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Index African American literature: and Native writers, xii, 84, 103, 108, 134nl5; rage in, xii, 103, 104-5, 108 African Americans: and Du Bois's "doubleconsciousness ," 82, 134nl2; race and, 78, 80, 82-83, 85, 133n6, 136n27 Alcatraz, occupation of (1969), vii, 105, 140nl9 Alexie, Sherman: identity politics in work of, 115-16, 119; Indian-white relations in work of, 117-19; on mixedblood identity, 21, 22, 112-13, 125n21, 138n2, 142n35; on mixedblood writers, 21, 142n35; and Owens, 21, 118, 142n35; and "postIndian " culture, 20, 125n21; preference for term "Indian," 138n2; and Vizenor, 21, 107; Lone Ranger and Tonto I-Ktfght m Heaven, 117, 125n21, 138n7, 14()nl5; One Slick Song, 141n26; "Sin Eaters," 102, 117-18, 139nlO, 141n26, 142n34 "Unauthorized Biography of Me," 125n21. See also Indian Killer, Reservation Blues; Toughest Indian in the World Almanac of theDead (Silko): cosmopolitanism in, 20, 23, 113; Indian identities in, 113, 114; Indian Wars and Ghost Dance in, 102-3, 113; transcendence of racism in, 113, 119 American Indian Movement (AIM), 105-6 anthropology and anthropologists: academic departments of, 22-23, 139n9; and anti-imperial translation, 13, 6566 , 124n4; and art, 26; Boas and, 33-34, 129nl5; and colonialism, 124n4; "comparative method," 34, 129nl5; Ueloria's attacks on, 106, 140n20; and incommensurability of cultures, 61-62; "literary," 34-35, 129nl5; Native, 6; and Native perspectives, 13; postcolonial, 65-66; radical relativism of, 61-62; researchersubject relationships, 6-7, 13; "scientific ," 34; and separatist nationalism, 6-7; on value of traditional histories, 60 Apess, William, 16, 20 Appiah, Kwame Anthony: on "cosmopolitan patriotism," 12, 17, 111-12; cosmopolitan perspective of, 14, 17; on "intrinsic racism," 116; on postcolonial novel, 114; on Sartre and anti-racist racism, 119-20 Austin, Mary, 32-34, 37, 38, 128nl2; American Rhythm, 33-34, 128nl2 Bad Heart Bull, Amos, 56, 68, 130nn6, 7, 132n22 Bahr, Donald, 27, 130n2; song translations of, 42-46 Baldwin, Jarnes, 104, 140nl5 Basso, Keith, 11, 51, 74 Battle of the Little Big Horn, 56, 132n22 Bird, Traveller, 57-58, 67, 72-74; Tell Them They Lie, 57 Black Elk, 23, 70; Black I'M Speaks (Black Elk with Xeihardt), 23 Black Nationalism, 115 Klack Rage (Grier and Cobbs), 105, 140nl6 Blish, Helen, 53, 68-69, 70, 71, 132n21 "blood": in Cogewea, xi, 77, 79-80, 9596 ; discourse on, 76, 77, 91, 116, 132nl; and essentialism, 76, 132nl;historical notions of, 78-84; and Indian identitv, 162 Index "blood" (continued) 93; Parker on, 91; and racial classification , 80; and racism, 77, 91, 116; in Vi/.enor's "Crows," 77. See also mixedbloods ; race boarding school experiences, 88, 90, 94, 137n35 Boas, Fran/,: and Burlin, 127n9; literal translations, 34-36; and literary anthropology , 34-35, 129nl5; on Native lifeways, 89; on race and culture, 8384 ; on race and identity, 93; scientific: literality of, and Rothenberg, 36-37; Kutenai Tales, 35-36; Mind of Primitive Man, 84 Brave Bear, as killer of Custer, 55-56, 69-70, 130n6 Broderick, Therese (TinSchreiner), 9596 ; The Brand, 95-96 Brown, Alanna Kathleen, 77, 133nn3, 4 Brown v. Board of Education (1955), 104 Brule Sioux, 50, 68, 135n25 Burlin, Natalie Curtis, 30-34, 37, 127n9; Indians Book, .31-32 Carlisle (boarding school), 90, 94, 137n35 Cesaire, Aime, 142n33 (Cherokee: prose translations, 126n8, 128nl2; Sequoyah story, 57-58, 67, 72-74; war song translations, 27-28, 38 Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831), 134nl9 Cheyenne: and Custer, 55, 56, 70; picturewriting , 67; Stone Forehead story, 56-57, 71-72' Cheyfitz, Eric, 13, 64-66, 109 Chippewa translations, 28-29, 32, 126n6, 129nl7 Churchill, Ward, 2, 3, 11, 123nl Clackamas translations, 39-40, 129n21 Cleaver, Eldridge, 105 Cogewea, character of: on blood and race, xi, 79, 86-87, 95-96; father of, 87-88; grandmother of, 86, 87; in horse race, 85-86; and Jim, 85, 87-88, 94; living as mixed race person, 85-87; marriage, 87, 89; sisters of, 88, 94, 135n24 Cogewea: The Half-Blood (Mourning Dove): Densmore in, 86-87, 89; ending of, 88, 95; and formal racial classifications, 7980 ; and Indian policy, 88-91; influence of The Brand, 95-96; Jim's and Cogewca's relationship, 85, 87, 94; Julia Carter in, 89, 94; Mary McDonald in, 88, 94, 135n24, 137n37; McDonald in (father), 87-88; and McWhorter's revisions, 7677 , 86, 88, 137n35; on mixedbloods, 77, 88, 95; and people living as both Indian and American, 85-87, 89, 94-95; plot and characters, 85-88, 94-97, 135n23; race and blood in, xi, 77, 79...
