In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

331 Index abolitionism, 6, 7–8 Act of July 27, 1868, 220–22 African Americans, 1; activism, 6–7, 21– 24, 28, 30–33, 33, 35, 115–23, 127–56, 157, 159–63, 166, 168–83, 236–56, 260–61, 285–89; African American interpretation of military service, 30–33, 100, 115–19, 120–22, 159–63, 170–71, 173–75, 177–83; and the American Revolution , 6–7, 30–33, 171; convention movement, 7, 164, 166 168–83; emigrationism , 7, 173; integrationism, 7; military service, 30–33, 100–101, 103, 110–11, 115–56, 157, 159, 160, 164; military service and freedom from slavery , 103, 157–59; rights before the war, 5–6, 21–24, 42–52; violence against, 2, 165–68 (see also Ku Klux Klan; White Line; white supremacism); white interpretation of military service , 123–27, 182, 188–89, 197, 212, 213, 223–26, 265–66. See also Black Codes; citizenship; Civil Rights Act of 1866; Civil Rights Act of 1875; courts-martial ; Emancipation Proclamation; Enforcement Acts; Fifteenth Amendment ; Fourteenth Amendment; Fugitive Slave Act of 1793; Fugitive Slave Act of 1850; fugitive slaves; Reconstruction Acts; slavery; segregation; suffrage; Thirteenth Amendment; unequal pay Alabama, 62, 67, 164, 166, 169, 190–92 Albany, New York, 6 American Anti-Slavery Society, 6, 227 American Freemen’s Inquiry Commission , 183 Ames, Adelbert, 254 Antietam, 103 Arkansas, 164, 166 Aves, Thomas, 11 Banks, Robert, 247 Baker, Wallace, 140–48 Baltimore, Maryland, 59–60 Bangor, Maine, 60 Barron v. Baltimore, 261 Bates, Edward, 72, 105, 117, 164 Bean, Jacob A., 130–38 Beck, Joseph M., 236 Bellow, Frank, 231 Belmont, August, 213 Benét, Stephen, 139 Bidderman, Tom, 247 Black Codes, 165, 189–96, 198–99 blockade, 60, 67 Blythe, David G., 111 Boston, Massachusetts, 21–24. See also Burns affair Boutwell, George S., 164, 169, 185–88 Bowser, David Bustill, 119 Bradley, Joseph, 297 branches of government, 59–60, 63–79 Breckinridge, John C., 85 Brockway, Charles B., 188–89 Brown, Henry, 310 Brown, John, 112 Buchanan, Franklin, 85 Buchanan, James, 111 Buckner, Simon B., 85 I have generally not listed documents except where they are discussed in text written by the editor other than the introductory note for each document. Illustrations are italicized. Index 332 Buffalo, New York, 6 Burch, James H., 27, 166 Burns, Anthony, 33. See also Burns affair Burns affair, 7, 30, 33–39 Cailloux, Andrè, 170 California, 5 Call, Henry, 147 Canada, 220 capitalism: critiqued by defenders of slavery , 40, 53–54 Carleton, William Tolman, 114 Castle Garden, New York, 226 Champion, William M., 227–29 Chase, Salmon P., 61, 95, 97, 105, 206 Chester, Thomas M., 161 Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy Railroad Co. v. Iowa, 287 Cincinnati, Ohio, 5 citizenship, 1–2, 30–33, 105–10, 115–19, 165, 223–26. See also Act of July 27, 1868; African Americans; Civil Rights Act of 1866; courts-martial; Dred Scott case; Fifteenth Amendment; Fourteenth Amendment; Slaughter-house Cases; suffrage; unequal pay Civil Rights Act of 1866, 61, 165, 198–200, 214, 220; applied, 201–7, 232, 236–41, 284, 296, 299; debated, 198–99 Civil Rights Act of 1875, 165, 258–59, 260; applied, 297–303 Civil Rights Cases, 292–303, 312, 314 Claiborne County, Mississippi, 168 Clark v. The Board of Directors, 238 Cleveland, Ohio, 217 Clinton, Mississippi, 166 Colfax, Louisiana, 167 Colfax Massacre, 167, 257, 280 Columbia, South Carolina, 166 comity, 14–16, 19 Confiscation Acts, 100; First, 101–2; Second , 101–2 Conger, Omar D., 241 Conkling, James C., 111 conscription, 1, 82–83 Constitution, 2 courts-martial: and African Americans, 127–56; procedure, 128–29 Coushatta, Louisiana, 257 Crescent City Live-Stock Landing and Slaughter-House Company, 261 Crockett County, Tennessee, 293 Crosby, Peter, 241–46, 248, 254, 256 Cruikshank, William, 280–285 Currier & Ives, 114, 122 Curtis, Benjamin, 7, 49 Dahomey, James, 153–55 Darnell, Morris, 147 Davis, David, 87 Davis, Garrett, 198 Davis, Henry Winter, 2, 189 Davis, Jefferson, 114, 116 Day, William Howard, 161 Declaration of Independence, 1, 2, 6, 27, 30–33, 43–45, 71, 168, 185–86, 198, 221–22, 224 DeCuir, Josephine, 285–89 Delaney, Martin, 7 Delaware, 67 Department of Justice, 167 Douglas, Stephen, 54, 55, 57, 58 Douglass, Frederick, 7, 100, 115–19, 167, 170, 227 Draft Riots, 120, 213 Dred Scott case, 6, 7, 42–52, 100, 105, 164, 220; critiqued, 3, 7, 54–58, 109 Edwards, Martha, 248 Ellsworth, Thomas F., 140–47 Emancipation Proclamation, 103–5, 110– 14, 176, 187, 188, 205; reactions to...
