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54 Corrections A violet light addressed the snow (impressed, caressed, suggests)— this memory brought to you by a boy in belled jeans shifting foot to foot, impatient to be off again. I believe it (he, I, you) belongs to 1971, when, after stubbing a jay smoked in the furnace room of mom & dad’s, drifted out & down into woods, to the stream imperfectly frozen (stilled, cracked, shattered), ice plates like crockware stacked in the mini-culverts, hard on successive mini-falls. Snow fluffed (ruffed, bungled, plumped) the collar of each bank, water like steel champagne bubbled the glassy vein. This someplace else we’re going, always, is being’s destination— void at the hub, where God pulses violet (violent, voluble, silent) & the rest is snow. ...
