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Index Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Afraid of Hawk, Rocke, 153, 157 Alberta Environmental Protection Natural Resources Service (Canada), 123 alcoholism, 94–95 Algonkians, 11, 15 Allard, Charles, 71; conservation efforts, 45, 47–48, 54, 55–57; death of, 57; and the Flathead Valley, 55–57; mixed race background of, 55–56 Allard, Charles, Jr., 59, 72, 138 Allard, Joe, 59 Alloway, Charles, 33, 43, 44, 57 American Bison Society, 41, 53, 147; establishment of National Bison Range by, 61–62 American Fur Company, 48 American Indian Religious Freedom Act, 123 anthrax, 129 Antoine, Lester, 140 Arapahos, 3, 15, 105 archeological records of bison, 2–6 archery effect on bison, 4–5 Archuleta, Richard, 88–89, 98, 150 Arikaras, 4, 15 Assiniboines, 20, 85; bison herds, 70; bison use by, 93–94; conservation efforts, 104 Attahe, Joseph, 46 Aubrey, Charles, 45–46 Ayotte, Alex, 138 Azure, Wayne, 94–95, 98 Babbitt, Bruce, 82, 94, 104 Bad Bear, Georgianne, 67 Badlands National Park, 82, 161 Bannocks, 14, 105 Barnaby, Tony, 56, 57 Barsh, Russel, 8 Baynes, Ernest Harold, 41 Bedson, Samuel, 44 Bellerose, Darrell, 141 Belue, Ted Franklin, 13 Big Foot (Minniconjou chief), 27 Big Open Project, 145 bison: butchering process, 86–88; of Canada, 119–36, 137–42; captive breeding programs, 33–34, 35–36; carcasses distributed, 106–7; in cave art, 2, 31; communal harvesting of, 11–12; crossed with cattle, 39–40, 43, 50; cultural connection to Native Americans, 94–95, 104–5; cultures of the West versus East, 13–16; diet, 7–9, 30; disease affecting, 26, 68–69, 90, 100–101, 112, 124, 126, 129; displaced by cattle, 26; early conservation efforts, 21–23; early species of, 2–5; of the Flathead Valley, Montana, 46–48, 55–61, 71–73, 106; as food, 9–10, 39–40, 87, 91, 125, 146, 165, 168; and the fur trade, 18–19, 20, 22, 25, 34, 132, 136; geographic range, 29; as icons of society, 144; migration of, 8–9; modern economic value of, 146–47, 162, 164; modern species of, 3; Montana roundups, 59–60; Native American understanding of population and supply of, 20–21; nineteenth century population of, 34–35; oral tradition and, 3–4, 6–7; outlaw, 61; overkill theory, 6–7; population growth in the twentieth century, 67–68, 81–83, 99; prehistoric relationship between Native Americans and, 1–12, 105; products made from, 39; purchased by the U.S. government, 61–62; on reservations, 66–70, 154, 157–69; restoration and the eastern United States, 147–48; roping, 41–42; surveys regarding, 171–75; survival skills of, 7–8; white, 143–44, 153; Yellowstone, 28, 35, 95–96, 99–113, 114–17 Index 244 bison antiquus, 3, 4, 6 bison bison, 3–4, 4–5, 6 bison conservation: balanced with the needs of Natives, 143, 162; by Buffalo Jones, 40–43; Canadian government, 62–63; Canadian Natives, 131–36; captive breeding, 33–34, 35–40; by Charles Allard, 45, 47–48, 54; by Charles Goodnight, 37–40; Euro-American, 22, 35–45, 48–51; by Frederick Dupuis, 48–51, 54; by Harley Frank, 134–35; by James McKay, 43–45; by the Lakota, 19, 45–48, 54, 88–89; Native American, 21–23; by Peter Dupuis, 63; resistance to, 90–92, 93–94; by the Salish, 45–48, 54; by Ted Turner, 145; U.S. government, 61–62. See also Intertribal Bison Cooperative bison latifrons, 2, 3, 5 bison occidentalis, 2–3, 4 bison priscus, 2 Black Elk (Lakota), 24 Blackfeet, 4, 9, 105; bison conservation and, 21; bison material culture and, 15; diet of, 26; different tribes of, 195n5; reservation, 106 black-footed ferrets, 163 Black Moon (Lakota), 21 Blood First Nation, 131, 135 boarding school movement, 54, 66 Braudel, Fernand, 18 Brings Plenty, Carle Rae, 99, 102, 151 brucellosis, 68–69, 90, 100–101, 112, 126 buffalo. See bison Buffalo Protection Act (Canada), 120 Buffalo Recovery Project, 109–10 Buffalo Watch Program, 94–95 Bureau of Indian Affairs (bia), 91 Burke, Clayton, 122 Burlingame, Merrill, 18 Burns, Conrad, 100 butchering process, bison, 86–88 Caddos, 13 Campbell, Darren, 140 Canada: bison herds of, 119–20, 137; bison industries of, 125; bison transfers within, 120–21; conservation efforts in, 44, 62–63; disease among bison of, 124, 126, 129; free-ranging bison of, 124–25, 125, 126, 130; government conservation programs in, 121–24; government negotiations with Michel Pablo, 58–59, 138; government policies on Natives, 123–24; government support for...
