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A Chronology of Franklin's Life COMPILED BY MARK FRAZIER LLOYD January 6 (Januai? 17, Sew Style): BF born in Boston. Septernber through May: BF lvas enrolled in the South Grammar School (now Boston Latin). Septernber throl~ghMa!-: BF attended George Bro~vnell's English school, which fo1lo~1-ed a nonclassical curriculum, for his second and final rear of formal school. BF becaille his father's assistant in the tallow-chandlery and soap-boiling business. BF lvas apprenticed as a printer to his brother James Franklin. August 7: James F~anklinbegan publication of The L\TezuEngland Coulant, the first Anlerican neJzspapei to feature humorous essals and other liteian content April 2: The first letter of "Silence Dogood" published in the Courant, follo~ved by thirteen others before BF revealed his identit!- in October of that year. June 12 through Jul!- 7: The Massachusetts legislature iillprisoned Jailles Franklin and in his absence BF temporarily edited the Cow-ant. January 24 through February 12: BF again temporarily edited the C,'oumnt. Septernber 23: At the age of seventeen, BF broke his apprenticeship wit11 his older brother, calling him "harsh and tyrannical," and left Boston. 172 Mark Frazier Lloyd October 6: BF arrived in Philadelphia. October 1723 through March 1724: BF ernplo!-ed as a printer in the shop of Samuel Keimer. April through June: BF traveled to Boston to ask his father to lend hirn funds to start a printing business in Philadelphia ; his father ref~~sed to assist him. Sovember 5: With an offer of financial backing from Provincial Pennsylyania Governor Sir TVilliam Keith, BF sailed to London to buy t!-pe and other printing supplies. Decernber 24: BF arrived in London. 1725 BF ~vorked in the London printing shops of Sarnuel Palrner andJohn TZ'atts. 1726 July 21: BF left London for Philadelphia. October 11: BF arrived in Philadelphia, found work as a clerk in a dl-!--goods store, and then returned to the printing shop of Samuel Keimer. 1727 January 6: BF turns 21 Fall: BF founded theJunto club 1728 June 1: BF and a fellow Keirnel pl intel, H11gl1Me1edith, left Keimel's emplo~and opened theil o~vn plirltirlg and stntionen shop. 1729 October 2: BF became the owner, pllblishel, and editor of the ~veekly nelvspapel the P(~n?zsjlvcrnzn Gcrzettc~. ca. 1729 BF became a father, out of ~vedlock, of a son, LVilliam, TI-110 was born of an unidentified mother; the year and date of LVilliam's birth are not known. Januar!- 30: The Perms!-lvania Assembly elected BF and H11gl1Meredith official government printers. July 14:BF purchased Meredith's share of the business and became sole proprietor. September 1: BF married Deborah (Read) Rogers (the legal status of the union is uncertain). July 1:BF authored the "articles of association," appointed the first officers and directors, and follrlded the Librar!Company of Philadelphia. A Chronolog~ of Franklin's Life 173 1732 Octobel 20: Fl arlcls Folgel Fl ankh11bol n to BF and Debo1ah Read. December 28 BF published the filst issue of Poor Rzclztlrd'r dlmcrncrcunder the pseudom m "Richa1d Saundel s " 1736 October 15: BF appointed clerk of the Pennsylvania Assembh-. November 21: BF's son, Flarlcis Folgel Franklin, died at the age of four. December 7: BF organized the Union Fire Company of Philadelphia. 1737 October 5: Governor Spots~cood of Virginia appointed BF postmaster of Philadelphia. 743 Ma\ 14 BF authored and published A Aoportllfol Plornotzng C'r(.fzil K n o r ~ ~ l ~ d g ~ Atnong tlz~ B~ztzsIz Pltlntcrtzons zn riln~~zctl, the follrldlng docurnent of the Xrnellcan Ph~losoph~cal Soclet~. Septembel 11 Salah ("Sall~ ") Franklin born to BF and Deborah Read 1747 May 23: A letter of BF to Peter Collinson in England described BF's first experiments with electricit!.. November 17: BF authored and published a pamphlet "Plain Truth," on the need for protecting Philadelphia against the raids of French and Spanish prirateers on the Delaware River. November 24: BF and others organized a volunteer militia -the Associators-for the defense of Pennsylvania. 1748 January 1: BF entered into a partnership wit11 David Hall, permitting to retire from printing. In exchange for the use of the shop and its printing presses, Hall agreed to divide the profits eyed!- ~cith BF. October 4: BF elected to Cornlnorl Council of the City of Philadelphia. BF accluired the first of several Mi-icanXrnerican slaves he owned. 1749 Aplil29: BF titled a long lettel toJohn Mitchell in England as follo...
