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INVENTION INVENTION INVENTION COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT INVENTION, COPYRIGHT, and DIGITAL WRITING M A R T I N E C O U R A N T R I F E INVENTION, COPYRIGHT, and DIGITAL WRITING RIFE Southern Illinois University Press COMPOSITION “Invention, Copyright, and Digital Writing should be required reading for academics in communication, rhetoric, composition, and related fields. Its well-developed research report and assessment provide a solid foundation for accessible discussion of the complex issues that arise in treating intellectual property law’s relationship to core issues in the teaching and learning of composition and rhetoric. Rife’s use of descriptive vignettes leads her audience to understand the ramifications of defining authorship in intellectual property law and demonstrates that the related issues cannot be ignored when teaching composition. Rife’s book is a valuable resource for composition teachers, administrators , and students.” —TyAnna Herrington, JD, PhD; professor, Georgia Institute of Technology “Invention, Copyright, and Digital Writing reflects Rife’s particular and substantial expertise. Because Rife approaches these topics with both a doctorate in rhetoric and writing and a law degree, she is to able bridge the gaps that sometimes arise across these fields. Throughout this book, Rife maintains a strong focus on how a better understanding of copyright law—and ideally, better laws—will improve opportunities for composers both in classrooms and in broader communicative contexts.” —John Logie, author of Peers, Pirates, and Persuasion: Rhetoric in the Peer-to-Peer Debates T his is the first empirical, mixed-methods study of copyright issues that speaks to writing specialists and legal scholars about the complicated intersections of rhetoric, technology, copyright law, and writing for the Internet. Martine Courant Rife opens up new conversations about how invention and copyright work together in the composing process for digital writers and how this relationship is central to contemporary issues in composition pedagogy and curriculum. This volume unpacks writers’ perceptions of copyright, revealing how it influences what they choose to write and how it complicates their work. Rife argues the copyright problem is about not only law but also invention and the issues of authorship. Invention, Copyright, and Digital Writing will be of interest to professional and technical writers, scholars and students of writing and rhetoric, and legal professionals. Martine Courant Rife is a professor of writing at Lansing Community College and a licensed attorney. She is a coeditor of Copy(write): Intellectual Property in the Writing Classroom. Southern Illinois University Press Printed in the United States of America $40.00 usd isbn 0-8093-3096-2 isbn 978-0-8093-3096-6 Rife cvr mech.indd 1 12/17/12 10:35 AM ...
