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Primary Sources first level The sources at the heart of this book have come down to us in the form of letters, manuscripts, and books. They are either bilingual, containing columns of Latin and Arabic or Persian, or straightforward translations of Latin works into those languages. At the center of each chapter, one such source offers a departure point for an everexpanding investigation that slowly moves from this first item to other writings by the same author. These writings make up a “first circle” of primary sources. Beyond their content, they reveal textual peculiarities that often serve as anchors and turning points for the investigation. In deducing from these items further associations and clues for new directions, the investigation expands to other sources and documents, encompassing adjacent contexts and recovering the social and cultural networks in which our protagonists were working. Delmedigo, Joseph Solomon. “Maamar ‘al kochav shavit.” MS F 64619. Institute of Hebrew Manuscripts, Hebrew National Library, Jerusalem. ———. Melo hofanim. Edited by Abraham Geiger. Berlin, 1860. ———. Mitzraf h .okhmah. Warsaw, 1890. ———. Novlot h .okhmah. Basel, 1631. ———. Sefer Elim. Amsterdam, 1628. Reprint, Odessa, 1865. Duret [Durett], Noël. Nouvelle théorie des planètes: Conforme aux obseruations de Ptolomée, Copernie, Tycho, Lansberge, & autres excellens Astronomes, tant anciens que modernes. Avec les tables Richeliennes et Parisiennes, exactement calculées. Paris, 1635. ———. Novæ motuum cælestium ephemerides Richelianæ annorum 15, ab anno 1637 incipientes, ubi sex anni priores e fonti bus Lansbergianis, reliqui vero e numeris Tychoni-Keplerianis eruntur, quibus accesserunt. In priori parte. 1 Isagoge in Astrologiam . 2 De aeris mutatione. 3 Doctrina primi mobilis exquisite demonstrata. In secunda parte. 1 Usus tabularum astronomicarum pro rebus omnibus ad astronomiam spectantibus instituendis. 2 De crisium mysterio tractatus. 3 Gnomonices liber unus . . . London, 1647. s e l e c t e d b i b l i o g r a p h y 220 Selected Bibliography ———. Primi mobilis doctrina dvabvs partibvs contenta. In priori qvidem rectas circvlo adscriptas, circulorum ac triangulorum affectiones cum exquisitis vbique demonstrationibus complectitur. In posteriori verè eorumdem analysin vsumque continet. Paris, 1637. ———. Supplementi tabularum Richelienarum, pars prima, cum brevi planetarum, Theoria ex Kepleri, sententia. Paris, 1639. Greaves, John. “An Account of the Latitude of Constantinople, and Rhodes, Written by the Learned Mr. John Greaves, Sometime Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford, and Directed to the Most Reverend James Ussher Archbishop of Armagh.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 15 (1685): 1295– 1300. Reprint, New York: Johnson Reprint Corp.; Kraus Reprint Corp., 1963. ———. Astronomica quaedam ex traditione Shah Cholgii Persae: una cum hypothesibus planetarum: item excreta quaedam ex Alfergani elementis astronomicis, et Ali Kustigii de terrae magnitudine et sphaerarum coelestium a terra distantiis: cum interpretatione Latina. London, 1652. ———. Binae tabulae geographicae une Nassir Eddini Persae, altera Vlug Beigi Tatari. London, 1652. ———. A Discourse of the Roman Foot and Denarius. In Miscellaneous Works of Mr. John Greaves Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford, vol. 1. London, 1737. ———. Elementa linguae Persicae authore Johanne Gravio: Item Anonymus Persa de sigils Arabum & Persarum astronomicis. London, 1649. ———. Epochæ celebriores, astronomicis, chronologicis, chataiorum, Syro-Græcorum, Arabum, Persarum, chorasmiorum, usitatæ, ex traditione Ulug Beigi, Indiæ cirta extraq; gangem principis, eas primus publicavit, recensuit, & commentariis illustravit , Johannes Gravius. London, 1650. ———. Miscellaneous Works of Mr. John Greaves Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford. Edited by Thomas Birch. 2 vols. London, 1737. ———. Pyramidographia; Or, A Description of the Pyramids in Ægypt. In Miscellaneous Works of Mr. John Greaves Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford, vol. 1. London, 1737. ———.“Reflexions on a Report Made by Lord Treasurer Burleigh to the Lords of the Council . . . as Concerning the Needful Reformation of the Vulgar Kalendar, for the Civil Years and Days Accompting of Verifying According to the Time Truly Spent.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 21 (1699): 343–54. Ibn-Ma‘ārūf, Taqī al-Dīn Muh .ammad. “Baqiyyat al-t .ullāb ilā ‘ilm al-h .isāb” (1578). Topkapi Palace Museum Library, Istanbul. ———. Kitāb al-kawākib al-durrīyah fī bānkāmāt al-dawrīyah. Mīqāt Collection, MS 557/1. Dār al-Kuttub, Cairo. ———. Kitāb al-t .uruq al-samiyyah fī al-ālāt al-rūh .ānīyyah. Facsimile in Taqī al-Dīn wa al-handasah al-mīkānīkiyyah, edited by Ah .mad Yūsuf al-H . asan. Aleppo: University of Aleppo, 1976. ———. Sidrat al-muntah al-afkār fi malkūt...
