In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Index Abeilard, Joseph and Jules, 220 Abolitionism, 19, 54 Acadians. See Cajuns and Cajun language Adam, L., 224 Adams, Reginald, 280 Adams v. Routh, 49 Africa, xxi, 118, 121, 174-5, 226-42, 244-51 Afro-Caribbean links with food, xxi, 244-51 Afro-French. See Creole women of color; Creoles of color Alard, Jean-Delphin, 76, 78, 188 L 'AIbum Litteraire, 130 Alces, Georges, 217 Allain, Helen d'Aquin, 135 Allain, T. T., 40, 40/2106 Allen, William Francis, 138 Alliot, Paul, 21 Alpuente, Francois Ruiz, 220 Amistad Research Center, 150, 152, 246 Antoine, C. C., 38, 39, 127-8 Antoine, Joseph, 218 Apprenticeships, 211, 212, 298 Armande, Desiree, 190 Artists, 220-1 Atkins (Adkins), Thomas, 218 Aubry, Azelie, 221 Augier, Emile, 186 Aymard, Judith Wolf, 312-3, 312/234 Azereto family, 217 Baird, General, 276 Ballowe, Hewitt L., 144, 145-6 Banks, Nathaniel, 35, 293-4/221 Baptiste, Jean and Henri, 218 Barbers, 203, 205, 206, 306 Bares, Basile, xviii, 74, 85-8, 89, 91-2, 96-8, 198 Bares, Jean, 85-6 Barrett, Sweet Emma, 124 Barriere, Theodore, 187 Bartholemew, Dave, 124 Baser, F. C., 53 Baudin, Alphee, 218 Bauver, J., 217 Bayou John. SeeDoctor John Bayou Talk, xvi Bazanac, Joseph, 76, 80 Beaumont, Joe, 125-6, 130, 139, 140 Beauregard, P. G. T., 36/297 Beber-Gisler, Dany, 224 Bedou, Arthur P., 205 Beignets, 250 Bell, Caryn Cosse, 277, 280, 293/221 Belleville, Joseph, 218 Bellonard, Jean, 218 Beluche, Rene, 84 331 332 INDEX Beman, Dominick, 218 Bergel, Manuel, 218 Bernard, Raphael, 46 Bienville, Jean Baptiste, 4, 6, 12, 47, 229 Black Code, xvii, 6-7, 12, 28, 59 Black Indians, 124 Black Republican, 2947221 Blackmar, A. E., 79 Blacks. See Creole women of color; Creoles of color; Slavery Blaine, James Gillespie, 35-6 Blassingame, John, 252,256, 257, 257729 Blondeau, Marie Rose, 221 Boisdore and Goule (free persons of color) v. Bank, 52 Bond, Horace Mann, 44 Bonseinneur, J. B. D., 219 Bontemps, Arna, 43, 44 Borders, Florence, 152, 246 Bore, Etienne de, 16 Boucicault, Dion, xviii-xix, 101-16, 104/77, 2OI Bowman, Albert, 220 Bradford, John, 220 Brady, Andrew, 219 Braud, Alfred, 219 Bresil, Jules, 186 Briggs, Moses, 218 Broussard, James F., 232-3, 240 Brown, John, 278 Brown, Karen McCarthy, 165-6, 170 Brown, Sterling, 43 Brown, Wm. G., 38 Brunetti, Francis, 219 Bulkley, William L., 302, 313 Businesses, professions, and trades, xx, 53, 203,205,206, 208-22, 297, 303- ^^5 Butler, Benjamin, 317280, 32-3 Cable, George Washington, xiii, 27, 61, 125, 128, 131-3, 148, 261-2 Cadot, Paulin, 46 Caillioux, Andre, 337285 Cajuns and Cajun language, 12, 146, 150, 223, 225 Calas chaud, 246, 250, 309 Cam, Joseph M., 220 Campanel, Barthelemy, 214-5 Canon, Katie G., 64 Canonge family, 186, 214 Carlon, Francis, 219 Carondelet, Francois-Louis Hector, 2I 5 Carriere, Noel andJoseph, 214-5 Casenave, Pierre A. D., 53, 216 Casket girls, 61 Cassagne, Verna, 266-7, 23!5 Claiborne, W. C. Q, 18-23, 19/245, 168/214, 211, 281 Clifton-Hils, Deborah, 148-9, 151, I 52 Code Noir. SeeBlack Code Colonial French language, 223 Colonial Louisiana. SeeFrench Louisiana ; Spanish Louisiana Colvis (Clovis) family, 213-4 Comite des Citoyens, 56, 289 Concubinage. See Plaqage Congo Square, 26, 125, 175, 210 Constitutional Conventions, 35-6, 37, 37/298 Cook, John F., 29-30 Cordeviola, Estevan, 213 Cordeviolle, Etienne, 213, 218 Courcelle, Achille Barthelemy, 217 Courcelle, Anna Louise, 215 Courcelle, Myrtil, 217 Coustillon, Jacques, 180/21 Craft, William and Ellen, 300/214, 314/237 Creole: definitions of, xiii-xv, 7-9, 9/223,58-9,73, 113, 131, 132-3, 139-40, 144-5, H7ยป 22 3~4> 2 5 146-7, 148, 151, 152; earliest known written sample of, 119; of Black Indians , 124; of folklore, 126-30, 144, 145-6, 151, 152; white authors' use of, 126-35, I 44~7> I 5I ~2 J negative associations with, 127-8, 131, 136-7, 147-8, 153-4; in proverbs, 129, 133, 145, 238-9; Afro- French authors' use of, 130-2, 135-6, 148-51; dictionary of, 150; current rebirth of, 153-4; an d linguistic diversity of slaves from Africa, 226-30; statistics on speakers of, 230; danger of disappearanceof, 242, 243;future research needs on, 242-3 Creole Preservation Society of America, xvi Creole women of color: and interracial sexual relationships/p/^ge, xviii, 22/253, 48-52, 57-70, 164, 212-3, 255-6, 261-2; and quadroon balls, xviii, 50...
