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Adams v. Richardson (1970), 36 Adarand Constructors v. Pena (1995), 14, 15 Agriculture, Department of, 25 American Creed, xiv, xvii, xix Anderson v. Martin (1964), 8 Asian doctorates, 114–17 Asians in higher education employment, 82–93, 128–29, 130–31; as administrators, 87–90, 93, 139, 140; as administrators in different states, 88–90; as faculty, 84–87, 93, 136–37, 140; as faculty in different states, 85–87; as full professors, 84, 93; as newly hired tenure-track faculty, 84, 93; in other occupations, 90–92, 142 Astin, Helen S., 53 Baron, James N., 133 Bell, Derrick, xv black doctorates, 109–13 blacks in higher education employment, 37–51, 143–44; as administrators, 44–47, 138, 140, 143–44; as administrators in different states, 45–47, 61–63; as faculty, 37–44, 135, 143–44, 160; as faculty in different states, 40–43, 58–59; as full professors, 40, 44, 135–36; as newly hired tenure-track faculty, 39, 44, 135–36, 143; in other occupations, 34, 47–50, 64–67, 141–42, 143 Bouchet, Edward S., 109 Bowen, Howard R., 119 Bowen, William G., 120 Bradley, Joseph, 2 Brown v. Board of Education (1954) 4, 6, 35 Bush, George, xxi, 33 Cakins, Mary, 53 Canady, Charles, 18 Caplow, Theodore, 118 Carnoy, Martin, 54 Carter, Jimmy, 33 Castro, Fidel, 68 Cheryl Hopwood v. State of Texas (1996), 15 Civil Rights Act of 1964, xviii–xix, 6–10, 15; Title VI of, 36; Title VII of, xix, xxi Civil Rights Act of 1991, 14 Civil Rights Bill of 1990, 14 Civil Rights Cases (1883), 2 Civil Rights Initiative. See Proposition 209 civil rights movement, 35–36, 68 Clark, Shirley, 54 Clinton, Bill, 18 Content, Robin, 118–19 Corcoran, Mary, 54 critical race theory, xv–xvi Cubans, 113 Daley, Dennis, 31–32 Dawson, Richard E., 123 Department of Agriculture, 25 Department of Health and Human Services, 22 Department of Interior, 25 Department of Justice, 24, 25 Department of the Navy, 25 Department of Transportation, 22 Department of Veteran Affairs, 25 Deskins, Donald, 120 discrimination: against Asians, xvii, 25–26, 83–84, 107, 114; against blacks, xiv–xvi, 20–22, 35–37, 111; against Hispanics, xvi–xvii, 24–25, 68, 70, 75–76, 107, 114; against Native Americans , xvii, 23, 26–28, 94, 107, 118; against women, xviii–xix, 22, 52–55, 107 Douglas, Paul H., 6 dual labor markets, 33–34, 47 Index Du Bois, W. E. B., xiv, 36 Edwards, John, 14 eeoc. See Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Eisenhower, Dwight, 4 Elazar, Daniel J., 124 Elder, Peggy, 53 Environment Protection Agency, 25 Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs, 39 Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, xxi, 7 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (eeoc), xxi, 7, 9, 21, 24–25 Equal Opportunity Act of 1995, 18 Equal Pay Act, 6, 12 Erikson, Robert S., 124–25 Espy, Herbert G., 37 Executive Order 8802, 3, 4 Executive Order 9346, 4 Executive Order 10925, 4, 5 Executive Order 11246, 8, 9, 10, 12 Fechter, Alan, 110–11 Federal Glass Ceiling Commission, 17 Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 24 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 22–23 female doctorates, 104–9; minority, 105; white, 104–5 Fifteenth Amendment (1870), 2 Finkelstein, Martin J., 54 Fleming, Walter C., 27 foreign students: Asian, 115; Hispanic, 116 Fourteenth Amendment (1868), 1, 2 Friedan, Betty, xviii, 53 Fullilove v. Klutznick (1980), 13, 15 Garza, Hisauro, 70 goals and time tables, 10 Granger, Post-Master Gideon, 21 Gray, Virginia, 123 Greenberg, Jack, 8 Greene, Harry Washington, 109–10 Greenfeld, Leah, xiv Griggs v. Duke Power Company (1971), 12, 13 Guidugli, Thomas F., 45 Hacker, Andrew, xiv–xv Hamilton, Charles V., 2 Haney Lopez, Ian F., xv–xvi Hansen, W. Lee, 45 Haro, Robert, 75, 77 Harvey, William, 119 hbcus. See historically black colleges and universities Healey, Father Patrick, 36 Health and Human Services, Department of, 22 Hero, Rodney, xvi Higher Education Act of 1965, 35, 94 Hing, Bill Ong, 82 Hinton, William A., 36 Hispanic doctorates, 113–14 Hispanics in higher education employment, 68–81; as administrators, 74–78, 80–81, 138–39, 140; as administrators in different states, 76–78; as faculty, 69–74, 80–81, 136, 140; as faculty in different states, 70–74; as full professors , 69, 81; as newly hired tenure-track faculty, 69, 81; in other occupations, 78–81, 142 historically black colleges and universities (hbcus), 35, 41–43, 60, 62 Holbrook-Provow, Thomas M., 124 Howard, Edgar, 27 Hsia, Jayjia, 83 Hwang, Sung-Don, 123 Ickes, Harold...
