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Sensitivity Training: The Safecracker Think of it as a handicraft. —Paul Armstrong, Alias Jimmy Valentine Sandpapering my fingertips, By feeling pain I come to grips With any challenge. If I fail It means there is no worth in Braille Or balm in Gilead. Lean near, Apprentice. Ask if you can hear Fall into place the tumblers. Doubt, Or background noise, will rule sound out In choice of method. Only touch Can in the end avail you much. You have to be blind-sensitive To any tremors locks can give. Your training therefore will entail A sort of micro-Richter Scale. Appropriate. What you would seize, The gemstones, have their chemistries From pressures of the Earth. A twist, A throb, a turning of the wrist, 35 You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. And as if for the nerve-ends’ sake, Teased out, the combinations break. Raw, sandings are not fingerprints; Are selves abrasion re-invents. Fear only future, Hands-On. Cracker Then will mean a distant hacker. 36 You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. ...
