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Karl and Julius and Gregory, or, Are You a Fructidor? The double afterbirth of revolution, Land reform and calendar reform, Hard after dogma, purge, mass execution, Arrives and tries to make itself the norm. It doesn’t. Peasants’ plots cannot compete With overseas conglomerates; division Of the year by tens may well defeat Established biorhythms, bring derision On would-be emperors and would-be popes. Had Leninism scored, no doubt October Now would head our year. Stalin, one hopes, Was not so forthright or so little sober As to have given us, to follow August, Dismember, Sanguinary, Gulag, Gore, As eighteenth-century Far Left who caucused Came up with Ventôse, Brumière, Messidor. Back to plantations: sugar cane and cotton. Small holdings cannot grow them and survive. And is Astrology too unforgotten For Reason’s Anti-Zodiacs to thrive? 21 You are reading copyrighted material published by Ohio University Press/Swallow Press. Unauthorized posting, copying, or distributing of this work except as permitted under U.S. copyright law is illegal and injures the author and publisher. ...
