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Index Aarsleff, Hans, 34-35 Adams, John Quincy, 71 Adler, Thomas P., 92, 164 Advanced Course of Composition and Rhetoric (Quackenbos), 6465 , 99, 178n.9, 182n.l Advancement ofLearning, The (Bacon),37 Aids to English Composition (Parker), 63-64, 178nn. 7, 8 Amplification, 65, 74, 81, 94; in exposition, 90-91, 103-5, 130; method as means of, 103, 104, 123-26, 129-31; Newman on, 58, 61, 62; and outlining, 77, 80, 82, 86, 92; and paragraph structure, 126-29, 131 Analysis (see also Synthesis), 44, 94, 114, 121, 130, 143; definitions of, 35, 38-39,40-41; as division, 39, 82, 84, 107, 122, 144; as "hidden method," 52-53, 123; means of, 103,; of notions, 73, 82; and outlining, 80, 82, 84; process, 104-5; of propositions, 65,66-67, 80, 81, 86; as reflection of thought process, 43, 45,50, 116 Anti-writing, 148-49 Archeology of Knowledge (Foucault), 186n.1O Argumentative discourse, 98, 10718 , 119, 123; and evidence in current-traditional textbooks, 108, 109,110-13; in new rhetoric, 11, 47,49-50,51; and reasoning in current-traditional textbooks, 1089 , 113-17 Aristotle, 1,31,55, 173n.l, 178n.lO; on ethos and pathos, 34 ; invention, theory of, 2; on logic, 26, 44, 48, 116; on rhetoric as universal art, 76; and sources of topics, 68 Arnauld, Antoine (see also PortRoyalists ), 37, 38-39 Arnold, Sarah Louise, 88-89, 137 Arrangement, 60-61, 81, 114, Il6, 122-23; in classical rhetoric, 3, 50-51, 121-22; current-traditional emphasis on, 86, 152, 168; definition of, 1; and genre, 45-50, 197 198 Index 51,97, 100, 105-6, 107; and method in new rhetoric, 12, 37, 43,44-45, 50-53; nesting theory of, 131-35; and outlining, 83, 87, 89; and style, 121; of topics, lOII Art ofDiscourse (Day), 73, 120-21, 165, 179n.4 Art of Thinking (Nicole and Arnauld), 37 Associationism, 12, 54, 59, 182n.3; analysis in, 66, 84; decline of, 31-32,77, 180n.8; explanation of, 16-21; and genre, 100, 108; and nesting theory of arrangement, 133, 183n.4; and outlining, 82, 83, 90; and steps of reasoning, 40; and subject-object model of invention, 62, 63-64 Audiences, 100, 110, 127; vs. author's purpose, 94-95; in classical rhetoric, 3--4, 51, 62, 122; differences among, 166, 167; informed vs. uninformed, 43, 46; as monolithic abstraction, 29-31, 51,68-69, 122, 160-62 Augustine, St., 2 Austin, J. L., 165 Authority, 8-9, 12,81,95,96, 174n.6; of student writers, 149-54 Bacon, Francis, 8,9,27; knowledge, theory of, 5, 17, 18; on method, 37, 38,42 Bain, Alexander, 70,71,76, 112, 124, 165; on argumentation, 10710 , 182n.4; on emphasis, 130; on exposition, 157, 163; influence of, 178n.9, 179n.4, 18On.5, 181n.8; on invention, 73-74, 152, 178n.lO; on modes of discourse, 100-103, 182n.l; on narration and description, 105, 182n.3; on paragraphs, xiii, 84, 126-28, 129, 131, 180n.5, 183n.2; on purpose of instruction, 150 Baker, George Pierce, 118 Baker, Sheridan, 107, 109, 112, 1I3, 116-17, 135 Baldwin, Charles Sears, 70, 18485n .5 Ball, Martha, 84 Bascom, John, 178n.9 Becker, Alton, 181n.12 Berlin, James A., xiii, 175n.1O, 179n.2,182n.l Bevilacqua, Vincent, 18, 155, 156, 175n.9 Blair, Hugh, 55, 84, 104, 150, 176n.l, 179n.1O; on arrangement, 51-53, 122, 123; on audience, 68; on genre, 99; influence of, 56-57, 178nn. 4, 7, 108n.5, 183n.l; on invention, 11 Blundeville, Thomas, 34 Brannon, Lil, 173-74n.3 Briefe of the Art ofRhetoric (Hobbes), 104, 178n.1O Brookes, Gerry H., 186n.6 Brooks, Cleanth, 70, 91, 1I2-13' 115, 1I9 Bruns, Gerald, 43 Buck, Gertrude, 70, 181n.8 Burke, Kenneth, 92, 181n.12, 186n.8 Cairns, William B., 180n.8 Campbell, George, 55, 71, 174n.8; on aims of discourse, 15, 17,4647 ,92,95, 158-59, 175n.l; on audiences, 29-30, 69; and Bain, 71, 107-8, 180n.5; and Blair, 52; and Coppee, 67, 179n.1O; and Day, 179n.4; evidence theory of, 19-21,23-25, 109, Ill, 113, 117; importance of, 156, 164-65; influence on composition instruction, 56-57, 58; influence on genre theory, 97, 98, 99, 100; [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 11:16 GMT) Index invention, theory of, 10, 11-12, 15-16,31; and Jamieson, 183n.l; on memory...
