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Robert W. Kaps is a professor of aviation management in the Department of Aviation ManagementandFlight ,SouthernIllinoisUniversity Carbondale, and has more than thirty years’ experienceinlaborandindustrialrelations ,including work for a major airline. His background includes experience as a managerial negotiator for major air carriers and in the representation of labor unions in other industries and labor associationsrepresentingtheinterestsofemployees in the public sector. He is the author of Fiscal Aspects of Aviation Management and Air Transport Labor Relations. J. Scott Hamiltonisaprofessorofmanagement atEmbry-RiddleAeronauticalUniversityandhas morethanthirtyyears’experienceinthepractice of law, including private practice specializing in aviation law (that included representing unions and union members in major and minor disputesintheairlineindustry ),governmentservice (asseniorassistantattorneygeneral),andinaviation management (as corporate general counsel, then chief operating officer). He is the author of Practical Aviation Law. Timm J. Bliss holds the Roger Hardesty Endowed Chair in Aviation Science and is an associate professor of aviation management at Oklahoma State University with more than twenty years’ experience in higher education and public service. ...
