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SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Note that the bibliography associated with individual civic mints is to be found in the entries of the Appendix. Allen, W.R. "Mercantilism." InJ. Eatwell, M. Milgate, and P.Newman (eds.), TheNewPalgrave: A Dictionary ofEconomics (London 1987) 445-49. Alessandri, S. "II significato storico della legge di Nicofonte suI dokimastes monetario." ASNP3 14 (1984) 369-93. Ardaillon, E. LesminesduLaurion dansl'antiquiM (Paris 1897). Babelon, E. "La politique monetaire d'Athenes au Ve siecle avant notre ere." RN4 17 (1913) 457-85. Badian, E. "The Peace of Callias." ]HS 107 (1987) 1-39 =FromPlataeato Potidaea (Baltimore 1993) 1-72, 187-201. Balcer, J.M. "Imperial Officials in the Athenian Empire." Historia25 (1976) 257-87. Barron, J.P."Chios in the Athenian Empire." In J. Boardman and C.E. Vaphopoulou-Richardson (eds.). Chios:A Conference at theHomereion in Chios 1984 (Oxford 1986) 89-103. ---. TheSilverCoinsofSamos(London 1966). Baumeister, A. Bericht fiber dieVerhandlungen derKOnigl. Preuss. Akad.derWissenschaflen (Berlin 1855) 186-99. Beer, L. The Coinage of Aegina:A Chronological Reappraisal Basedon Hoardsand Technical Studies(Diss., Oxford University 1980). Beer, L., N.H. Gale, W. Gentner, G.A. Wagner, and J.Price. "Archaic Greek Coinage: Silver." Metallurgy inNumismatics 1 (1980) 1-54 Bodenstedt, F.DieElektronmunzen vonPhokaia undMytilene(Tubingen 1981). --. Phiikaisches Elektron-Geld von600-326 v.Chr.(Mainz 1976). Bogaert, R. "L'essai des monnaies dans l'antiquite." RBN 122 (1976) 5-34. ---. "Le cours du statere de Cyzique aAthenes aux veet wesiecles avant ].-C.: etat de la question." RB.N123 (1977) 17-39. Bon, A.-M. and A. Bon, with V.Grace. Lestimbres amphoriques de Thasos,Etudes thasiennnes 4 (Paris 1957). Bourriot, F. "Note sur le text de la loi athenienne de 375/4 concernant la circulation monetaire (la loi de Nicophon)." ZPE 50 (1983) 275-82. Boutin, S. "Essai de classement de monnaies archaiques de la mer egee au type des deux delphins." In R. Margolis and H. Voegtli (eds.).Numismatics: Witness toHistory(Wetteren 1986) 1-10. Bradeen, D.W. and M.E McGregor. Studiesin Fifth-Century Attic Epigraphy (Norman, OK 1973). 600 SELECTBIBLIOGRAPHY Brashinsky, J.B. Afinyi Severnoe Prichernomor'e (Moscow 1963). Burelli, L. "L'accordo monetale tra Focea e Mitilene (I.G., XII, 2, I." NAC 7 (1978) 43-51. ---. "Metaphore monetali e provvedimenti finanziari in Aristophane." ASNP3 (1973) 767-86. Buttrey, T.V. "The Athenian Currency Law of 375/4 B.C." In O. Merkholm and N.M. Waggoner (eds.), Greek Numismatics andArchaeology: EssaysinHonor ofMargaret Thompson (Wetteren 1979) 33-45. ---. "More on the Athenian Coinage Law of 375/4 B.C." NAC 10 (1981) 71-94. ---. "Pharaonic Imitations of Athenian Tetradrachms." In T.Hackens and R. WeiHer (eds.), Proceedings ofthe9thInternational Congress ofNumismatics. Berne, September 1979 (Luxemburg 1982) 1.137-40. Cacciamo Caltabiano, M. and P.Radici Colace. "APrYPION LlOKIMON ... TO D,..'ENANTION rrAPA~HMON (Pollux, 3,86)." ASNP3 13 (1983) 421-47. --. "APrYPION EY~OKIMON (Pollux, 3,87)." ASNP3 15 (1985) 81-101. ---. "Darico persiano e nomisma greco: differenze strutturalli, ideologiche e funzionali alIa luce dellessico greco." REA91 (1989) 213-226. Cahn, R.A. "Etalons monetaires en Asie-mineure jusqu'au ye siecle." In Congresso intemazionale dinumismatica (Rome 1961-1965) 2.19-23. ---. Knidos: DieMiinzendessechsten undfiinftenJahrhunderts v. Chr.(Berlin 1970). Carter, G.E '~Simplified Method for Calculating the Original Number of Dies from Die Link Statistics." ANSMN 28 (1983) 195-206. Cataldi, S. Symbolai e relazione tralecittagreche nelv secolo a.C.(Pisa 1983). Cataudella, M.R. "Aspetti e strumenti della politica monetaria ateniese fra Y e IV secolo." Sileno12 (1986) 111-35. Cavaignac, E. Etudessurl'histoire financiere d'Athenes au ~ siede(Paris 1908). --. "Le decret dit de Klearkhos." RN5 15 (1953) 1-7. Chabiaras, N. "~1top&8wv €1t~ypCtcpCtt." AE (1922) 39-52. Chambers, M.H., R. Gallucci, and P.Spanos. "Athens' Alliance with Egesta in the Year of Antiphon." ZPE 83 (1990) 38-57. Cocchi, E.E."11 controllo statale sulla circolazione di moneta straniera nell citta greche." RSA 12 (1982) 53-59. Conophagos, C.E. LeLauriumantique (Athens 1980). Crosby, M. "The Leases of the Laurion Mines." Hesperia 19 (1950) 189-312. Davesne, A. "La circulation monetaire en Cilicie a l'epoque achernenide." REA91 (1989) 157-68. Depeyrot, G., T. Hackens, and G. Moucharte (eds.). Rythmesde laproduction monetaire del'antiquite anos jours(Louvain 1987). Descat, R. (ed.). L'orperseetl'histoire grecque, REA91 (1989). Diebolt,]. and H. Nicolet-Pierre. "Recherches sur le metal de tetradrachmes atypes atheniens." SNR56 (1977) 79-91. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 11:34 GMT) SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY 601 Dunbar, N. Aristophanes...
