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133 Index Illustrations are indicated by the italicized word gallery. abolitionists, 53, 76, 78–79 Abraham Lincoln, 1809–1858 (Beveridge ), 108–9 Abraham Lincoln: A Life (Burlingame), 106 Adams, John Quincy, 6 African Americans, racist notions toward , 13 Age of Clay, 7–8 Age of Jackson, 7 Alger, Horatio, 7 American Conflict, The (Greeley), 94 American System, 2–3, 7, 11, 26 Ames, Dr., at Republican national con­­­ vention, 63 amnesty for Confederates, 94–95 anti-immigrant sentiments, 52 Army of the Potomac, 81 Ashley, James, 85 Ashmun Amendment, 31 Baltimore Republican (periodical), 20 Bates, Edward, 1, 62, 78 battles: Antietam (Sharpsburg), 79– 80; Bull Run, First (Manassas), 74; Gettysburg, 81–83; Osawatomie, Kansas, 53; Vicksburg, 81 Beecher, Henry Ward, 99 Bell, John, 61, 68–69 Bennett, James Gordon: on Battle of Gettysburg, 81; on Greeley, 108; on Lincoln’s assassination, 93; as Lincoln supporter, 71, 90–91; ministerial appointment offered by Lincoln, 88; on Polk and Mexican-American War, 32 Beran, Michael Knox, 106 Beveridge, Albert J., 108–9 Birchall, Caleb, 37 Birney, James G., 25–26 Black Hawk War, 8 Blair, Francis, Sr., in Vanity Fair cartoon , gallery Blair, Montgomery, 78 Boston Pilot (periodical), 47 Breckinridge, John C., 61, 68–69 Brisbane, Albert, 16–17 Brook Farm, Massachusetts, 17 Brown, John, 53, 58–59 Bryant, William Cullen, 59 Buchanan, James, 52–53, 55 Burlingame, Michael, 106 Butler, William, 63–64 Cameron, Simon, 63–64 Cass, Lewis, 2, 38–39 Chase, Salmon P., 78, 99 Cheney, Mary Y. “Molly,” 16 Chicago Journal, on Lincoln, 2 Chicago River and Harbor Convention , 1–2 Chicago Tribune (periodical): on Greeley , 88, 94–95, 97; on Lincoln, 32, 45; in new generation of editors, 28–29 citizen journalism, in New York Tribune , 108 civil liberties, Lincoln’s management of, 76, 109 Civil War, end of, 90 Clay, Henry: Age of, 7–8; and the American System, 2–3, 7, 11; eulogies for, 41–43; Greeley and Lincoln as leading disciples of, 5, 26, 100– 101; presidential campaigns, 23–26, 28, 38; retirement from and return to politics, 39–40; on self-made men, 115n. 7; Whig vision of, 6 Colfax, Schuyler, 1 Commons, John R., 22 communication revolution, 23 Compromise of 1850, 40, 54 134 | index Constitutional Union Party, 61 Cooper Union address, 58–59 Corwin, Thomas, 2, 32 Current, Richard N., 109 Cuyler, Theodore H., 99 Dana, Charles A., 74, gallery Davis, David, 63 Davis, Jefferson, 67–68, 95 Dayton, William, 51 Democratic State Register (periodical), 30–31 Democrats and Democratic Party: and 1852 election, 48; Douglas as head of, in Illinois, 19; Greeley as presidential nominee of, 97; Lincoln criticized by newspapers of, 37; Lincoln on principles of, 9; Lincoln’s support among, as Union president, 71; national conventions, 60–61; northern, Douglas as presidential candidate of, 61, 68–69; peace platform, 84; proannexation (ofTexas) candidate and platform, 25; problems within, 38–39 Donald, David Herbert, 110 Douglas, Stephen A.: Beveridge’s account of, 109; as Democratic Party head in Illinois, 19; elected to U.S. Senate, 29; Greeley’s support for, 44; and Kansas-Nebraska Act, 49–50; in new generation of politicians, 28; popular sovereignty and, 40, 54; presidential campaign of, 61, 67–69; Republican Party and, 55 Dubois, Jesse K., 63–64 economic recession (1858), 53 elections: of 1824, 6; of 1832, 6; of 1844, 7; of 1848, 39; of 1852, 48; of 1858, 53–60; of 1860, 56, 68–70, 107; of 1864, 90 Emancipation Proclamation, 77–80 falsehoods in popular legends, 110–11 Fate of Liberty, The: Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties (Neely), 109–10 federal land policy, 34–35 Field, David Dudley, 1, 59 Fillmore, Millard, 33, 41, 47 Firm of Seward, Weed, and Greeley, The, 18, 51–52, 60 First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas), 74 First Party System, as foundation for careers of Lincoln and Greeley, 9 Forge of Empires (Beran), 106 Forney, John W., 71 Fourier, Charles, 16–17 Fourierism, 16–17 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 98, gallery freedom, new birth of, 77–83 free labor principle, 12 Free Soil Party, 48 Frémont, John C., 51–52, 83–84 Fry, William Henry, gallery Fugitive Slave Law, 41 Fuller, Margaret, 22 funeral train, Lincoln’s, 93 Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, gallery Gettysburg Address, 83 Giddings, Joshua R., 36 Gilmore, James R., 79 Gott, Daniel, 36–37 Grahamites, 16 Grant, Ulysses S., 4, 81, 90, 96, 98–99 “Great Skedaddle,” 74 Greele, Andrew, 5–6 Greeley, Horace: in 30th Congress, 27; ancestors of, 5...
