sparrowhawk in, 84, 126; visited by Sir John, 49. See also Abkhazia Arthur, 75 Asia: in medieval geography, 3-4, 69, 284 n.j; medieval missions to, 7, 159,297 n.49; on medieval maps, 63. See also Africa, Europe Asia, in TB]M, 73, 134; account of, compared with others' accounts, 65; as fusion of Polo's Asia with biblical East, 123; as main focus, 13; claimed by Cham [Ham], 162-63; claimed by Shem, 172; Constantine's conquest of, 107; depiction of, compared with that of medieval maps, 63, 139; divided by rivers of Paradise, 126; geographical overview of, 124; indirect appeal for mission to, 243; marvels of, on modern map, 287 n.46; Sir John as traveler in, 8 Athanasius, 125 Athos, Mt., 70, 82 audience, projected, of TB]M, 25-26, 79, 268; as Christian community, 28-44, 63, 24849 , 253, 267; as noble, 53-55, 63, 85-86; as 316 Index audience (continued) including women in Velser's Version, 57; contrasted with William of Boldensele's, 69-70; interests and values of, 94. See also Mandeville-author; Sir John Augustine, St., 3, 75, 292 n·47 Avignon, papacy in, 7, 97, 254-55 Babel, Tower of, 4, 97, 98, 162 Babylon, 96-99 passim, III, 162, 167-68, 281 n.6 Bacon, Roger, on pre-Christian belief in Christ, 234 Bakhtin, M. M., 273 n.6 Bale, John, on Sir John Mandeville, II, 19, 43 Bathsheba, 192-93 Bedouins, III Bennett, Josephine Waters, 15,19, 22 n.a, 278 n.21, 295 n.s, 299 n.26; on Mandevilleauthor : belief in marvels by, 289 n.58; Englishness of, 43; morality of, 81; use of sources by, 271n.23; on TBJM: as a work of art, 271 n.21, 272 n.28, 278 n.23; intermediaries of, 272 n.39; reception of, 270 n.14; textual history of, 207, 286 n.22, 296 n.25, 298 n.14; title of, 269 n.z Bethlehem, 95, 103-5, 109 Bible: and medieval knowledge of East, 156-57; as evidence of Jerusalem's centrality , 285-86 n.21; events and persons of, commemorated by pilgrims, 93, 103 Bible, in...
