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Social Justice in the Liberal State. New Haven: Yale University Press. Bibliography The years given in the Bibliography and text are those of the editions used by the author and not necessarily the dates of the original publications. Ackerman, B. 1980 Adorno, T. 1945 1954 1967 1968 1969 1973a 1973b 1973c 1974 1978 1984 "A Social Critique of Radio Music." Kenyon Review 8 (2): 208-17. "How to Look at Television." Quarterly ofFilm, Radio and Television 3: 213-35. "Sociology and Psychology I." New Left Review 46: 67-80. "Sociology and Psychology II." New Left Review 47:79-97. "Scientific Experiences of a European Scholar in America." In The Intellectual Migration, edited by D. Fleming and B. Bailyn. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. TheJargon ofAuthenticity. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. Negative Dialectics. New York: Seabury. Philosophy ofModern Music. New York: Seabury. Minima Moralia. London: New Left Books. "Subject and Object." In The Essential Frankfurt School Reader, edited by A. Arato and E. Gebhardt. New York: Urizen. Aesthetic Theory. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Adorno, T. W.; H. Albert; R. Dahrendorf;J. Habermas; H. Pilot; and K. Popper 1976 The Positivist Dispute in German Sociology. London: Heinemann. Adorno, T. W.; E. Frenkel-Brunswik; D. Levinson; and R. N. Sanford 1950 The Authoritarian Personality. New York: Harper & Row. Agger, B. 1975 "On Science as Domination." In Domination, edited by A. Kontos. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 307 308 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1990 1979 1989c 1991a 1991b Western Marxism: An Introduction. Santa Monica, Calif.: Goodyear . "A Critical Theory of Dialogue." Humanities in Society 4: 7-30. "The Dialectic of Deindustrialization: An Essay on Advanced Capitalism." In Critical Theory and Public Life, edited by J. Forester . Cambridge: MIT Press. Fast Capitalism: A Critical Theory of Significance. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Reading Science: A Literary, Political and Sociological Analysis. Dix Hills, N.Y.: General Hall. Socio(onto)logy: A Disciplinary Reading. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. The Decline of Discourse: Reading, Writing and Resistance in Postmodern Capitalism. London and Philadelphia: Falmer. Cultural Studies as Critical Theory. London and Philadelphia: Falmer. "Critical Theory, Poststructuralism and Postmodernism: Their Sociological Relevance." Annual Review of Sociology 17: 105-31. Agger, B., and S. McDaniel 1982 Social Problems through Conflict and Order. Toronto: Addison-Wesley . 1989b 1989a 1981 1985 Alexander, J. C. 1982 Theoretical Logic in Sociology, 4 vols. Berkeley: University of California Press. Alexander, J. C., ed. 1985 Neofunctionalism. Beverly Hills: Sage. Alexander, J.C.; B. Giesen; R. Munch; and N. J. Smelser, eds. 1987 The Micro-Macro Link. Berkeley: University of California Press. Althusser, L. 1969 For Marx. London: Allen Lane. Althusser, L., and E. Balibar 1970 Reading "Capital. " New York: Pantheon. Anderson, P. 1976 Considerations on Western Marxism. London: New Left Books. Antonio, R. 1983 "The Origin, Development and Contemporary Status of Critical Theory." Sociological Quarterly 24: 325-51. Arendt, H. 1958 1964 The Human Condition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Eichmann in Jerusalem. New York: Viking. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-16 16:30 GMT) 309 BIBLIOGRAPHY Aronowitz, S. 1981 1988 1990 Banfield, E. 1970 The Crisis in Historical Materialism. New York: Praeger. Science as Power: Discourse and Ideology in Modern Society. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press. The Crisis in Historical Materialism, 2d ed. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. The Unheavenly City: The Nature and Future of Our Urban Crisis. Boston: Little, Brown. Baudrillard, J. 1981 For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign. St. Louis: Telos. 1983 Simulations. New York: Semiotext(e). 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Science as Culture 4: 44-70. 1991 Postmodern Theorizing. London: Macmillan. 310 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bottomore, T. 1975 Marxist Sociology. London: Macmillan. Bourdieu, P. 1988 Homo Academicus. Cambridge, England: Polity. Academic Writing as...
