In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

 ))) dej[i WXXh[l_Wj_edi Fhef[hDWc[i W^]` Alice Howe Gibbens James  W` Alice James  Wh` Alexander Robertson James  Zb] Daniel Lewis Gibbens  [f] Eliza Putnam Gibbens  \hc Frances R. Morse  ^` Henry James ^` II Henry James II (called HJ III by some scholars in order to distinguish him from his uncle Henry James, the novelist, and his grandfather, Henry James Sr.)  ^` Sr. Henry James Sr.  `]m John Greenleaf Whittier cc` Margaret Mary James (Mrs. Bruce Porter)  h` Robertson James  m` William James  m` Jr. William James Jr. 7hY^_lWb7XXh[l_Wj_edi  Wbi autographed letter signed B Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley H Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University H bMS Am '&/(./–'&/(.'' James, William, '.*(–'/'&, Papers H bMS Am '/). James, William, '.*(–'/'&, Papers H ci Am '&/+.( James Family Additional Papers, '.+.–'/*H ci Am (+). James Family Additional Papers, '.+/–'/(( H fMS '&/(./ Alice Howe Gibbens James Family Photos H pfMS Am '&/* Henry James Photos H *(&&(M-**(b) Margaret Mary James (Mrs. Bruce Porter) Collection H bMS Eng '&.& Letters to Margaret James Porter M Rare Books and Special Collections Division, McGill University Library S Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College  jbi typed letter signed ))*  dej[ijefW][i'·* _djheZkYj_ed  '. Robert Richardson, M_bb_Wc@Wc[i0?dj^[CW[bijhece\7c[h_YWdCeZ[hd_ic (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, (&&,), (,.. Richardson has a persuasive account of Alice’s important role in facilitating William’s work.  (. Wbi, W^]` to ^`, '' November '/&-, William James Papers, '.*(–'/'&, H bMS Am '&/(.'' (*-). William gave this lecture more than once, beginning as early as '/&+. I am grateful to the Houghton Library, Harvard College, for permission to quote from the James Family Papers. I also thank Bay James for her generous permission to use James family material deposited in archives and collections. '$ij_hh_d]i  '. Information on Weymouth comes from >_ijehoe\M[ocekj^"CWiiWY^ki[jji, vol. ', >_ijeh_YWb (Weymouth cW: Weymouth Historical Society, '/()). I am grateful to Debra Sullivan, Philip Lawson Smith, and Bill Tormey of the Weymouth Historical Society for their invaluable and generous help. Information on the Gibbens family comes from Henry James II’s unpublished memoir of his mother, “Alice Howe Gibbens, '.*/–'/((,” courtesy of Michael James.  (. Information on nineteenth-century rural medical practices is taken from “Medicine,” in J^[H[WZ[h¼i9ecfWd_edje7c[h_YWd>_ijeho, n.d., '+ January (&&*, _medicine.htm.  ). Wbi, W^]` to m` Jr., * January '/&-, James Family Additional Papers, '.+/–'/(( (bulk), '.+/–'/., (inclusive), H ci Am (+).. Gift of the late William James III through the agency of Roberta A. Sheehan and of Michael James.  *. Richard D. Pierce, ed., J^[H[YehZie\j^[_ijehoe\j^[7c[h_YWdF[efb[ (New Haven Yj: Yale University Press, '/-(), ).-.  ,. Edmund Soper Hunt, H[c_d_iY[dY[i0M[ocekj^MWoiWdZM[ocekj^F[efb[ (Boston: Privately printed, '/&-), /'; Weymouth Town Records, Tufts Library , Weymouth, Massachusetts, '' September '.(,. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 05:20 GMT) dej[ijefW][i*·/  ))+  -. Henry James II’s memoir of his mother makes it clear that this separation was not only for economic reasons. See sec. (, “Alice Howe Gibbens, '.*/–'/((.”  .. Caption for daguerreotype, H bMS Am '&/(./ (*+/-.').  /. See If the Gibbenses sailed on the Dehj^[hdB_]^j, that ship’s last run from New York to Nicaragua was in February '.+,, which would help date their voyage.  '&. John Haskell Kemble, J^[FWdWcWHekj[0'.*.·'.,/ (Berkeley: University of California Press, '/*)), ',(.  ''. See Sim Moak, J^[BWije\j^[C_bb9h[[aiWdZ;WhboB_\[_dDehj^[hd9Wb_\eh# d_W (Chico YW, '/()), )–,, for a description of this area.  '(. For further information on the ill-fated Walker rebellion see Amy S. Greenberg , “A Gray-Eyed Man: Character, Appearance, and Filibustering,” @ekh# dWbe\j^[;WhboH[fkXb_Y (&, no. * ((&&&): ,-*. This skirmish may have been the battle near Virgin Bay, one of the towns on the Vanderbilt transit route. The battle took place in August '.++, and sixty Legitimists died. See Roger Bruns and Bryan Kennedy, “El Presidente Gringo,” 7c[h_YWd>_ijeho?bbki# jhWj[Z (*, no. '& ('/./): (&.  '). See Kemble, J^[FWdWcWHekj[, app. A, for a list of the Vanderbilt ships and the years they sailed the Nicaragua routes.  '*. Wbi, W^]` to Aunt Nannie [Nancy Babcock Webb Jackson], () December './(, H bMS Am '&/(.'' (,)).  '+. “Alice Howe Gibbens, '.*/–'/((,” '*.  ',. Information on the Santa Clara Ranches during this period comes from Clyde Arbuckle, IWdjW9bWhW9ekdjoHWdY^[i (San Jose YW: Harlan-Young Press, '/,.).  '-. Alice’s daughter Margaret “Peggy” James Porter learned this from a friend named Janet Peck who inherited the property through Dr. Murphy’s estate. “Alice Howe Gibbens...
