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4 1 7 Acaulescent. Seemingly without aerial stems. Achene. A type of one-seeded, dry, indehiscent fruit with the seed coat not attached to the mature ovary wall. Acicular. Awl-shaped; tapering to an extremely narrow point. Actinomorphic. Having radial symmetry; regular, in reference to a flower. Acuminate. Gradually tapering to a long point. Acute. Sharply tapering to a point. Adaxial. Toward the axis; when referring to a leaf, the upper surface. Ament. A spike of unisexual, apetalous flowers; a catkin. Anther. The terminal part of a stamen which bears pollen. Anthesis. Flowering time. Antrorse. Projecting forward. Apical. At the apex. Apiculate. Abruptly short-pointed at the tip. Appressed. Lying flat against the surface. Arcuate. Curving. Areole. A small area between leaf veins. Aristate. Bearing an awn. Articulated. Jointed. Attenuate. Gradually becoming narrowed. Auricle. An earlike lobe. Auriculate. Bearing an earlike process. Awn. A bristle usually terminating a structure . Axillary. Borne from an axil. Beard. A tuft of stiff hairs. Berry. A type of fruit where the seeds are surrounded only by fleshy material. Bicostate. With two veins. Bidentate. Having two teeth. Bifid. Two-cleft. Bifoliolate. Bearing two leaflets. Bifurcate. Forked. Biglandular. Bearing two glands. Bilabiate. Two-lipped. Bipinnate. Divided once into distinct segments . with each segment in turn divided into distinct segments. Glossary Bipinnatifid. Divided partway to the center, with each lobe again divided partway to the center. Bisexual. Referring to a flower that contains both stamens and pistils. Biternate. Divided into three segments two times. Bract. An accessory structure at the base of many flowers, usually appearing leaflike. Bracteate. Bearing one or more bracts. Bracteole. A secondary bract. Bractlet. A small bract. Bristle. A stiff hair or hairlike growth; a seta. Bulblet. A small bulb. Callosity. Any hardened thickening. Calyx. The outermost segments of the perianth of a flower, composed of sepals. Campanulate. Bell-shaped. Canescent. Grayish-hairy. Capillary. Threadlike. Capitate. Forming a head. Capsule. A dry, dehiscent fruit composed of more than one carpel. Carpel. A simple pistil, or one member of a compound pistil. Cartilaginous. Firm but flexible. Catkin. A spike of unisexual, apetalous flowers ; an ament. Caudate. With a taillike appendage. Caudex. The woody base of a perennial plant. Cauline. Belonging to a stem. Cespitose. Growing in tufts. Chaffy. Covered with scales. Chartaceous. Papery. Cilia. Marginal hairs. Ciliate. Bearing cilia. Ciliolate. Bearing small cilia. Circumscissile. Usually referring to a fruit which dehisces by a horizontal, circular line. Claw. A narrow, basal stalk, particularly of a petal. Cleistogamous. Hidden. Coherent. The growing together of like parts. 4 1 8 / GLOSSARY Columella. A small column to which stamens and pistils are usually attached. Coma. A tuft of hairs at the end of a seed. Compressed. Flattened. Concave. Curved on the inner surface; opposed to convex. Connate. Having a union of like parts. Convex. Curved on the outer surface. Convolute. Rolled lengthwise. Cordate. Heart-shaped. Coriaceous. Leathery. Corm. An underground, vertical stem with scaly leaves, differing from a bulb by lacking fleshy leaves. Corolla. The segments of a flower just within the calyx, composed of petals. Corona. A crown of petal-like structures. Corrugated. Folded or wrinkled. Corymb. A type of inflorescence where the pedicellate flowers are arranged along an elongated axis but with the flowers all attaining about the same height. Corymbiform. Shaped like a corymb. Cotyledon. A seed leaf. Crateriform. Cone-shaped but sunken in the center at the top. Crenate. With round teeth. Crenulate. With small, round teeth. Crest. A ridge. Crisped. Curled. Cucullate. Hood-shaped. Culm. The stem that terminates in an inflorescence . Cuneate. Wedge-shaped; tapering to the base. Cupular. Shaped like a small cup. Cuspidate. Terminating in a very short point. Cyathium. A cuplike structure enclosing flowers. Cyme. A type of broad and flattened inflorescence in which the central flowers bloom first. Cymose. Bearing a cyme. Deciduous. Falling away. Decumbent. Lying flat, but with the tip ascending. Decurrent. Adnate to the petiole or stem and then extending beyond the point of attachment. Deflexed. Turned downward. Dehiscent. Splitting at maturity. Deltoid. Triangular. Dentate. With sharp teeth, the tips of which project outward. Denticulate. With small, sharp teeth, the tips of which project outward. Diffuse. Loosely spreading. Digitate. Radiating from a common point, like the fingers from a hand. Dilated. Swollen; expanded. Dimorphic. Having two forms. Dioecious. With staminate flowers on one plant, pistillate flowers on another. Disarticulate. To come apart; to become disjointed. Disk. An enlarged outgrowth of the receptacle . Divergent. Spreading apart. Drupe. A...
