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BOOK OF CONSTITUTIONS 69 not a capital crime; further let the slave be flogged as a punishmentS1 2. Indeed if it is a case in which we order a man to be killed, and if he has fled into a church, let him redeem himself according to the amount established by him from whom he stole, and let him pay a fine of twelve solidi. 3. If however it is a minor theft, that is, if he has stolen a pig, a sheep,a goat, or a hive of bees, let him pay a fine of three solidi. 4. If he commits violence, let the amount of the fine be six solidi. 1. If anyone believes that a theft which has been committed may be compounded without the knowledge of the judges, let him receive the punishment to which a thief would be subjected. 2. If anyone assuming the place of a judge wishes to set the composition between the above-mentioned parties, let him pay a fine of twelve solidi. LXXII If anyone sets a trap for wild animals outside the cultivated land, and places it in a deserted spot, and by chance, a man or animal runs into it, no blame shall be attributed to him who owned the trap on this account. LXXIII 1. If an animal shall have been found in that place in which it causes loss, or outside as well, and if it shall have been endangered 1 Cf. XCI. 1 Cf. XLVI. ...
