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CHAP. VII.] OF RHETORIC. CHAPTER VIII. Of the Consideration which the Speaker ought to have of tlte Hearers, as such men in particular. 95 IT was remarked in the beginning of the preceding chapter, that the hearers ought to be considered in a twofold view, as men in general, and as such men in particular. The first consideration I have despatched, I now enter on the second. When it is affirmed that the hearers are to be considered as such men in particular, no more is meant, than that regard ought to be had by the speaker to the special character of the audience, as composed of such individuals; that he may suit himself to them, both in his style and in his arguments.7 Now, the difference between one audience and another is very great; not only in intellectual but in moral attainments. That may be clearly intelligible to a House of Commons, which would appear as if spoken in an unknown tongue to a conventicle of enthusiasts. That may kindle fury in the latter, which would create no emotion in the former but laughter and contempt. The most obvious difference that appears in different auditories , results from the different cultivation of the understanding ; and the influence which this, and their manner of life, have both upon the imagination and upon the memory. But even in cases wherein the difference in education and moral culture hath not been considerable, different habits afterwards contracted, and different occupations in life,give different propensities, and make one incline more to one passion, another to another. They consequently afford the intelligent speaker an easier passage to the heart, through the channel of the favourite passion. Thus liberty and independence will ever be prevalent motives with republicans, pomp and splendour with those attached to monarchy. In mercantile states, such as Carthage among the ancients, or Holland among the moderns, interest will always prove the most cogent argument; in states solely or chiefly composed of soldiers, Buch as Sparta and ancient Rome, no inducement will be found a counterpoise to glory. Similar differences are also to be made in addressing different classes of men. With men of genius the most successful topic will be fame; with men of industry, riches; with men of fortune, pleasure. 7 He must be " Orpheus in sylvis, inter delphinas Arion." VIIlG. 96 THE PHILOSOPHY [nOOK 1. But ~s the characters of audiences may be infinitely diversified , and as the influence they ought to have_ respectively upon the speaker must be obvious to a person of discernment, it is sufficient here to have observed thus much in the general concerning them. CHAPTER IX. Of tlte Consideration wltich the Speaker ouglLl to have of Himself· THE last consiueration I mentioned, is that which the speaker ought to have of himself. By this we are to understand, not that estimate of himself which is derived directly from consciousness or self-acquaintance, but that which is obtained reflexively from the opinion entertained of him by the hearers, or the character which he bears with them. Sympathy is one main engine by which the orator operates on the passions. With them who laugh, our social joy appears; With them who mourn, we sympathize in tears; If you would have me weep, begin the strain, Then I shall feel your sorrows, feel your pain.S FRANCIS. Whatever, therefore, weakens that principle of sympathy, must do the speaker unutterable prejudice in respect of his power over the passions of his audience, but not in this respect only. One source, at least, of the primary influence of testimony on faith, is doubtless to be attributed to the same communicative principle. At the same time it is certain, as was remarked above, that every testimony doth not equally attach this principle; that in this particular the reputation of the attester hath a considerable power. Now, the speaker's apparent conviction of the truth of what he advanceth, adds to all hiB other arguments an evidence, though not precisely the same, yet near akin to that of his own testimony.9 This hath some weight even with the wisest hearers, but is every thing with 8 Ut ridentibus arrident, ita flentibus adflent Humani vultus. Si vis me flere, dolendum est Primum ipsi tibi: tunc tua me infortunia lredent. Hor. De Arte Poet. 9 Ne iIIud quidem prreteribo, quantam afferat fidem expositioni narrantis auctoritas. QUINT. lib. iv. cap. 2. ...
