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Index The following abbreviations are llsed throughout the index: JN John G. Nicolay AL Abraham Lincoln abolitionists, 103, 190n. 26, 20911. 137, 226n.14,237n.9 Acquia Creek, 75, 109, 111 Adams, Francis, xvii Alabama, 13,24, 196n. 6 Alabama, CSS, 98, 224-2511. 190 Albany EveningJournal, xix, 246n. 114 AlbatrlJSJ, USS, 227n. 39 Alexandria (Va.), 43, 44--45 Alvord, H. J., 125, 237n. 10 American House, 11, 193n. 57 American Party, 189n. 18 Ammcll, Daniel, 230n. 56 Anderson, Robert, 21, 47, 195n. 93, 206n. 109 Andrew, John A., 146, 172, 173, 20Sn. 105,210n. 151,249n. 176, 258n.31 Andrews, Rufus F., 155, 156, 241n. 48, 251n.201 Annapolis (Md.), 20211.76 Appomattpx River, 140 Aquia Creek. See Acquia Creek Arago) USS, 107, 233n. 80 Arguelles, Jose A., 246n. 116 Ariel, USS, 98, 22511. 190 Arkansas, 60, 126,23711. 14 Armory, Thomas J. C., 54 Armstrong, John, 118-19 Arnold, Isaac N., 224n. 178 Ashley, James M., 171, 257n. 10 Associated Press, 55, 210n. 155 Atkinson, Mr., 9 Atlanta, 157, 158,24411.93, 251n. 205 Austrian Guards, 82 Avery, William L., 163 Babcock, Amos C., 22211. 137 Babcock, Orville 72 Bache, Alexander D., 53, 20911. 144 Baldwin, Daniel S. D., 150, 248n. 158 Baltimore, 39, 74, 200n. 53; assassination plot, 20111. 66; Convention (1864), 137,139,142,145--46, 243n. 77, 24611. 119,2471111. 124, 133, 254n. 243; riots, 34-35, 36, 78-79, 201nn. 59,73 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 72 Baltimore Sun, 168 Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, 67, 72, 77, 78, 102,105, 115, 167,205n. 105, 213n. 13, 220n. 89,22711.48,23311. 83 "Bunty Tim" (Hay), 18111. 2 Barnes, Gen. H., 170 Barney, Hiram, 132, 155, 156,24111.47 Barnum's Hotel, 164 Ba!·t!ett, David W., 188n. 9 Basler, Roy P., xii Bates, Dorus E., 181n. 2 Bates, Edward, 16, 17-19,25,26-27, 54, 132,194n. 78,21011.164,23811. 22 [261 ] Index Bates, Thercna, xi, xii, xvi, 1, 181n. 2; JN's letters to, 4,9-10, ll-15, 20, 21,23-25,27,28-34,35-36,39-40, 41--44,45--46,47,50-52,53,55-56, 58-59,60,61,62,63-64,65,66-68, 69,70-71,75,77-84,85-86,88-89, 90,92,93,94,98,102,103,104-12, 113-14, 117-18, 124, 127, 128, 129, 131,135,136,139-40,141,142, 143,144,149-50,151,155-57,15859 ,161-62,166-68,169.,170-71, 172-73, 174-75, 177-78 Beaufort (S.C.), 167 Beaufort Library, 93 Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, 80, 220n.99 Bellows, Henry W., 53, 210n. 145 Benham, Henry W., 221n. III Bernays, Carl L., 21611. 24 Berry, Hiram G., 112, 23211. 65 Beverly (V.•.), 50 Blade, Jeremiah, 19611. 9 Blade Hawk War of 1832, 187n. 5 blacks, 149,233-3411.86,24611. Ill; as troops, 107, 139,22711.43, 243n. 73 Blackwater River, 104,22611. 17 Blair, Frank P., 16, 17, 73,96, 132, 163, 19411.77, 216n. 24, 245n. 95, 25511. 246; arrest of, 58 Blair, Frank P., Sr., 172,25711. 15 Blair, Montgomery, 206n. 109, 207n. 127, 252n. 2.19 Blair family, 57, 59 Blow, Henry T., 145, 164, 24711. 129 Bocrnsteill, Heinrich, 216n. 24 border states, 16,73-74 Boston Commonwealth, 22611. 14 Boteler, Alexander R., 15, 194n. 73 Bonrne, William Oland, 5, 191n. 30 Bourry, Gotthilfde, 24211. 54 Bowman, Alexander Hamilton, 112-13, 232n.69 Bragg, Braxton, 222n. 149, 22311. 153 Breck, Daniel, 10, 11, 19311. 54 Breckenridge, Robert J., 145, 24711. 133 Bridges, George W., 150, 248n. 155 Bridges, William R., 150,24811. 156 Broadhead, James 0., 57, 210n. 164 Brooks, Carrie Reno, 18211. 15 Brooks, Noah, xviii, xx, 186n. 62, 209n. 137 Brown, B. Gratz, 133, 138 Brown, George William, 34, 36, 37, 200n. 53 Brown, James Nicholas, 146,24711.136 Brown, John Henry, 4-5, 6, 190n. 25, 190-91n.27 Browning, Orville H., 46, 48, 59,70, 207n. 127,21711. 39, 224n. 178, 225n.ll Buchanan, Franklin, 20211. 75 Buchanan, James, 13, 21, 23, 24, 70, 1961111.9,10,21311.7,24711.131 Buell, Don Carlos, 89, 21911. 74, 22211. 149,22311.153 Bull, Gideon J., 206n. 116 Bull fum, battles of,20611. 117,20911. 138,22511. 11 Burnham, Samuel, 140,24511.97 Burnside, Ambrose E., 67, 69, 84, 91, 94,95,104,121,150, 213n. 10, 223n. 167, 224n. 183, 226nn. 12,15, 235n.115,23611.123 Bush, Daniel Brown, xvi, 25411. 236 Bush, Edward...
