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24 THE BURGUNDIAN CODE status of such persons, let the same condition about murderers be observed. 7. In such cases let all know this must be observed carefully, that the relatives of the man killed must recognize that no one can be pursued except the killer; because just as we have ordered the criminals to be destroyed, so we will suffer the innocent to sustain no injury. If it shall be established that any were the freedmen or freedwomen of our ancestors of royal memory, that is, Gibica, Godomar, Gislaharius, Gundaharius, also of our father and our uncle, let them remain in that same state of freedom; whoever among them has been in a servitude of lower status under our ancestors, let them remain under our dominion (dominium). 1. If anyonesolicits another's bondservant, or anyone, either native Burgundian or Roman, presumes to take in theft a horse, mare, ox, or cow, let him be killed: and let him who lost the bondservants and animals mentioned above, if he is not able to find them in the possession of the solicitor or thief, receive compensation in fee simple: that is, if he is not able to find that bondservant, for the bondservant, twenty-five solidi; for the best horse, ten solidi; for an ordinary one, five solidi; for the mare, three solidi; for the ox, two solidi; for the cow, one solidus. 2. If indeed a slave commits the theft, let him be handed over to death: and let the master of the slave requite by a single payment (i.e., in fee simple) and without claim to further damages him who lost those things which were taken away by theft, including the above-mentioned animals which cannot be found, in accordance with the t a r 8 of established prices. 3. And if any native freeman, either Burgundian or Roman, takes in theft a pig, a sheep, a beehive, or a she-goat, let him pay three- ...
