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Index a priori/posteriori reasoning debate, 95-97, 103, 104 Abrams, M. H., 58, 239n23 absolutism, 47 L'Accusateur (Claretie), 155, 158, 170-75, 177,181-86,193-95, 196,203, 252nll; atavistic theme in, 203-4; Charles Prades character in, 201; communication /communicability themes, 182; Dantin character in, 182, 183, 199, 203-4; Ginory character in, 172, 174, 182-84, 199-200; Monsieur Bernardet character in, 155-56, 162, 171-72, 175, 183-84, 185, 200, 202; -, as bibliophile, 160-61, 249n14; the occult and, 184-85; plot, 155-56; potential misuse of science theme, 171-72 "The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle" (Doyle),86 L'Affaire Lerouge (Gaboriau), 112, 121, 244n8 afterimages ("afterimage effect"). See retinal afterimages Amblard, Marie-Claude, 232n14 Ambriere, Madeleine, 240n7 "Les Amours de Milord Bomston" (Rousseau), 74, 76-77 anthropometry, 194, 198; photography and, 199 Anzalone, John, 220, 257n20, 258n33 Apter, Emily, 208, 256n6 Aristotle, 53 art history, 5-6, 8, 228n13 "At the End of the Passage" (Kipling), 195-96 atavistic themes, in nineteenth-century fiction and culture, 202-5 autopsy (autopsia), 116 Avant-propos de la Comedie humaine (Balzac), 20, 21, 24, 30-31, 61, 88; science and, 63, 64, 231n6 Les Aventures du Capitaine Hatteras (Verne), 180 "Avertissement du Gars" (Balzac), 23, 26, 28 bacteriology, 201 Bal, Mieke, 239n4, 249n9 Le Bal de Sceaux, 41-47; Emilie in, 41-46, 67, 69, 235n12; plot of, 41-42 Balzac, I-Ionon"~ de, 2, 4, 7, 15, 123,209, 222, 225, 231n6, 232n9, 233n24, 240n7, 256n14; Balzac-observateur versus Balzacvisionnaire , 19-20, 231n3; on capitalism, 235n7; communication of images in, 23; concept of vision, 30; defense of materialism, 21, 30-31; knowledge of optics, 231n8; nineteenth-century naturalists and, 63; scoptophilic impulses, 236n4; theory of second sight (la seconde vue; La Specialite; voyance) , 20-22, 24, 25; valorization of European ideas, 240n12; visual epistemology, 48-49, 58. See also specific works Barberis, Pierre, 231n3, 232n9, 239n4 Barthes, Roland, 48, 68, 184, 236nl, 240nl1, 251n32; on hermeneutic function, 244nl0 Baudelaire, Charles, 231n3, 250n20 Baxandall, Michael, 228n13 262 Index Bays, Gwendolyn, 231n5, 233n27 Beatrix (Balzac), 60 Beer, Gillian, 127, 246n24 Beguin, Albert, 231n3, 241n20 Beizer,janet, 237n10, 255n2 Bell, David F., 228n11, 246n4 Bentham, jeremy, 125 Berard, Suzanne, 24, 232n18, 233n27 Berg, William, 19, 231n2 Berkeley, George, 9; visual perception theories, 110-11 Bernheimer, Charles, 255n2 Bertillon, Alphonse, 93, 194, 199; racial classification systems, 201-2, 254n12 La Bite humaine (Zola), 202, 204 bibliophilia, 160-61, 249n14 blindness, 50, 52, 123, 230n1, 236n7, 237n10, 244n4; hysterical, 208; snow, 252n6. See also vision, restored Boileau, Pierre (Boileau-Narcejac), 92, 241n1, 242n12, 245n15 Boismont, Brierre de, 187 Boll, Franz, 158, 163-64, 168, 174, 175, 177,183 Bonard, Olivier, 241n20 Bonfantini, Massimo A., 109, 244n38 Bongie, Chris, 253n1 Bonnefis, Philippe, 159, 170, 248n5, 250n24, 251n32; "Clair-obscur" and, 159 Bouguer, Pierre, 237n16 Bouvard et Pecuchet (Flaubert), 1-3, 166-67,227n3,250nn22,23 Braid, james, 209 Brennan, Teresa, 227n4 Brombert, Victor, 19, 230nl Brooks, Peter, 234n31, 236n4, 241n15, 244n10 Bryson, Norman, 235n11 Buffon, Georges-Louis de, 2, 33-34, 57, 231n8, 236n7 Caillois, Roger, 194 camera obscura, 7, 28-29, 35, 36, 158, 177, 234n28,235nn6, 13, 251n32;of dreams, 170. See also chambre obscure Campagnoni, Donata, 56, 238nn18, 19 capitalism, 235n7 "Cartesian perspectivalism," 5, 8, 35, 60, 230n32 Cartesianism, 8-9, 12,24,29,34,44 Castex, Pierre-Georges, 194 Castle, Terry, 215, 235n10, 238n19 L'CEil vivant (Starobinski), 70 Chambers, Ross, 165, 250n18 La Chambre claire (Barthes), 184 chambre noire, 36, 39,57, 161, 177 chambre obscure, 29, 35, 36, 156, 162, 225, 255n1. See also camera obscura Charcot, jean-Martin, 207-11, 255n3, 256n4; critics of, 256n16; public lectures, 256n9 La Chartreuse de Parme (Stendhal), 60 Cheselden, William (Cheselden case), 110, Ill, 135-36, 184, 244n3, 246n28 Chevreul, Michel-Eugene, 10,64, 237n16, 240n8 Les Chouans (Balzac), 20, 22-23, 39,41; second sight (seconde vue) concept in, 24; Victor Morillon character in, 22-29, 32,37,39,47 cinema, 258nn26, 27 Citron, Pierre, 235n7 Civilization (Buckle), 94 Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud), 90 Claire Lenoir (Villiers de l'Isle-Adam), 155, 158,164-70,177,185-95,197-98,206, 211,220,221; atavistic theme in, 204-5; attention to anatomical detail in, 166; Bonhomet/Dr. Lenoir debates in, 187-90; Claire Lenoir character in, 156, 166, 167, 169, 204-5, 217; definition of reality theme, 186-87; discourse of optics and, 253n18; Dr. Cesaire Lenoir character in, 156, 187-90, 204; "Ottysor...
