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533 Index Adornment: Earrings, 260, 261, 459; Eyebrows, 78, 484; Face Paint, 128, 329, 377, 459; Face Paint:Peyote,376;Face:Tattooing:FacePaint, 375; Feathers, 93; Hair Care, 231, 329, 358, 389, 459; Hair Care: Combs, 329; Hair Care: Hairbrush, 261; Hair Care: Scalp Lock, 262; Mescal Beans, 43, 377; Necklace, 390 Animals: Alligator, 251; Beaver, 173; Cats, 358; Cattle: Hermaphroditic Cattle, 215; Dove, 44; Dove and Snake, 249; Insects: Dragonflies, 198; Lizard, 44; Opossum, 358, 423; Prairie Dogs, 86; Raccoon, 358; Skunk, 195, 358; Snake, 44, 249, 250; Terrapins, 44 Animals: Animal Calls, 393 Animals: Birds, 197, 257, 373; Crow, 249, 358; Eagle, 197, 282; Eagles: Black Eagle, 70, 71, 165, 197, 231; Eagles: Feathers, 217; Eagles: White Eagle, 165, 197, 231; kwihnaikwasi, 374; Nighthawk, 70, 169; Owl, 426; Quail, 426; Waterbird, 390 Animals: Buffalo, 86, 215, 374; Buffalo Fetus, 84; Buffalo Hair, 376; White Buffalo, 215 Animals: Coyote, 196, 314; Nickname: ohaahnakatû, 110; Mad Coyotes/Mad Dogs, 195 Animals: Dogs, 44, 94, 162, 196, 315, 358; Mad Dogs, 195 Animal Liability, 465 Animal Powers: Bear, 129, 230; Beaver, 231, 374, 400; Buffalo, 148, 150; Buffalo: Buffalo Breath, 148; Chicken Hawk, 457; Coyote, 132, 133, 400; Dragon Fly, 198; Nighthawk, 169; Otter, 373; Porcupine, 349; Wild Goose, 457; Wolf, 359 Beliefs, 463; End of the World, 402; Ghosts, 76, 93, 132, 176, 177, 202, 203, 240, 402, 454; Handedness, 214; Moon, 401; Navel, 214; PhysicalDeformities,214,449;Rainbows,454; Reincarnation, 117; Revival of the Dead, 118, 120, 131; Soul, 92, 120; Thunder, 162; Thunderstorms, 70 Calendar: Month Names, 161 Camp Organization, 79, 111, 257, 311, 345, 463; Breaking Camp, 111, 263, 332; Duration, 94; Moving, 215; Moving: Fog, 377; Scouts, 111, 332, 407; Sentries, 288 Camp Organization: Adolescent Lodge, 91, 95, 345, 449 Camp Organization: Brush Arbors, 111, 162, 288, 375, 477 Camp Organization: Tipis, 311; Beds, 68, 311; Construction, 288; Domestic Arrangements, 345; Ear Flaps, 69; Fireplace, 69; 311; Furnishings, 292; Insulation, 69; Painted, 290; Rain Awning, 69; Sleeping Arrangements, 69, 347; Storage Racks, 69; Summer, 162; Windbreak, 162, 288 Captives, 34, 37, 67, 79, 123, 124, 151, 240, 534 INDEX Captives (continued), 279, 280, 327, 351, 399, 410, 462, 463 Christianity: Churches: Deyo Mission, 44, 339, 484 Cosmology, 39, 246, 469; Moon, 104; Star lore, 193, 312, 326, 377; Smoking Stars, 326; tatsinoke¿mia, 332 Council: Smoke Lodge: Joking, 207 Dances, 66, 126, 137, 187, 329, 330, 477, 486, 488; 49 Dance, 137, 292, 478; Back and Forth Dance, 126; Big Horse Dance, 289, 488, 491; Blow Away Dance, 177, 178; Brush Dance, 180, 477; Buffalo Dance, 478, 486, 488, 489, 490; Buffalo Hump Dance, 126; Colt Dance, 486, 488–490; Crow Dance (tuwi), 375, 486–488, 490; Crow Dance: Dogs, 486; Deer Dance, 254; Drum Dance, 486, 488; Elk Dance, 255; Fox Dance, 178, 185, 209, 488, 490; Ghost Dance, 193, 194; Horn Dance, 488; Horse Dance, 125, 164, 178, 231, 351, 486, 488–491; Knee Dance, 126, 277; Little Ponies, 125, 178, 491; na’wapinàr, 485, 486; Pipe Dance, 240, 241, 291; Round Dance, 126, 478; Scalp Dance, 58, 291, 305, 458; Scare Dance, 126, 137, 368; Shakedown Dance, 28, 152, 414, 415; Skeleton Dance, 477; Social Dances, 125, 126, 478; tuepûkûnûhka, 490; Victory Dance, 58, 66, 152, 153, 304, 408, 458; waani nûhka, 490; War Dance, 488 Directions, 104 Economy: Borrowing, 101 Economy:Hunting,39,82–84,462;Antelope,85; Arrows: Marks, 83; Buffalo Movements, 85; Butchering, 83, 84; Danger, 85; Division of Hunt, 83; Division of Labor, 84; Duration, 84, 85; Falls, 85; Horse Traders, 113; Prairie Dogs, 198; Premature Hunting: Watchers, 82; Scouts, 82; Selection, 84; Spring, 85 (see also Hunting) Economy: Poverty, 101 Economy: Trade, 33, 38; Comancheros, 127 Economy: Stores: Red Store, 342, 440, 484; Lawrence's, 485 Etiquette, 33, 37, 94, 100; Gifts, 34; Hospitality, 460 Food, 69; Alcohol, 334; Bread, 311; Buffalo, 315; Corn, 69, 346; Dogs, 196, 268, 486; Duck, 407; Eggs, 400, 407; Fish, 104; Meals, 101; 311; Provisions, 251; Salt, 155, 334; Storage, 160; Sweet Meat, 264; Taboos, 400 Food: Cooking, 38; Cooking on a Raid, 94 (see Food Preparation) Food: Drinks: Tea, 264, 315, 357, 397, 459; puhi huubA, 459; puhihuwa, 336 Food: Food Animals, 81 Food: Food Plants, 160; Sage, 315; to¿roponii¿, 379 Food: Food Plants: Berries, 139; tonopI, 377; tûbitsiwaapI, 264; Cedar Berry, 397; ekamitsáa¿, 140; eteai, 140; Gooseberry, 398; Hackberry, 264, 336, 397; kusipokopI, 140; kusiwaapokopI, 337; mitsonaa¿, 139, 264, 397; naséka...
