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Index Note that medieval people are listed alphabetically via their first name (e.g., "Alain de Lille" rather than "Lille, Alain de"). Accusatio, 30, 36, 182, 253 n. 89 Adabolendam (1184), 31 Adexttrpanda (1252), 31 Adela!de Ademar, 275 n. 133, 279 n. 190 Adela!de de Massabrac, 260 n. 40 Adela!de de Miraval, heretic, 151 Adela!de Maury, 210 AdemarofChabannes, 63 Aers, David, 107 Alain de Ulle, 28, 216 Alaza!s Guillaumar ofTignac, 192 Albi, 37, 42, 47, 79, 83, 88 Albigensian Crusade, 3, 22, 24, 32-35, 37, 40, 42, 48, 52, 57, 59, 61, 70, 117, 139, 143, 146, 149, 152, 154, 155 Aldric Saix, 131 Althusser, Louis, 213, 236 n. 45 Alzeu de Massabrac, 149, 151 Antichrist, 168, 269 n. 18 Anticlericalism, 179, 183, 186, 194 Arnald Hugo ofVieilmores, Cathar deacon, 119 Arnaud Aimery, legate, 32 Arnaud Daide, 136 Arnaud de Bretos, heretic, 139 Arnaud de Cordes, 160 Arnaud de Corneilhan, 86 Arnaud de Miglos, knight, 155 Arnaud de Ravat, 161 Arnaud de Savinhan ofTarascon, 165, 167-73, 174,176,178,179 Arnaud de Verniolles, 166, 214-25 Arnaud Gelis, 133 Arnaud Gossiaud ofQuie, 187 Arnaud Laufre ofTignac, 191-92, 194, 275 n. 128 Arnaud Orre, 136 Arnaud Pons de Vernaux, 161 Arnaud Sicre, 275 n. 122 Arnaud Tolus, magister, ofTarascon, 171 Arnaude de Lamothe, heretic, 107, 149 Asad, Talal, So, 95, 109, 249 n. 8, 254 n. 103, 257-58 n. 168 Athon de Sainte-Victore, notary, 2 Athon du Chateau, 141 Augustine ofHippo, 20, 202-3, 205-6, 212, 254n. 101 AustorgadeRosengua, 132,156 Autobiography, 200,205-13. See also Individuality ; Subjectivity Avignonet, 82, 84, 259 n. 2 Avril, Jean, 29 Ax-les-Thermes, 165, 192, 193, 194 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 8, 12, 236 n. 46, 270 n. 32 Baptism, 24, 56, 125, 155, 174, 176, 177, 178, 194-95, 196, 274 n. 121 Barker, Philip, 206 BarthelemyAmilhac, 83, 197-200,202-8, 210-11 Barthelemy Jordan, 251 n. so Beatrice de Lagleize (a.k.a. de Planissoles), 83, 165, 166, 197-214, 229, 273 n. 84, 275 n. 131 Beguines, 5s Belief, 21, 118, 120, 122, 132, 151-52, 157-63, 172-73, 178-79 Berenger de Lavelanet, 82, 102 Bergere de Loubens, 131, 134, 260 n. 44 BernardAmati, notary, 126 BernardArquier, 159 Bernard Barra, 110, 163 Bernard Benedict ofVillardonel, 83, 162 Bernard Bonafos, heretic deacon, 153 Bernard Cordier ofPamiers, 168 Bernard Costa, heretic, 74 306 Index Bernard Daide, 136 Bernard de Caux, inquisitor, 48, 83, 85, 99, 243 n. 2 Bernard de Montesquieu, 145 Bernard de Puys, 145 Bernard de Revel, r-2, uo, 233 n. r Bernard de Tinhol, heretic, 267 n. 213 Bernard Delicieux, OM, 5, 82 Bernard Escoulan, r54 BernardFaureofQuie, 183,185 Bernard Faure ofToulouse, r34 Bernard Furnier, 154 Bernard Godalh, heretic, 89 Bernard Gui, 50-57, 65, 67, 71, 78, 8r, 84, 85, 86, 89, 95, 97, 99, 191, 245 n. 32, 248 n. 96, 255 n. 120. See alsoPractica inquisitionis hereticepravitatis Bernard Lorca ofFoix, 193 Bernard ofClairvaux, 24, 26, 31, 34, 64, ro8, 170,244 n. 30,247 n. 74,270 n. 30 Bernard Oth, lord ofNiort, 129, 149, 152 Bernard Pages, heretic, 74 Bernard Pellicier ofAx-les-Thermes, 192 Bernard R.astel, heretic, I Bernard Remon, r6o Bernard Ugo, 265 n. 152 Bernarde de Fonte, 140 Bertrand Alamans, r Bertrand Marty, Cathar bishop, 102, r 36, I39, 142, 260 n. 40 Biller, Peter, 235 n. 24,267 n. 217 Bisson, Thomas, 35 Bolton, Brenda, 24 Bon Mancip, inquisition scribe, 141 Bona de Puy ofPrades, 88, 89, I62 Borst, Arno, 6, 79, 143, 155 Boswell, John, 215, 216 Bourin-Derruau, Monique, 143 Boyle, Leonard, ro, 92, 208, 272 n. 70, 275 n. 133 Braunstein, Philippe, 109 Brown, Peter, 145, 146,264n. 139 Brundage, James, 205 Brune de Monteils, nun, 185 Burckhardt, Jacob, 107 Butler, Judith, 214, 217, 224, 271 n. 53 Caesarius ofHeisterbach, 64, 92 Cahors, 175 Carcassonne, 48, 74, 82, roo, 104, 173, r8r, !82,192 Carnalage. See Tithes Carruthers, Mary, 109 Catharism, 3-4, 23-24, II7, 120, 124, 127, l29-30,I33-34,I44,I45-47,I65;Cemeteries , 129; consolamentum, 20, 24, 36, 40, 65,75,89,IOO,II6,II8,II9,I24-30,I3I, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138, 145, 146, 153, 157, I58,I59,I60,I65,I83,I98,2I0,2II,26I n.s6;~u~,89,I47,2Io;family,rr?-I9, 149-51,I72,204;food, I24,I27,I34,15556 , 255 n. 135,260 n. 22; involvement with other faiths, r19, r6o-6r, 268...
