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List of Tables TABLE 1 Distribution of Land Patents, Sales, and Prices, Lunen­ burg County, 1746­1751 32 TABLE 2 Distribution of Slave and Land Ownership, Lunenburg County, 1750­1769 65 TABLE 3 Wealth of Advocates and Opponents of GeneralAssessment Proposal 151 TABLE 4 Population and Slaveholding, Lunenburg County, 1750— 1815 165 TABLE 5 Slave/White Population of Selected Virginia Counties, 1790­1826 166 TABLE 6 Distribution ofLandholdings, Lunenburg County, 1764— 1815 174 TABLE 7 Distribution of Slaveholdings, Lunenburg County, 1750— 1815 175 TABLE 8 Distribution of Inventoried Wealth, Lunenburg County, 1746­1816 177 This page intentionally left blank ...
