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INDEX Able, Bennett, 19 Able, Mrs. Bennett (nee Elizabeth Owens), 19,138 n. 83 abolition, in Washington, D.C., 45 Abraham Lincoln: A History (Nicolay and Hay), xiv, xvi, 124 n. 20 Academy of Music (New York), u8 Adams, Charles Francis, xiii, 146 n. 32, 147 n. 45; criticizes Lincoln, 56 Albany, New York, 118, 119 Alton, Illinois, 25 Ames, Bishop Edward R., 51, 53, 147 nn. 36, 37 Anderson, Robert, 63, 77, 148 n. 66; Lincoln inquires about loy-alty of, 72; Joseph Holt comments on, 72; notifies Washington about South Carolina artillery, 74 Antietam, 16, 50 Astor House (New York), 118 Baker, Edward D., 3, 28; debates Lamborn, 29, 141 n. 115; personality of, 29; as a lawyer, 38, 133 n. 45; recklessness with money, 38 Baker, Edward 1., 108, 157 n. 44 Baldwin, Theron, letters about Lincoln to, 95-99 Baltimore Convention (1860), 104 Baltimore Convention (1864),77 Baltimore women, visit Lincoln, 55-56 bank bill (Illinois), 13 Banks, Nathaniel P., xiv, 152 n. 1 Barlow, S. 1. M., 147 n. 37 Bates, Edward, 151 n. 106 Bates House (Indianapolis), 109 Beardstown, Illinois, 7, 8, 9 Beauregard, P. G. T., 150 n. 88; appointment as superintendent of West Point, 71,76 Bell, John, in 1860 campaign, 98, 101, 157 nn. 33, 38 Benton, Thomas Hart, 143 n. 130; monetary theories of,35 159 Berrie, Alderman, 115 Berry, William F., 21, 139 n. 91 Bissell, William H., 17, 137 n. 72 Black, Jeremiah, 150 n. 93; loyalty of, 73; speaks with Joseph Holt, 73; sustains Robert Anderson, 77 Black Hawk, 132 n. 39 Black Hawk War, 7, 19, 20, 22, 34,99-100 black troops, 43 Bladensburg, Maryland, 43 Blair, Francis P., Sr., 146 n. 28; advises Lincoln concerning first inaugural, 47 Blair, Francis P., Jr., 151 n. 105; and John Sherman, 80 Blair, Montgomery, 47, 65, 78, 145 n. 14, 150 n. 91; visits Fremont, 43; on emancipation , 66-67; and John Sherman, 80; as aspirant for Supreme Court, 84-85 Blankenship, Eli c., 31, 142 n. 122 Blondin, Charles, 49 Bloomington, Illinois, 15 Booth, John Wilkes, 90 Boston, Massachusetts, delegation from visits Lincoln, 48-49 Botts, John Minor, 101, 157 n. 36 Bouligny, John E., 67, 149 n. 77 bounty system, 44 Breese, Sidney, 12, 135 n. 54 Brooks, Noah, 154 n. 12 Brougham, Henry Peter, 102, 157 n. 39 Brown, B. Gratz, 61, 148 n. 59 Brown, Reuben, 20, 138 n. 88 Browning, Orville H., xiv, 28, 150 n. 84; on Nicolay's note-taking, xiv; on Lincoln's personal life,xvi; discusses religion with Lincoln, 5; criticizes first inaugural for Lincoln, 6; describes relations with Lincoln , 126 n. 1; describes visit to White House, 129 n. 15; describes Lincoln in Illinois legislature, 129 n. 20; arranges for funeral of Willie Lincoln, 130 n. 24 Browning, Mrs. Orville H. (nee Eliza Caldwell), 3; befriends Lincoln, 4; Lin- INDEX coin writes to, 4-5; relations with Lincoln , 129 n. 20 Brown University, xiv Buchanan, James, 73, 75, 77; and John Slidell, 71-72; appearance of,76 Buel, Clarence Clough, xvi Buffalo, New York, 114-17 Buffalo Morning Express, 114-17 Bunn, John W., xiv, 144 n. 138; relations with Lincoln, 144 n. 138 Bureau of Military Justice, 68 Burlington, Iowa, 33 Burnside, Ambrose E., 147 n. 33; expedition to North Carolina, 50 Butler, William, xiv, 27, 123 n. 12; Lincoln boards with, 1; settles in Illinois, 18; relations with Lincoln, 22-25, 127 n. 3, 139 n. 101; rejects patronage offer, 23-24; on Shields-Lincoln duel, 24-25 Butler vs. Tilford, 21-22 Butterfield, Justin, 15, 136 n. 64 Cabannis, George, 19, 138 n. 80 Cabannis, John, 19, 138 n. 80 cabinet (Buchanan's), 72-75 cabinet (Lincoln's), 51-52, 65; formation of, 42, 47, 79-80; procedures of, 42; considers Fort Sumter question, 42, 64; opposes compensated emancipation, 66; religious composition of, 82-83; crisis of 1862,87 Cairo, Illinois, 12 Calhoun, John, 28, 141 n. 114 Cameron, Simon, xiv, 72, 77, 144 n. 4; nomination to Lincoln's cabinet, 41; visits Springfield, 42; conversations with Lincoln , 42-43; visits Fremont,· 43; on Chase, 44; and appointment of Stanton to Lincoln's cabinet, 44; on emancipation and use of black troops, 145 n. 19 Camp Butier, 134 n. 49 Camp Dick Robinson, 146 n. 21 Camp Joe Holt, 146 n. 21 Canada, 13 canal bill (Illinois), 12, 135 n. 55 Cartwright, Peter, 10, 20, 134 n. 45 Casey, Joseph, 43, 145 n. 18...
