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62 She Who Has the Last Word “I thought you were asleep.” She shifted on the gurney and smiled, “I’ve been prepped, but I wanted to stay awake to see you just in case . . .” “In case of what?” “In case— you never know.” “It’s routine surgery, Sue—no need for valedictions.” “Will you and the boys be OK?” She gripped his hand and squeezed it softly. “You’re the only mom we have,” he said, “but somehow we’ll survive.” “I wouldn’t be much of a mother if I didn’t worry.” Her hair was netted loosely on the pillow, and a white sheet covered her. “I had to give the nurses all my hairpins and my rings.” “Mothers aren’t supposed to worry about things like that.” “Why not?” “They’re trivia for women, that’s all.” “You don’t stop being a woman just because you’re a mother.” “Which one takes priority?” 63 “The one who speaks last.” A surgical nurse approached and said, “We’re ready for you, Susan.” Susan smiled slightly and looked at him so tenderly he felt wounded. Tightening her grip on his hand, she said, “If anything happens, take care of the boys.” “Nothing will happen.” “Promise.” “Nothing will happen.” “Promise.” “All right, I promise.” The nurse pushed the gurney slowly down the corridor toward a pair of automated doors. The doors flared open like wings as Susan glanced back and whispered, “How do I look?” ...
