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Index Absorption and Theatricality (Fried), 13, 240 n. 5 acting theory, 34-36,37,243 n. 51,244 nn. 58,61 actresses and actors: and moral character, 3739 ; in relation to character, 18, 22-24, 2841 passim, 42, 50, 57 123, 125, 131, 16768 , 242 n. 43, 243-44 n. 54, 246 n. 78,268 n. 63; and sexual reputation, 38-39, 12325 ,245 n. 68 Addison,Joseph, 9, 31, 94, 196-97; Cato, 31, 96,97-113, 124 Agnew, jean Christophe, 12, 13, 24,48-49, 241 n. 29, 249 n. 30 Ahem, Susan K., 58 Aikins,Janet E., 263 n. 91 Anderson, Benedict, 92-93, 241 n. 30 antitheatrical theatricalism, 9, 49, 50, 57, 61, 65,83,85,171 Apologyfor the Life ofMr. Colley Cibber, 32, 245 n.68 Arbuthnot, john, Three Hours After Marriage, 71-72 Aristotle, 253 n. 15 Armstrong, Nancy, 15 Art and Nature (Miller), 200-203, 220 audience: role of, 3-5, 28-41 passim, 46, 60, 63,100,131-32,147,148,165, 167,169, 191, 192, 212,219, 237; seating of, 3, 4, 236; social stratification of, 3,4 Author's Farce, The (Fielding), 53, 58-65 authorship, 52, 53, 66, 191. See also female playwrights Backscheider, Paula, 251 n. 61 Baker, Robert, The Mad-House, 53-56, 57 ballad opera, 53, 62 Banks,John, 94, 123 Barker-Benfield, G.]., 199 Barrett, Dene, 243 n. 51 Barry, Elizabeth, 38-39, 123, 125, 131 Beaux' Stratagem, The (Farquhar), 150, 151, 170-79,183 Beggar's Opera, The (Gay), 39, 40, 53 Bellamy, George Anne, 39 Belle's Stratagem, The(Cowley), 151,170-71, 179-83 Bender,John, 15 Bembaum, Ernest, 221 Betterton, Thomas, 32 Biographical Dictionary ofActors, Actresses .. A, 1 Bold Strokefor a Husband, A (Cowley), 151-52, 160-70,179 Bold Strokefor a Wife, A (Centlivre), 151-60, 161, 162,163, 164,168,170 Bolton, duke of, 39,40 bourgeois drama, 88-89,94, 113, 125, 143 bourgeois ideology See middling classes Bracegirdle, Anne, 38, 123, 125, 131 Braudy, Leo, 15 Brewer,john, 21, 204 Britons: Forging a Nation (Colley), 74, 75, 78, 117, 259 n. 58 Brown, Laura, 5, 262-63 n. 88, 264 n. 10 Bull,John, 146 Burke, Helen, 159, 165 Butler,Judith, 170 Campbell,jill, 66, 68 Canfield,]. Douglas, 66 Caryl!, john, 97 Castle, Terry, 68, 162 Catholicism, 74, 78-79,80,82, 119, 169,209 Cato (Addison), 31, 96,97-113, 124 Cato ... Without the Love Scenes, 97, 102-13, 255 n. 39,255-56 n. 40 Centlivre, Susanna, 9, 73-74; The Beau's Duel, 73-74;ABoldStrokefora Wife, 151-60,161, 162, 163, 164, 168, 170; The Cruel Gift, 73 character: changing definition of, 19,20-27, 113, 241 nn. 23, 25; concept of, 7, 8, 12, 19-41; as currency, 20-21, 24, 152, 159, 199,202,203,220,221,233,241n.24;on the eighteenth-century stage, 9, 10, 18, 1920 ,27,28-41,50,56,123,125,147-48, 169; and generic convention, 41-46 86, 90, 99, 113, 146, 147, 149-50, 167-68, 184, 186-92, 195,234, 237; and moral quality, character (continued) 22-24, 26-27, 39-40, 223, 230; and property relations, 16, 18-19, 237; and representation , 23-24, 27,39-41, 50, 56, 64, 93, 147-48,150,164,169,170,171-72,179, 182,183,190-91,221,237 character sketches, 22-23 Charke, Charlotte, 39, 162 Charlotte, Queen (of England), 179 Chetwood, William, 38, 245-46 n. 73 Churchill, Charles, The Rosciad, 246 n. 76 Cibber, Colley, 216; Apology, 32,37-38,61, 242 n. 43, 245 n. 68; The Provoked Husband, 192 Cibber, Theophilus, 51 Clark, Constance, 70, 71 Clive, Catherine, 39; The Rehearsal: Or, Bays in Petticoats, 67, 71, 73, 249-50 n. 37 Cole, Lucinda, 258 n. 53 Coleman, Patrick, 241 n. 32 Colley, Linda, Britons, 74, 75, 78, 117,259 n. 58 Collier,Jeremy, 145, 146, 269 n. 5 Colman, George the Elder: The English Merchant , 227; New Brooms, 83 Colman, George the Younger, The Female Dramatist , 84-85 colonialism, 93, 118, 122, 228,229,232, 233 comedies of manners, humours, and intrigue. See comedy comedy, 9-10, 17,42-43, 145-92 passim, 193, 194, 204; and class, 170-73, 176-79, 180, 192; constitutional parodies of identity in,9, 150,170,173,179,182-83, 192;conventions of, 55-56, 140-96 passim, 20811 ; cultural work of, 145, 147,150-51,152, 153,156,172,177,178...
