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261 Notes Introduction 1. Woodruff, Fifteen Years, 361–62; RS20; Phisterer, Statistical Record, 18; AGR, 5:289–308. 2. Burton, Melting Pot Soldiers, 24; Laxton, Famine Ships, 2, 3, 18, 32, 43; Carman and Syrett, History of the American People, 451; Knight, “Catholic Encyclopedia: The Irish”; 1860 Federal Census. 3. Gould, Investigations, 16, 23, 24, 27, table 3; Burton, Melting Pot Soldiers, 113–16, 119, 120. 4. 1860 Federal Census; Gould, Investigations, table 3. 5. Ferrie, Yankees Now, 186; Chesterton, Ballad of the White Horse, book 2, “The Gathering of the Chiefs.” 6. Burton, Melting Pot Soldiers, 134–38; Keneally, Great Shame, 317–18, 388, 501. 7. “Illinois and the War,” Chicago Evening Journal, July 15, 1862; Scaife, Campaign for Atlanta, ii–iv. 8. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 322, 326; Wiley, Life of Billy Yank, 20, 26. 1. The Raising of the Irish Legion 1. Woodruff, Fifteen Years, 361–62; “Illinois and the War,” “A New Irish Regiment,” “City Matters,” “For McClevey’s Regiment,” Chicago Evening Journal, July 15, 30, and August 1, 9, 1862; McCaffrey, “Preserving the Union,” 62; “List of Recruiters,” “A War Meeting: An Irish Regiment to be Raised Forthwith,” “Novel and Interesting Ceremony,” Chicago Morning Post, August 7, 9, and October 21, 1862 (hereafter Chicago Post); “More Men Wanted,” “The Call for Troops,” Northwestern Gazette, July 10, 21,1862; “The New Irish Regiments,” “Progress of Recruiting,” “Brownson on the Loyalty of the Roman Catholic Church,” Chicago Tribune, August 7–8, 1862, July 22, 1863; Richard Yates to E. M. Stanton, August 7, 1862, OR, ser. 3, vol. 2, 123:315; “Adjutant General Fuller,” Illinois State Journal, July 31, 1862; Burton, Melting Pot Soldiers, 139. 2. “City Matters; The Catholic Clergy and the War,” “Another Irish Regiment,” Chicago Evening Journal, August 5, 9, 1862; Karamanski, Rally ’Round the Flag, 114; Richard Yates to E. M. Stanton, August 7, 1862, OR, ser. 3, vol. 2, 123:315. 3. “Bryan Hall,” “Hooley’s Opera House,” Chicago Tribune, October 30, December 14, 1870; “The War Meeting at Bryan Hall: Irish Element Aroused,” Chicago Post, August 13, 1862; Karamanski, Rally ’Round the Flag, 127; “Illinois and the War,” “Grand Rally at Bryan Hall Tonight,” Chicago Evening Journal, July 15, August 12, 1862. 4. “Father Dunne’s Legion, Capital Letter from Col. Mulligan,” Chicago Post, August 19, 1862. 5. Karamanski, Rally ’Round the Flag, 77–78; Burton, Melting Pot Soldiers, 139; Eddy, Patriotism of Illinois, 567. 6. Portrait and Biography Album, 457; McPherson, For Cause and Comrades, 6. 7. Cunningham, Three Years with the Adirondack Regiment, 137–38, quoted in Botkin, “On Picket,” 440–41. 8. Lonn, Foreigners in the Union Army and Navy, 70–75, 436–37; Burton, Melting Pot Soldiers, 112, 117, 120; Cavanagh, Memoirs of Gen. Thomas Francis Meagher, 369, 436–38; McCaffrey, “Preserving the Union,” 54–56; McPherson, Cause and Comrades, 5–6. 9. “Local Military News: Presentation,” Chicago Post, October 29, 1862; RS23. 10. OR, ser. 3, vol. 2, 123:206–7; Lonn, Desertion during the Civil War, 140; “Report of War Fund Committee,” Ottawa Free Trader, September 20, 1862; “Board of Trade Subscribes $10,000,” “Cook County Board of Supervisors Voted $200,000 for Bounties,” Chicago Evening Journal, July 22, 24, 1862; Woodruff, Fifteen Years, 35, 43, 49, 367; “Volunteers Attention , Volunteers Wanted Immediately,” Northwestern Gazette, August 4, 1862. 11. Stanton to Lincoln, December 1, 1862, OR, ser. 3, vol. 2, 123:903; “Scarcity of Laborers ,” Chicago Post, July 25, 1862; Hicken, Illinois in the Civil War, 124–25, 128–30; McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, 506; Lonn, Foreigners in the Union Army and Navy, 41–43; Nevins, War for the Union, 370; Karamanski, Rally ’Round the Flag, 113–14; Hallock, “Role of the Community,” 124; AGR, 4:600, 651; 5:259, 287, 309, 358, 382, 434, 461, 568, 661, 686; 6:200, 512: 74, 75, 76, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 100, 104, 105, 113, 127 Illinois Vol. Inf. Regt. respectively; OR, ser. 3, vol. 5, 126:600, 677; vol. 2, 123:207. 12. “Enrollment of the Men of Illinois Preparatory to Drafting,” “Honor for Illinois,” Northwestern Gazette, August 2, 11, 1862; Karamanski, Rally ’Round the Flag, 114. 13. Skerrett, “Creating Sacred Space in an Early Chicago Neighborhood,” in At the Crossroads, 27, 29; McCaffrey, “Preserving the Union,” 62; Skerrett, “Irish in Chicago,” 35–38; Andreas, History of Chicago, vol. 2, 400; “Novel and Interesting Ceremony,” Chicago Post, October 21, 1862. 14. “City Matters,” “Meeting at Bridgeport,” Chicago Evening Journal, August 1...
