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295 Page numbers in italics refer to figures. “Abyss, The” [“Bezdna”] (Andreev), 240n27 “Accursed Question, The” [“Prokliatyi vopros ”] (Gastev), 36, 38 “Actor of the Future and Biomechanics, The” [“Akter budushchego i biomekhanika ”] (Meyerhold), 62 Adorno, Theodor, 8, 125 adventure genre, 180, 183, 187, 195, 210, 214 Aelita (A. Tolstoy), 21, 186–95, 200–201, 271n16, 272n42; cinematographic narrative techniques and, 204–6; symbolism and, 193, 276n109 Aelita, the Queen of Mars (Protazanov film), 196–98, 197–99 aesthetics, 6, 46, 227; cinematic, 206; constructivist , 72; mass consumption and, 186; of metamorphosis, 118–19; as purpose in itself, 126–27; techniques and aesthetic values, 13–14; utilitarianism and, 111 airplanes, 4, 108, 123, 226, 255n12 Aksenov, Ivan, 80, 246n1 Alighieri, Dante. See Dante Alighieri allegory, 15, 237n39 Allyn, Bruce J., 9 “Alphabet of Mind” [“Azbuka uma”] (Khlebnikov), 256n38 Amar, Jules, 28 “Amazing Facts” [“Potriasaiushchie fakty”] (Mayakovsky), 168 America/Americans, visions of, 14, 43–44, 163, 179–81, 227; America as Russia’s future, 152, 180, 181, 264n9; America as technological other, 17, 224; changes in nineteenth-century Russia and, 155–56; “discover America” expression in Russian , 149; in Eisenstein’s The Glass House, 215–17; emergence on Russian literary map, 153–55; in Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Land of the Bolsheviks, 209–15; as imaginary space, 18; mass scale of Red Pinkerton phenomenon, 184–86; in Mess-Mend, 218–20; poetic potential of American technology, 150–53; in Protazanov’s Aelita film, 196, 197; speed and technology, 131–32, 260n83; in Tolstoy’s Aelita, 187–90, 195. See also travel/travelogues; United States America in Modern European Literature (Ruland), 153 “America in the Russian Mind” (Rogger), 156–57 Americanism, 26, 156–59, 166 “Americanism and Fordism” (Gramsci), 158 Americanization, 17–18, 21, 182, 204, 223; as break with Russian past, 152; discourse of utility and, 149; industrialization and, 226–27; Lenin’s support for, 7, 8; theorization of, 158–161 Amerika (Kafka), 171–72 “Analyzing the Word” [“Razlozhenie slova”] (Khlebnikov), 256n38 Andreev, Leonid, 163, 164, 206, 240n27 animals, 29, 81–82, 115, 124, 164, 220, 276n13 Anna Karenina (L. Tolstoy), 29 Apollinaire, Guillaume, 25 Index Index 296 architecture: mobile, 127–29, 128–30; narrative as, 115; organic technology in American architecture, 132; transparent, 91; unbuildable, 112 Arendt, Hannah, 234n18 Aristotle, 182 “Armor Fou” (Foster), 142 art: abandonment of, 70; autonomy of, 12; contemplative aspect of, 13, 186, 228, 235n28, 236n32; fiction and reality in relation to, 217; fragility of human body and, 32–36; mimesis abandoned, 50; as separate sphere from social life, 12 “Art as Technique” [“Iskusstvo kak priem”] (Shklovsky), 3, 4, 59, 237n35 “Art into Technology” [“Iskusstvo v tekhniku ”] (Tatlin), 103 Artist as Producer, The (Gough), 236n32 art-technology relationship, 5, 16, 18, 181, 233n8; as hybridization, 4, 6; Tatlin and, 103 Arvatov, Boris, 160–61 asceticism, 36, 38, 39 Aseev, Nikolai, 202–3, 256n36, 272n56 Astaire and Rogers Building (Prague), 132 “At the Top of My Voice” [“Vo ves’golos”] (Mayakovsky), 172–73 authorship, 80, 92, 94 automatism, 38, 46, 47, 77, 78 automaton/automata, 19, 64, 98, 100, 246n12 automobiles, 157, 158, 180 avant-garde: America as imaginary space, 18; artist-engineer, 11, 20; flight as fascination of, 30; immortality as goal of, 140; integration of life and art, 5; metaphors and, 15–16; mysticism of, 12; noninstrumentality of, 13–14, 236n34; playful response to instrumental rationality, 230; technology as centrifugal force and, 224; utilitarianism and, 14; utopian project of revolutionary state and, 11; Western, 225 aviation, 25 Babanova, Mariia, 67 Babbitt (Lewis), 159 Bailes, Kendall, 158, 233n10, 239n22, 265n27, 265n31 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 68–69, 222 Bal’mont, Konstantin, 150–51 Barnet, Boris, 211, 219 Barthes, Roland, 274n78 Bathhouse, The [Bania] (Mayakovsky), 178 Baudrillard, Jean, 163, 180 Beaune, Jean-Claude, 19 Bedbug, The [Klop] (Mayakovsky), 178 Bekhterev, Vladimir, 17, 30–31, 61, 239n17, 243n71 Bely, Andrei, 81 Bend Sinister (Nabokov), 91 Benjamin, Walter, 4, 141, 213, 233n2; on allegory and symbol, 15, 237n39; on technology, 101, 186 Benois, Aleksandr, 56 Berdiaev, Nikolai, 240n40 Berg, A. I., 32 Bergson, Henri, 27, 77, 78, 215 Bert, Paul, 28 Beyond the Pleasure Principle (Freud), 144 biology, 36, 82, 117, 132 biomechanics, 13, 17, 18, 20, 226; Americanism and, 26; children’s play and, 67; Gastev as popularizer of, 25; grotesque image of body and, 68–69; language and, 52; in The Magnificent Cuckold, 66, 70, 71–72, 76, 77–80, 82, 248n66, 249n76; moral benefits ascribed to, 28; puppetry and, 57; Russian nationality versus, 44–47; Stalinist...
