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Abramovitsch, S. Y. (Mendele), 62, 95, 100–101, 186n17 absence, 71; of context, xii, 138; and presence, 25, 27; of space, 42, 153 abstraction, 8, 12, 13, 18, 154–55 Achimeir, Aba, 136 Adorno, Theodor: “Heine the Wound,” 21–22, 27, 28–29, 166n3 Aesop, 8, 83–84 Ahad Ha’am, 95, 99, 103, 174n53, 189n13 Albeck-Gidron, Rachel, 191–92n50 Alman, Samuel, 49–50 Alterman, Natan, 128–31, 189n20; “Liberation of the Lorelei,” 128–30; “The Silver Platter,” 130–31 antisemitism, 78; and attacks on Heine, 31, 53, 54, 61, 95, 124, 168n24; in France, 80; Herzl response to, 69, 72, 80; Wagner and, 182n56 architecture, xviii, 9–11, 164n17 Arendt, Hannah, 123, 166n3; “The Jew as Pariah,” 21, 22–23 Aristotle, 33, 147 art, 3, 34, 48–49, 164n18; Hegel definition of, 9; Heine on, 35–36; history of, 4; poetical element in, 13; and prose, 3, 5, 13–14, 15, 154, 164–65n27; and remediation, 5, 12–13; and rhetoric, 15; role of, 12; and space, xix, 9–12, 13; symbolic, 7, 8, 164n18 Ashkenaz, 126, 189n17 assimilation, 67, 69; Heine and, 22–23, 122; Herzl and, 67–69 Avineri, Shlomo, 76 Bakhtin, Mikhail, xv–xvi, 165n34 Balfour, Ian, 106 Barck, Karlheinz, 160n12 Bartels, Adolf: Heinrich Heine—Another Monument, 53 Barthes, Roland, 48–49 Beer, Haim, xxi, 120; Upon a Certain Place, 147–51 Bein, Alex, 182n53 Bellamy, Edward, 82–83 Ben-Amos, Batsheva, 187–88n38 Ben-Gurion, David, 73, 130 Benveniste, Emile, 40 Ben Zion, Simcha, 124–26, 173–74n38 Berlin, 44, 142, 149; Heine and, 121, 122– 23; Heine memorials in, xi–xii, 52 Bernfeld, Shimon, 61, 136 Bernhard (Hoffmann), 142–47, 191– 92nn49–54; Heine cited in, 144–45; multilingualism in, 143–44, 145–46 Bialik, Hayyim Nahman, xx–xxi, 95–118, 185–88; agnosticism of, 99; on Hebrew literature, 56–57, 132–34; on Heine, 55–57, 64, 99–100, 133; on poetry-prose dichotomy, 95, 96–97, 98; prose as medium for, 95–96, 102, 119, 156–57; style of, 186n20; as translator, 57, 58, 190n28; works: “City of Slaughter,” Index 214 Index xxi, 64, 96, 102–18, 130–31, 157, 185n2, 187n38; “Halakhah and Aggadah,” 96, 97–99, 185n6; “The Hebrew Book,” 55–57, 95; “On the Slaughter,” 116–18; “Revealment and Concealment in Language,” 96, 98, 186n9; “Sea Songs,” 58 Bin-Gorion, Immanuel, 135 Blanchot, Maurice, 106 Bologna, 86, 182n53 Börne, Ludwig, 167n18 Bourcart, Abraham, 92, 184n69 Boyarin, Daniel, 174n53 Brenner, Y. H., 99, 100 Brod, Max, 122–23, 136, 170n39, 189n13 Broda, Benjamin Wolf, 122 Brodes, Reuven, 101 Bronx, New York, 52, 53 Buoncompagno da Siena, xv Byron, Lord, 32, 167n23 capitalism, 17, 176n7 censorship, 21, 170n38 Certeau, Michel de, 92 Charles I, 36, 37 citation, 43, 170n38 “City of Slaughter” (Bialik), xxi, 64, 96, 102–18, 157; Alterman’s poetry compared to, 130–31; cast as prophecy, 103, 105–8, 117, 130; deixis in, 112–14, 115, 118; and genre, 105, 114; performance in, xxi, 95–96, 113, 115, 116, 118, 157; and spatial conditions, 110, 115, 118, 130; translations of, 102, 185n2; victim testimonies in, 103, 106–7, 110, 111–13, 187n38; written in poetry not prose, 107, 109, 114 clothes, 87 Cohen, Margaret, 161n20 Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de, xv, 160n12 Cone, Robert, 49, 171–72n11 copresence, xii, xvii, 48, 144; in Heine poems, 26–27, 47, 51 Cromwell, Oliver, 36 dance, xix, 40 Davar, 123–24, 136 Defoe, Daniel, 82 Dehmel, Richard, 53–54, 123–24 deixis, xvii, 170n38; in Bialik, 112–14, 115, 118; in Heine, 40–42, 43, 69–70, 156; and prose-performance transition, 104–5, 118, 153–54 Derrida, Jacques, 160n11 Dethloff, Klaus, 181n47, 182n53 Dinur, Yehiel, 148 Dreyfus Affair, 80 Drumont, Edouard: Jewish France, 80 Dubnov, Simon, 103, 109, 110 Dühring, Ernst: The Jewish Question, 78 Düsseldorf, 52, 53 Emerson, Caryl, 160n8, 161n20 engineering, xviii, 164n17 Ezekiel, 105–6, 107 Fabbri, Veronique, 164n25, 164n27 Fauriel, Claude Charles: History of Provencal Poetry, 87 Fefferman, Tsvi Yoseph, 58 Felice, Fortune Barthelemy de: Encyclopedie d’Yverdon, xiv Fichmann, Yakov, 95 Fichte, Hubert, 167n21, 168n24 Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de, 165n31 Fowler, Elizabeth, 161n14 France, 52, 80 Frankfurt am Main, 52, 53, 172n16 French Revolution, 36 Frischmann, David, 64, 173n27; debate with Bialik, 56, 132–34; on Index 215 plagiarism, 62–63, 174n42, 174n45; as translator, 59, 190n28 Frye, Northrop, 159n7, 161n15 German language: and Hebrew, 125, 128, 144, 146–47, 149–50, 154; Heine as writer in, 47, 57, 61, 124...
