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Index Page numbers in italics direct the reader to illustrations.  Aaron, Daniel,  Abraham and Mary Lincoln: A House Divided (Grubin),  Abraham Lincoln Association,  Abraham Lincoln Laughing (Zall),  Abraham Lincoln: Sources and Style of Leadership (Pederson, Marsala, and Williams),  absentee ballot laws, –,  abstention, – active-flexible leadership,  Adams, Charles Francis,  African Americans, –, . See also slavery confiscation acts Allen, Woody, – Alley, John B.,  American Heritage Magazine,  Anderson, Robert,  Angle, Paul,  Annual Message to Congress (),  Antietam, battle of, , , , ,  appointments, – Army of Northern Virginia,  Army of the Potomac, , , ; election campaign of  and, , ; McClellan and, ,  Arnold, Isaac N.,  arrests, – article , section  (Constitution),  artifacts. See collecting Ashley, James,  Asquith, H. H.,  Association of Lincoln Impersonators,  Atlanta, Georgia,  Atlantic Monthly,  authority, delegation of, – autograph documents, , , , , , , , ; collecting of, –, ,  badges,  Bailey, Thomas A.,  Baldwin, Augustus C.,  ballots, –, ; false,  Baltic states,  Baltimore,  Banks, Nathaniel P.,  Barber, James David,  Bar of Illinois,  Barton, William E.,  Bates, Edward,  bayonet vote theory, – Benham, Henry Worthington,  Bennett, James Gordon,  Bennett, Lerone, Jr.,  Bermuda Hundred,  Beveridge, Albert J.,  Bevin, Ernest,  Big Five Lincoln collectors,  bills of attainder,  Binney, Horace,  Bixby, Mrs., ,  Black Hawk Indian War, , –,  Blair, Montgomery,  blind memorandum, ,  blockade, , – Bly, Robert, ,  Bolton, Frances,  Boonesboro,  border states, , ; Thirteenth Amendment and, –, – Borglum, Gutzon,  Boritt, Gabor S., ,  Boston Courier,  Boucher, John,  Brady, Matthew,  Brady Gallery,  Bragg, Braxton,  bribery statute of ,  bribery statute of , – Brinkley, Alan, – broadsides,  Brooks, James,  Brough, John,  Brown, Dennis,  Browning, Orville H.,  Brown University,  Bruce, Robert V.,  Buchanan, James,  Buckley, William F., Jr.,  Buell, Don Carlos,  Buford, John, ,  Bull Run, first battle of,  Bull Run, second battle of, – Burdock, Fanny,  Burke, Edmund,  Burns, James MacGregor, –,  Burns, Ken,  Burnside, Ambrose E., , , –, , , ,  Bush, George, –,  Butler, Benjamin F., , ,  Butterfield, Daniel, , n.  Buxton, Edwin R.,  cabinet, xxii, ,  Cadwalader, George,  Calhoun, John C.,  Camden and Amboy Railroad, –, n.  Cameron, Simon,  campaign badges,  campaign biographies,  campaign posters, ,  care, ethic of, –, ,  Cartwright, Peter,  Cashtown Pass,  casualty lists,  chain of command, n. ,  Chamberlain, Neville,  Chancellorsville,  Charmley, John,  Chase, Salmon P., , ,  Chicago Tribune,  Churchill, Winston, xxii–xxiii, –, , –, –, n. ; community role of, ; echo role of, –; political strategies of, –; warrior role of, , – civilians, military tribunals and, – civil liberties, ; and presidential power, –; and Prize Cases, –. See also habeas corpus Civil War. See soldiers; individual battles and officers Civil War, The (Burns),  Civil War Round Table,  Clift, Eleanor,  Clinton, Bill, , – Cochrane, John,  Coffroth, A. H.,  Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, The, ,  collecting, xxiii, ; of autographs, –, , ; of campaign biographies, ; of flags, , ; investors in, , – ; journals about, ; of Lincoln’s signature , ; of memorial prints, ; origins of, –; of political culture, –; private collections, ; versus scholarship, –, – colonialism, – colonization for former slaves,  Columbus Crisis, ,  Colville, John,  Commander in Chief (Larrabee),  Committee for Constitutional Government ,  Index  communications,  community man, , , – composure, – Confederate sympathizers,  confiscation acts, as justification for emancipation , –,  Congress, , , –; Thirty-eighth, , ; Thirty-ninth, ; Seventy-third, ; Seventy-sixth, ; Seventy-seventh, ; and power to declare war, –,  Congressional Record,  Conkling, James C., , , – Connecticut,  conscription, , –,  Constitution, , , , , ; article , section , ; collecting and, ; Vallandigham and, – Copperheads, , n. , , , , ; civil liberties and, , , , . See also Democrats Corning, Erastus, ,  Corning letter, – Cornubia,  councils of war,  courts, federal,  Cox, John H.,  Cox, LaWanda,  Cox, Samuel “Sunset,” – Cuomo, Mario M.,  Current, Richard Nelson, , ,  Dana, Charles A., ,  Dana, Richard Henry, Jr.,  Davies, James Chowning, , ,  Davis, Jefferson, , ,  Davis, William C.,  Declaration of Independence, , , ,  Democratic Convention,  democratic purposes, – Democrats, ; Albany contingent of, –; McClellan and, –, ; in New York, , ; in Ohio, –; party platform of, , ; proslavery image of, –; Thirteenth Amendment and, ; War Democrats, , . See also Copperheads Department of the Ohio,  Diller, Isaac,  “Dishonest Abe” (Wills),  Disneyland,  Dix, John A.,  Dixon, Norman,  Donald, David Herbert,  Don’t Shoot That Boy! Abraham Lincoln and Military Justice (Lowry),  Douglas, Stephen A., xiv,  Dred Scott decision, –,  Dunn, William,  Early, Jubal,  Eberstadt, Charles, , – Ebony,  echo man, , –, – Eighth Judicial Circuit, – “eighty days,” ,  Eighty-fifth New York,  Eisenhower, Dwight D.,  election campaign of , , –; election day and, –; electioneering in army camps during, –; election fraud stories of, –; Emancipation Proclamation and, –; nominations for, –; preservation of Union and, –; soldiers and, –; Thirteenth Amendment and, –; voting by soldiers and, –. See also soldiers Elihu Washburne Papers,  emancipation: and martial law edicts, , ; as military measure, –, , ,  Emancipation Proclamation, –, , , , , , ; African American views of, –; collecting copies of, , –; as military measure, –, , , ; soldiers and, – English, James E., , – ethic of care, –, ,  ethic of rights, –, ,  Ewell, Richard, ,  Index  execution of dissenters,  executive branch. See presidency Ex Parte Merryman, , ,  Ex Parte Milligan,  facts versus principles,  Fairfield Road,  Falling Waters,  Farewell Address (Springfield), , – Farragut, David,  Fate of Liberty (Neely),  Federal Writers Project,  Fehrenbacher, Don E., ,  Fields, Barbara,  First Inaugural Address,  Fish, Daniel,  Flagg, John Montgomery, xx flags, ,  Flynn, Edward J.,  Foner, Eric,  Forbes, Malcolm, ,  Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream...
